Mystic Dominator

Chapter 660: disaster


Ronald and Yanni were nimbly moving forward in the tunnel.

But this journey only lasted for half an hour, and a huge noise sounded in the ice on their right.

"What happened?"

"It's the direction of the ice lake..."

Ronald and Yanni looked at each other, and they had already judged that there was a problem with the vast glacial lake.

Right at the same time.

More dramatic changes continue to take place.

This sound did not appear alone, it was also accompanied by an unusually violent vibration!

The tremor, like a landslide and ground fissure, continued to increase in intensity while the tremors continued. There was no debilitating and violent tremor at all, occupying almost all the perceptions of the two of them.

Natural earthquakes, or vibrations caused by things like dynamite bombing, are definitely not like this!

Ronald's mood sank immediately.

The embarrassment in reality is also very embarrassing.

You must know that this is a completely frozen environment!

Even with non-slip shoes on their feet, Ronald and Yanni couldn't keep their balance under such severe tremors. Right now, they can only pull out their picks and jam them into the ice, and then rely on the corners of the ice ring tunnel as much as possible.

It is under this laborious and arduous operation.

They barely supported themselves from being directly thrown away by the shock.



That's it.

Some complex and chaotic sounds came from further away.

Ronald immediately realized that this was the cry of many kinds of creatures, and other beings living in this environment were indeed struggling in the face of such a shock.

"Yani, how are you?"

Ronald asked loudly about Yanni's current condition not far away.

That's all he can do now.

Going a step further, such as physical contact and other stable positions, it is almost as difficult to do now!

Yanni also shouted loudly to Ronald:

"I have no problem here, be careful yourself!"

click -

The shaking around the ice lake did not stop because of their mutual encouragement, but continued to intensify.

Finally, there was a sound, or a huge cracking sound.

The ice block they were on couldn't withstand this continuous shaking, and the structure that had been standing still for thousands of years began to gradually collapse under the shaking.

And even more deadly.

It was Ronald who watched as a gap in the ice opened and widened, and then spread towards the two of them!

Ronald knew very well that at this moment, he couldn't make any decent resistance.

At this time, he remembered the equipment on his body.

So Ronald tried his best to hold the pickaxe in his hand, and then smashed it to death on the ice cube in front of him:

"Yani, watch out for the crack over there!"

During the violent shaking, Ronald reminded Yanni and stared at the crack that spread over. He saw a rhythmic interval of vibration, and then risked releasing one hand to untie the safety rope around his waist, moving towards the rhythm. Yanni's direction was thrown in the past:



Yanni's response was quick enough.

She reached out to the safety rope that Ronald threw, but the disturbance of the vibration was too great for Yanni to catch it.


In the cold and dangerous ice ring tunnel, Yanni's eyes sank.

Although she did not fail to catch it the first time, Yanni made a decision immediately. Taking the risk of sticking her body completely on the ice, she took advantage of the power of the vibration to grab the rope and fasten it to the lock on her waist.

boom -

The tremors of the ice cubes continued.

The little struggle between the two did not make any waves.

And this terrible vibration lasted for nearly a quarter of an hour before finally showing signs of fatigue, and finally disappeared in the process of a little bit of decline.

At this moment-

The environment of this underground glacial lake.

Maybe it can no longer be called by the method just now.

Due to the continuous shaking, this force shook the ice lake and the surrounding huge ice blocks into large and small fragments, and the original lake water was poured into the gaps of these fragments.

The buoyancy of the water then kept the pieces afloat.

The lights that the expedition team had inserted in the ice ring tunnel, because of the extremely high quality, also floated here sporadically along with the ice floes.

Stars and dots of shining ice are reflected on the deep blue water of the lake.

Not to mention the disaster that just happened here.

It can be called a beautiful scenery where the stars are reflected on the ground.


"Old Yang, how are you?"

In such a dreamlike scene, Yanni asked Ronald next to him in a weak tone on a large piece of ice.

It can be said to be a fortune in misfortune.

In this horror movie environment that can definitely be called a natural disaster, the ice ring tunnel they were in just happened to be completely broken by the shock. After the two fixed their bodies on the broken ice, they came to the surface of the water with buoyancy. superior.

If all this is not just right.

As long as the crack bends in the other direction, then the two are likely to be stuck in the surrounding lake water under the premise of being trapped in the ice ring tunnel.

At that time, whether hypoxia or other problems.

Those are things that can kill people!

And not far from Yanni, Ronald untied the safety rope that connected the two, and then lay down on the broken ice, panting:

"Except for my physical strength, I didn't suffer any injuries."

The experience of Ronald and Yanni is nothing short of miraculous.

Having been through such a dangerous and horrific disaster, neither of them suffered any apparent harm, save for bruises and abrasions from colliding with ice.

Now as long as you can get a sufficient rest period.

It's not a problem to get up again and find your way out of here.

- You must know that now is not as good as before.

——After the violent vibration, the terrain structure around the ruins has been completely shattered!

Regardless of the blue-skinned creatures before, or those ice crystals, or other things that Ronald encountered later, it is impossible to adapt to such an ice floe lake environment for the first time now.

Just hurry up and find a way out of here.

Then it is absolutely not difficult to leave this completely destroyed underground ruins.

But Ronald and Yanni didn't think about it.

Both of them with professional knowledge know that there is another issue that must be considered.

They looked at each other.

Yanni asked the question first:

"Old Yang, what do you think the shock is about?"

"It definitely doesn't occur naturally."

- The evidence is very clear.

Although the perimeter of the glacial lake has been completely shattered by the, the underground contours that maintain the space are still intact. If it is really a natural disaster, then this underground space should be destroyed together.

There is absolutely no reason why nothing has changed!

Immediately, a natural conjecture came to mind.

"Could it be Arian..."


Suddenly, the two tacitly stopped the conversation, and then turned their heads to look at a position in unison.

the direction of their sight.

A figure is approaching!

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