Mystic Dominator

Chapter 622: game open

"Ronald, look at this!"

No matter how difficult the labyrinth is, it is still necessary to be honest.

But just as the two of them were moving forward, Patricia suddenly raised the compass in her hand, and her tone also revealed a dignified tone.

"what happened?"

Ronald turned his head to look, just staring at the compass in Patricia's hand for ten seconds, he realized the seriousness of the problem.

Originally just out of the slum.

Theoretically, the caster of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] should be cracking the labyrinth in the river bank area.

At this moment, their forward speed is rapidly accelerating!

Judging from the form shown on the compass, these people seem to have no route deviation caused by turning westward in the middle of the labyrinth, but are rushing towards the port area at a steady speed.

This feeling……

It's like stepping out of the ghetto.

This group of people got a secret shortcut that leads straight to the port area!

——Sure enough, it’s another trap.

face this situation.

Ronald immediately confirmed that his previous choice was absolutely correct

If you want to catch the escapees from the [Nine Rings Secret Society] in this picture book maze, and be familiar with the rules of the game in this world and crack them, it is definitely a prerequisite for successful clearance.

If you follow the way of thinking of ordinary people to chase each other...

Then, when chasing this group of people out of the slum, the caster of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] will use this convenient channel to immediately distance themselves from the enemy, making the pursuer completely lose the possibility of winning the game.

It was at this time.

Seeing the expressions of the movements of the two humans, the black kitten on Ronald's shoulder spoke while guiding the way:

"The great detective, the great black cat family knows what these people do."

"At the exit of the slum labyrinth, there is a landmark tower under construction. The fugitives got paragliders with the help of the dog clan, and then climbed on it and flew directly down."


Hear this unlikely ambiguity word.

Ronald then understood how big the golden fingers of this group of enemies were in the picture book labyrinth.

Everyone was obviously trying their best to explore the labyrinth on the ground.

As a result, when it came to this group of people, it became possible to take a paraglider down without hindrance?

This is definitely a bad cheating behavior that seriously undermines the rules of the game!

Realizing what the efficiency of movement on the compass is all about, Ronald also knows his urgency.

- They have to go through this maze first!

And it had to be before the group flew to the exit of the port area!


"We're running out of time, let's go."

Calling Patricia immediately, Ronald started to move on.

But at the moment, he is not in a hurry, instead he is taking safety as his main forward strategy. If you're too busy on your way to go to the dead end of the labyrinth by mistake - that's the stupidest failure.

While moving forward steadily, Ronald even had a thought.

He didn't forget that there might be a lot of magnifying glasses in the three props, but started to identify things around him on the road to make sure they didn't step on some very outrageous mistakes.

At this time, the narration in the air also appeared just right:

"Great Detective Ronald has learned how the suspect escaped!"

"But he is very clear in his heart - panic can't give him an advantage. Only by being more patient and steady when moving forward is the best guarantee for catching the murderer!"


In this case.

Ronald's side, the two and one cat, walked in an orderly manner in the labyrinth of the port area.

At the end of the field of vision, a luxury cruise ship is moored on the largest pier in the entire port. This is the ultimate goal shared by both parties in the picture book labyrinth.

Then, when they were at the last two hundred meters of the cruise ship.

Patricia, who was in charge of paying attention to the location of the caster of the [Nine Rings Secret Society], looked at the compass and her expression changed instantly.

"Ronald, here they come!"

Ronald didn't even have to look at the compass this time.

As long as you look up and look in the direction of the city, the two and one cat can see the triangular shadow approaching here in the air.

——The five casters of [Nine Rings Secret Society] are sharing a huge paraglider.

There's even a dog on it to control the paraglider!

At this speed of flight...

In about two minutes, these people can successfully land on the cruise ship in the port!

But for Ronald's side.

The distance of two hundred meters is a real maze.

Even if there is a clear direction for the pipe, and the black kitten directly points out some fraudulent forks, it will take at least five minutes to successfully pass here!

Are you going to lose?

What is in front of us now is the real reality.

In any case, Ronald has no way to change this grim situation now.

After all, within the rules of the game, he had no choice.


I'm going to be teleported back to the Border Forest...

And then honestly being chained in place for twenty-four hours?

No, this is absolutely unacceptable!

Think of this.

Ronald's anger started from his heart, and his evil turned to courage.

A lifeless choice immediately emerged in his mind.

At this moment, Patricia on the side just said:

"Ronald, these guys are too fast!"

"They only need two minutes and twenty-four seconds to successfully land on the deck!"

Out of precise control of numbers.

When Patricia told Ronald the reality, she also calculated the opponent's speed and distance, and got a very accurate result.

Faced with this grim reality.

The expression on the girl's face was also rarely tense.

Today's pursuit of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] caster is about to end at this last joint?

Ronald looked back at Patricia.

Then he smiled arrogantly:

"Patricia, do you remember the scene when we first met?"

"It just so happens that today is the harvest day celebration, and I'll show you an interesting show."

"In December 1831, I had the privilege of being a naturalist aboard the Royal Warship 'Berger' to begin a five-year global scientific expedition..."

Under Patricia's gaze, Ronald recited the "Origin of Species" incantation in a calm manner, and then activated the completeness of this original tome.

It was originally suppressed by the complete technique of the labyrinth picture book.

Ordinary spells naturally cannot be activated.

But "Origin of Species", which is also a complete technique, is completely different!

Once this ability was activated, Ronald instantly felt a familiar power returning to his body.

And this action followed.

It is the strong resistance of the picture book labyrinth to this foreign original system!

It's as if Ronald was at Burrenwich Station because of the conflict between the Bradshaw Railroad Guide and The Divine Comedy.

Ronald's eyes darkened.

His position has changed in this instant!

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