Mystic Dominator

Chapter 656: gem



Such emergencies clearly exceeded all expectations.

Seeing a big living person disappear in front of them, even Ronald stopped his translation work, and a few people immediately surrounded Grady's disappearing position.


The curious atmosphere of the translation just now was replaced by a silent and repressed atmosphere.

the reason is simple--

The truth about what happened to Grady is revealed before their eyes.

First of all, there is a huge pothole under the ice here. Then on the surface of the pit, there is a thin layer of ice that is not very transparent, but at the same time is not very hard.

Once someone with excess weight or cargo steps on it, it will immediately crush this layer of glass and then fall below.

As for Grady...

His weight is enough to press the ice.

And this obviously set up as a trap will naturally not leave Grady alive.

After stepping on the air, he fell below, and was instantly pierced by the sharp ice pick below. The blood did not flow very far along the cold ice surface, and was soon frozen by the ice cubes at the bottom of this terrifying pothole.



Seeing that another companion died in front of him, Ivy slumped on the ground with a "pop", and his eyes became dull.

For the team doctor.

In just an hour, she witnessed the deaths of so many of her companions, but she could not see any hope at all. This feeling of powerlessness had made her unable to continue.


Ariane, whose expression was also extremely bad, looked a little unwilling now.

Lying on the ground on the edge of the ice crater, he took the initiative to remove the flashlight placed on his helmet, and then tried his best to look around Grady's body.


Such behavior cannot restore the cold reality.

Grady, who had died in the trap, had no chance of surviving, and even retrieving his body was impossible.

"I really... huh?"

Ariane was about to obey her emotions and start cursing.

But just when he retracted the flashlight, the bright light from the flashlight shone on the ice wall of the pothole, and something seemed to flash away on the blue shadow reflected!

No hope can be given up in the current dire situation.

Seeing that there was something suspected to exist in the ice wall there, Arian immediately adjusted the angle of the light in his hand and tried to illuminate it from another position.

Then, an astonishing discovery appeared in front of people's eyes.

In the position of the ice wall illuminated by Arien, there is a beautiful gem in the shape of a ring!

Even if it is deeply embedded in the ice, it still emits a strange light. It is precisely because of the existence of this light that Arien just found its location when he irradiated it with a flashlight.


"Yang, Yani, you two come to see?"

The new student appeared in front of him suspiciously.

Arian didn't hesitate, and immediately turned to look at the two professionals beside him:

"What is this, can you recognize it?"


Don't take this too seriously!

When Ronald saw this gem, his eyes immediately moved to the mural he had translated earlier.

The story recorded in the murals -

The gem that the prophet brought back from the ice lake—

Isn't it exactly the same in shape as the one frozen on the ice wall right now!

Such a high degree of similarity is naturally hidden from the other people. After everyone realized this, only four people remained in the team, and the atmosphere changed again.

Humans are such amazing creatures.

Clearly facing danger.

But if something of great value appears in front of them, they will still selectively forget the danger they face.

The team was silent for a few seconds.

Arianne then continued to tentatively say to Ronald:

"Mr. Yang, let's continue to translate?"


Ronald's expression was rather hesitant now.

If he thinks that this is a normal team to explore and investigate, he naturally doesn't mind continuing to work at this time.

But this team now has the nature of a private company, as well as the absolutely abnormal ice crystal creatures that they encountered just now, and even the absolute danger of the original test itself.

All this makes Ronald now vigilant.

Do you really want to continue translating?

"Yang, continue to translate. We have nothing to hesitate in our current situation."

At this moment, instead, Yanni behind Ronald offered his advice.

"All right……"

Ronald nodded slightly.

At the moment, this team of only four people is really embattled.

Under the current circumstances, simply breaking the jar and trying to find the possibility is also an option.

Ronald continued to look behind the mural.

However, a fourth picture was identified on the ice wall, and its content became horrifying.

A person holding a gem in his hand stood on a high platform, and around him were several people tied to icicles, and the surrounding environment was like a sacrificial altar.

Ronald translated the above text under the inertia of many years of work:

"The lives of four vile thieves were given by the king to the goddess. The subsequent gems gave him a healthier body and..."

Ronald's translation came to an abrupt end.

He suddenly raised his head to look at the opposite, and immediately found that Arian's expression had changed dramatically.

The mercenary, who was still thinking about how to protect the team, took a few steps back when he heard the translation. Facing the ice crater, he accelerated with a sprint, and with all his strength, he jumped high and jumped to the opposite side of the concave ice crater.

Learned from the experience of Grady's tragic death.

Ariane then carefully illuminated the ice surface under his feet with a flashlight, and after determining the specific situation below, he aimed at the location and kicked down.


Another thin sheet of ice shattered.

It's true that Ariane didn't fall into the trap like Grady.

Under the ice surface he stepped on, there was actually a long ladder leading to the bottom. The mercenary stepped on the ladder to come down, and then took the ring gem hidden in the ice from a palm-shaped sculpture. came out.

"A healthier body. The eternal life promised by the goddess..."

He was still muttering, but Arian had already made a calculation in his He walked up the ladder again, and before he came out, he took the initiative to say loudly:

"Everyone, if we can successfully bring this thing back, then all the losses of this expedition will be recovered. The people of the company must understand its value, I..."

At this time, Ariane's eyes crossed the ice.

The expression on his face instantly became cold, and the shouting in his mouth also subsided.

Just a few minutes.

The situation above the ice was completely different from when he went down.

Ronald and Yanni have both disappeared, not even a shadow is left. Only Ivy was still sitting there, with a sluggish look on her face that she couldn't move at all.

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