Mystic Dominator

Chapter 654: ice ring

Anyone can tell me.

Is this really an earth creature?

The moment he saw this scene, the thought that flashed in Ronald's mind was this.

The creature that attacked the two people below had a crystal-clear and angular structure. Above the one-meter-long body, both the torso and the limbs are composed of this pure ice-like object.

There's even a red, core-like sphere at the core of this thing's torso.

Anyone's first look at this guy.

Everyone will realize that this is not a creature bred in nature, but more like a monster encountered in a fantasy game.

Just under the gaze of everyone.

The monster used its sharp ice-like limbs to plunge into the center of the body of the person below.


The sound of the impact sounded on the ice wall, along with the red blood spraying out. The expedition member who was wearing a lot of equipment was slammed into the ice layer next to him with a huge force.

This monster's sound is very small, but it is attacked at a very fast speed.

The attacker didn't have time to react at all, and was pinned to the spot motionless.

——Look at the team above.

Even Ered, the mercenary in the front position and the fastest reaction, just pulled out his gun, and he didn't even point the muzzle at this monster.

And seeing where this caused the wound and how people react...

Common sense has also made a judgment - this person is probably hopeless.

At this moment, the situation of the crisis is all the more urgent.

Above the ice layer, there are blue beasts chasing all the way from the outside; looking down the ice layer, there is only one in number, but it is also a ruthless and dangerous strange creature.

Dangerous up and down.

Being blocked in this isolated and helpless position, it is almost as difficult as going to the sky to leave safely!

bang bang bang-

At this time, Arian, who took out his gun, aimed at the ice-like creature below and started shooting.

It's not a long distance, and the bullet arrives in a blink of an eye.

The bullet hit the monster, and the hard warhead instantly shattered the thing's body, and then scattered and exploded like ice crystals.

Finally, it took the human corpse pinned to the ice crystal by it, and the remains of the two drew long bloodstains together, and then fell deeper into the ice.


At the same time, shouts of unwillingness and panic came from the communication.

It was with this cry that Ronald confirmed that he was attacked by this ice crystal creature and died as an expedition member named Angel, and the one who survived the crisis just now was another named De. lat's man.

However, faced with the results brought about by these shots.

Arianne's mood is now extremely bad.

Whether it was his duty as a mercenary to protect these people, or his promise when he had just left the base safely with his team, they all failed in the face of indifferent truth.

not to mention……

Even today he managed to take a few people and escaped in this environment.

But when he came to the outside world, Ered, who was seriously negligent in his duties, would never have any good results whether he faced his parent company or the company that issued the employment application.

After all, he is a contract mercenary.

He survived, but the protector died tragically.


Ariane couldn't help smacking her lips.

Adjusting his mentality a little, he began to adjust the pulley to continue downward, approaching the position of the last survivor, Dlatt.

Encountered this situation suddenly.

Moreover, the comrade who worked with him before died tragically in front of his eyes.

It hardly takes a second thought.

Arian was pretty sure that Dratt couldn't handle the tools by himself now, and came back to the upper side.

Yet this is the action.

Let Ered realize again that the situation is more troublesome than he thought.

Just as he was descending, the 'chacha' sound amplified by the pickup headphones appeared again. Arianne tilted his head and turned the overhead light toward the lower part of the ice cave.


Lights are cast.

Arian saw the ice crystal creature that was shot down just now. At this moment, he did not know how to recover his body, and then climbed up again!

And this time is different from the simple stealth hunting before.

Because of the damage from the gunshot, this thing has obviously become more violent in its movements, and its crawling speed on the ice wall has increased a lot!

The scene below was also seen by the players above.

As an existence with a unique source of information, Ronald is once again aware of the current situation.

——This is definitely a life test of the original test!

If you don't want to survive now, then being slaughtered by this thing is almost an ironclad result.

Raising his head slightly, Ronald's eyes immediately fell on the annular ice road on the upper layer.

This tunnel in the ice built around the entire huge glacial lake is definitely the only chance to survive at the moment - you must seize the opportunity!

"Go, run up!"

Ronald hardly hesitated for a second.

While shouting for several team members, he immediately went in the direction of the ice ring.

With the help of the rope pulleys set up in advance, their ascent speed is not slow, and they quickly pass a turn and enter the inside of the ice ring structure here.

-Remove the lighting on Ronald and the others.

- There are other light sources in the ice ring here.

The previous explorers naturally did not miss the reason for such obvious places, so they inserted special long-lasting fluorescent lamps on the walls of the ice ring at regular intervals.

Although it doesn't make it bright here.

But under the premise of the ice structure, this kind of lighting will not make people completely unable to see the road.

pop- pop-


At this time, there were two more gunshots coming from the tunnel under the ice behind him, followed by Delater's terrified shouts in the communication.


Almost in the next instant.

Delater's desperate, painful wailing sounded in the communication.

The only voice in the icy communication at the moment is his alone, which reflects the desperation of the current situation.

Waited a few more seconds.

Arianne's breathless voice resounded in the communication:

"This thing can't be killed with a gun!"

"Go away, I'll blow up this place!"

Ronald and the others looked at each other in The situation at the moment really did not allow them to continue to hesitate, so they had to turn around and continue walking towards the depths of the environmental ice ring.


Before long, a violent explosion sounded behind him.

Irene didn't know what explosives were used, and they could even feel the vibration of the ice cubes in this position!


Another time has passed.

Ariane trotted to catch up with the fleeing party.

At this moment, the mercenary didn't even insist on a bad facial expression, and said with a sullen face like a concubine:

"No, I really don't have time to save him."

"As long as that thing touches the ice, it seems to be able to repair its shattered body with ice cubes. A simple gun is completely useless!"

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