Mystic Dominator

Chapter 668: Please give a name



Ronald was a little puzzled.

Judging from the girl's dress, attitude, and address to herself, he could guess that this was the maid of the Adler family.

Although the timing of the appearance is very "coincidence".

But judging from the momentum caused by the battle between himself and the artificial god, the possibility of the opponent being attracted also exists.

But here's the problem.

After the first greeting, the maid's subsequent reaction was very strange.

Braving the snow in the sky, the other party stood beside Ronald with a very gentle smile, and even took the initiative to open the umbrella to shield him from the snow. But other than that, the maid didn't do anything else.

There are no superfluous questions and conversations, no action to take a position, not even the thought of revealing one's position.

Let the snow cover Ronald's lower body slowly and form an umbrella-shaped arc boundary, she still maintains the same kind smile, like a beautiful statue created.


In all fairness, Ronald wanted to ask questions.

However, all his physical strength and magic power are now devoted to the priority of repairing his body, so that it is extremely difficult to even speak.


In this way, the two maintained this state for a very long time.

Until the snow got bigger and bigger, the accumulated snowflakes had accumulated more than ten centimeters around the two of them.

Ronald finally had the strength to speak.

"You... hello?"

"Master, I feel fine now."

The maid replied to Ronald with a serious face, and even bowed her knees slightly to show his respect.

But after that, she continued to remain motionless, still the same as before.

Of course Ronald didn't intend to lie on the Wes River all the time, so he continued to ask tentatively:

"Can you help me up if you can?"

"It doesn't feel good to be submerged in snow a little bit like this."

"I thought it was your personal hobby, Master." After Ronald took the initiative to speak, the maid immediately sat side-legged in front of Ronald, and then stretched out her hands to gently lift his upper body into her arms. The umbrella was sandwiched between the two of them to shield them from the wind and snow. While the maid was helping Ronald to sweep away the snowflakes, his voice sounded softly in his ear, "After the battle, you really need a warm embrace, right?"


The maid's body was actually very cold.

As far as Ronald's direct feelings are concerned.

He felt as if he was being embraced by a soft stone, and he didn't feel the 'warmth' in the other's mouth at all.

Being held in his arms by the maid like this, Ronald thought about it carefully.

Then he asked according to the record in his diary:

"Marian, can you help me deal with my injury?"


Asking is simple.

But this was another careful test by Ronald.

Due to the fact that his body is completely unable to move, every word he speaks now is questioned only after careful thought.

It's like considering the relationship between that Ronald and this maid.

He definitely couldn't open his mouth to directly ask whether the other party would have healing spells. This kind of question would be exposed immediately, and he was completely unfamiliar with the fact that this maid's identity and abilities were.

So it's just 'Can you help me deal with the injury? ’ Such ambiguous questions can better avoid exposing the problem.

Then the maid's reaction.

Let Ronald feel a little luck in his heart.

The other party didn't ask any more questions, but gently wrapped his hands around Ronald's chest, and then gently reminded:

"Master, please bear with me for a while."


The voice almost fell to the ground.

Ronald felt a very cold and oppressive magic power pouring into his body.

It was a powerful force that felt like reality, and it was even among the best of all spellcasters Ronald had ever seen. And you need to know one thing - the performance of magical properties varies according to the user to a certain extent.

This shows that this maid, under such a gentle attitude towards herself, is actually hiding a very indifferent and cold heart.

So what is the origin of this guy?

With such a powerful force, he is willing to follow the Adler family, a force with only one seedling left, hiding incognito in a town on the edge of the civilized world?


The cold magic doesn't feel good though.

But it does not affect the speed of healing wounds.

Just as Ronald was thinking about these questions, the maid's healing spells repaired his body very quickly, repairing all the damage he suffered in the original explosion.

Although the lost mana and stamina have not been recovered.

But considering the recovery efficiency when Ronald was treated by the Church after being seriously injured in Burrenwich.

Compare the two.

You can also see how outstanding this maid's healing spell is.

However, this luck was short-lived.

Just when Ronald was in a slightly better mood, the next second of the maid's speech made him fall into an ice cave.

Still hugging Ronald lightly.

The maid slowly sighed in a soft voice:

" that true..."

"Master Ronald, he has left this world permanently now."


Ronald was silent.

If it wasn't for this healing spell failing to help him regain his stamina, he would definitely have jumped up and got out of the other's arms by now.

What does it mean?

Just by treating yourself to this simple link.

This maid has already determined his true identity, not the former Ronald Adler?

Ronald's mind was quickly thinking about coping strategies.

But just as he came up with an excuse, an even more astonishing speech continued from the maid's mouth:

"In that case..."

"Then what shall I call you in the years to come? Mr. Yang?"

Mind reading? prophecy? Or some other spell?

For a moment, Ronald even thought that he was still unable to escape from the original test of "The Divine Comedy".

What are you kidding?

Is his identity as a transmigrator so simple to be seen through?

If it is understandable to see that he is not the original Ronald, then it is completely unexpected to reveal the identity before the time-travel.

With the only information Ronald had, he didn't even know how much information he had exposed.

I just finished solving the artificial As a result, this is another difficult one to deal with?

After defeating the boss, give it a break anyway, the protagonist of the hot-blooded comics does not have this kind of treatment!

However, the maid seemed to anticipate all of Ronald's reactions.

The moment Ronald's heart started to frantic, she continued to speak in a gentle voice:

"Don't worry, I have no hostility towards you."

"According to the contract signed with Adler, I will continue to work for you in the future."

"Now, please decide what I will call you."


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