Mystic Dominator

Chapter 610: direct shot

Go deep into the industrial area.

The traces left by the previous explosion were completely invisible here.

Outside of the celebration parade route, there are even factories celebrating Harvest Day, choosing to temporarily suspend work on this day.

Coming to the location in his memory, Ronald reminded Patricia:

"Hold on……"

The voice fell, and the power of 'Rage' of refined operation began to spread the scouting range of the spell.

When this range spreads out after a kilometer.

Ronald has found a very suspicious target.

In the basement of a factory in the south, four spellcasters were gathered here, all of which Ronald could feel. The magic power fluctuations on two of them were very powerful, and they were obviously masters of the original scriptures.

As for the other two...

Might not be enough for Ronald.

But if placed in front of ordinary casters, they are also two very dangerous mysterious powerhouses.

Beside Ronald, Patricia, who noticed the change in his expression, asked:

"It's your kind of spell again, right? How about it, what's the gain?"


Ronald nodded slightly.

To ask him what he thinks now... it is that the enemy is a little weak.

For Ronald, who has left the [Infinite Negative Field], an easy-going original holder can take it down with a single face-to-face, and only the top powerhouses who master the technique of completeness need to deal with them seriously.

Like the [Nine Rings Secret Society], a two-plus-two combination of spellcasters.

He really didn't find it difficult to deal with it.

Feeling a little more complicated, Ronald turned his head and continued to explain to Patricia:

"A factory in the south, the underground where the practitioners like to stay the most."

"There are a total of four [Nine Rings Secret Society] casters, two of them have the original scriptures, and the other two are also good characters."

"The holder of the original book..." Patricia nodded slightly, and she couldn't see the slightest fear of the enemy's strength in her eyes. "Ronald, can we solve half of it alone?"

Ronald had no objection and replied while walking:

"Just as you say."


[Jiujie Secret Club] It was obvious that the situation had been investigated before the action.

In the environment of the harvest day celebration, they chose to hide the factory, which happened to be stuck in the weak spot of the investigation bureau's security network.

After all, the industrial area is not like [Weiss University].

As a complete sprawling city, the Bureau of Investigation naturally chose to gather the guards on the road that the celebration passed, rather than the insignificant places on the fringes.

So when Ronald and Patricia rushed to the location.

The investigators in charge of this place are a total of three regular investigators, one old and two new.

This combination is required to identify teams of two canon holders.

It is also somewhat unrealistic.

"Patricia, let's not alarm them."

On the way to the factory, Ronald lightly pointed to the investigator's location in the distance.

He has the confidence to deal with the caster of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] perfectly.

Naturally, I don't want to disturb other people.

As for Patricia...

The girl had no objection to this suggestion, but just put her right hand on the hilt of the sword at her waist to prove her idea with actual actions.

By night.

Ronald and Patricia entered the factory in front of them.

The factory is not very large, just a small place for the production of woven fabrics such as flour bags.

Facing the few workers inside.

When Ronald passed by, he said "sleeping", and instantly completed the clearing work before the battle.


At this time, the air in the factory became quiet.

Ronald didn't hide the magic power fluctuations when he launched the spell, so while the workers were brought down, the [Nine Rings Secret Society] caster who was hiding underground also noticed the movement.

So Ronald turned his head and smiled at Patricia.

The right finger pointed to the underground direction.

"These guys are still holding on to luck and feel that we are not here for them, but a simple 'unexpected situation'."


Patricia raised her eyebrows.

She knew that Ronald had the ability to detect people's hearts, so she did not doubt this statement at the moment, but asked directly:

"Then let's take the initiative to fight?"

"You don't have to work so hard, just force it out."

One sentence explained his thoughts, and Ronald's next actions were simple and effective.

He just waved one hand.

The black mist of **** spread out in the direction of the fingers.

The spellcaster who was hiding in the ground discovered that he dared to take a chance on this, and the four of them deployed defensive spells, and immediately rushed out from the entrance to the basement on the side.

"Ro... Ronald?"

"Ronald Adler!"

The one who called out Ronald's name was one of the four who rushed out, a guy who walked at the front and was obviously the leader of the team.

He felt bad just by noticing the spell.

Now that he came to the surface to recognize Ronald, the expression on his face was extremely difficult to see.

Why is this missing guy here!

According to the news from the organization, this guy should be trapped in the sealed world by accident, and there is no reason to return to Springs at all?

Something went wrong with the organization's plans?

What is the big change in the sealed world?

Or maybe he was in an illusion at a certain time, and everything was false?

He had also seen Ronald's information in the organization before, who was one of the most dangerous original holders in the world today, and had even sabotaged the organization's plans in Grid many times.

And now the Payday Celebration is approaching.

Are you here to deal with Ronald in front of you?

Numerous chaotic thoughts flooded into his mind, but before the spellcaster could sort out the reality, he was again shocked by the changes in front of him.


In the few seconds of this thinking.

Ronald's figure instantly disappeared from its original position.

Then the practitioner of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] turned black, and a ruthless palm clasped tightly on his face, and smashed to the ground behind with irresistible strength.

Enemy attack!

I was attacked!

Aware of his situation, the caster almost instinctively chanted a spell:

"From opening up..."


How could Ronald have the speed and strength to deal with such a person?

Just two syllables were squeezed out of the and then the back of the practitioner's head was smashed to the ground by Ronald.

The cracked bricks even protruded from the ground unsightly!

Then, the practitioner's neck softened, and the ups and downs of his chest disappeared.

Just as Ronald had expected.

To deal with an enemy of this level now is just a matter of face-to-face.

at the same time.

Just a few meters behind Ronald.

Patricia also moved.

The white swordsman's uniform and white-blond hair turned into a bolt of lightning, and the straight path did not resemble the lines made by the most precise ruler.

And before this straight lightning.

The silver blade came out of its sheath, and immediately opened up a path in front of this figure!

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