Mystic Dominator

Chapter 689: deal struck

What kind of remuneration to pay...

In the face of the conditions proposed by Orlanke, Ronald's mind has been activated.

compared to fighting.

He naturally prefers to obtain information by trading.

After briefly analyzing the conversation between the two, Ronald immediately asked confidently:

"Then Mr. Orlanke, since you proposed a way to deal, you must have a goal, right?"

Orlanke also didn't intend to be covert.

When Ronald broke the truth, he said almost immediately:

"Mr. Ronald, you guessed right."

"I actually have two thoughts on my side about the transaction."

"The first is that you join us in Benica. We belong to the same organization, so we can naturally share the information that everyone has."

Ronald shook his head decisively and refused:

"I'm sorry for that."

"While Kostat and I are working on solving the Joiz Forest, until then, we essentially have responsibilities that must be maintained."


Orlank nodded slightly to express his understanding:

"I understand, let's talk about the second plan."

"Mr. Ronald, I am very interested in your spell that can see far away in the dark. Can you teach it to the casters in our camp?"


Ronald almost thought he had heard it wrong.

Let him teach Benica's spellcasters?

Knowing that you can see far away in the dark is fine. After all, this can be noticed from Ponton's description just now, but when it comes to imparting spells...

The study of spells is closely related to the scriptures.

This is almost equivalent to locking the identity of the holder of Ronald's original book!

How did Orrank know?

In terms of magic power control, Ronald thought he was quite in place.

So without exposing the information directly, the other party noticed that he was holding the original scriptures?

Ronald looked suspicious.

Orlanke, who was opposite, suddenly laughed:


"Mr. Ronald. Well, you don't need to be too surprised. In fact, with the previous world change, the world we live in is also undergoing some wonderful changes."

"For example, the magic that the mysterious side depends on for survival - now as long as the caster has a very thorough understanding of their own spells, it can also be taught to others. This aspect is not the same as in the past. The teaching of magic."


Super heavyweight news!

The eyebrows raised on Ronald's face, his expression was completely different from before.

The fact that this kind of spell can be taught and taught in an ordinary sense is almost infinitely increasing the ability of the mysterious side to interfere with the world, not to mention the world itself where people live in such a change.

And from Ronald's point of view --

Compared with most people in the world who don't know the situation, he has a deeper understanding of the nature of the changes in the world - this must be the result of Katerina, who is in the [Infinite Negative Realm], after performing a certain action. .

And the head of the Astronomy Department...

Ronald didn't think the other side would want to see that.


Ronald's musings cause Orlanke's misunderstanding.

So the leader of Benica continued:

"Mr. Ronald, I know that you are very doubtful about the authenticity of this sentence. As a guarantee, we can provide you with an absolutely safe and confidential environment. You can teach spells with your female companions to verify my statement."

Ronald shook his head immediately:

"No, I don't doubt that."

"The ability to teach spells just through normal teaching - this kind of thing has too much impact on the world. I... I was a little shocked for a while."

"Understandable, I totally understand." Orlanke nodded immediately. "Actually, when I first got such news, I thought it was an intelligence problem. However, after trying it out, the facts are the facts."

After expressing each other's shock at the news.

Ronald then spoke his thoughts again:

"Mr. Orlank, I don't mind exchanging information with the condition of teaching spells. But the ability to make mistakes in the dark is quite special, and I hope to exchange it for other spells."


Hearing Ronald's answer, Orrank frowned.

However, he did not directly refuse, but reiterated his request in an aggravated tone:

"Mr. Ronald, if you need to do this, the spell must have the value it deserves."

Ronald had already made plans.

A condition that has little impact but can definitely impress the other party immediately blurted out:

"This is a spell used to restore the state, and the user can repair the physical condition by eating a lot."

"Healing spells..."

Hearing this, Orlank immediately became energized.

For spellcasters on the mysterious side, spells that can heal injuries are always of great value. After all, protecting one's own life in reality is the guarantee that everyone instinctively pursues.

So I just thought about it for a few seconds.

A very friendly smile appeared on Orlanke's face again:

"In that case - Mr. Ronald, I think this deal should be done. In order to show our sincerity, I can give you the information you need first."

Ronald certainly doesn't mind a good thing like this:

"Thank you for your generosity..."

As a leader with official business at hand, Orlanke clearly didn't intend to waste his time. So after Ronald responded, he immediately started to introduce:

"The first thing is about the tree spirits in your mouth - according to our knowledge, there are about thirty to fifty in the entire Yoiz Forest, and their specific behaviors are similar to what you said."

"And the mother—to be honest, we didn't succeed in interrogating the dryads as well as you did, but there's also very suspicious information to offer."

Having said that, Orlanke paused briefly to speak.

The leader of Benica turned to open the window of the back office, and then pointed to the forest in the distance and said:

"See this green mist?"

"The powder that composes is the trace left by us in Benegaard when we slaughtered a powerful creature. The thing is made of plants, and it is near our camp. I can't vouch for the accuracy of the information, But I think it is very likely that it is the mother of the dryad you speak of."

Ronald immediately asked:

"What about its current state?"

Orlank shook his head regretfully:

"Sorry, we didn't succeed in killing this powerful creature."

"After breaking through the encirclement and suppression of the caster on our side, that guy fled to the west of Yoiz Forest."

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