Mystic Dominator

Chapter 692: Learn

"Mr. Ronald, is there anything you want to say?"

Orlank's face did not hide his hostility at all.

At the same time as he walked towards Ronald, the magic power of the Benedictine leader also became very active, and the attitude of doing something if there was a disagreement was placed in front of almost everyone.


Ronald frowned slightly as he looked at Orlanke walking in front of him.

With the power of "Rage", he knew the surrounding situation very well. Except for the surviving casters who were present, there was no sign of other people's activities around the burning forest ruins.

- In other words.

If Orlanke also noticed this.

Then, in the premise that the culprit cannot be found immediately, the countermeasures to quickly revive people's hearts will become very limited.

And one of the simplest of them...

Naturally, it was Ronald and the three in front of him.

I just encountered this kind of thing when I entered the Benica camp, and the origin is a little unclear. If the three Ronalds are identified as one of the initiators of this attack, then as long as Orlanc can deal with them in full view - in addition to immediately re-establishing his prestige in a state of panic, for Gathering people's hearts will also have a good effect.

Sacrifice unrelated strangers to stabilize your situation.

Ronald can understand the other side making this choice.

But unfortunately, Orlanke chose the wrong person.

Not even mentioning Ronald himself, even if Kostat is the only one in Camp Benega today, these spellcasters may not be able to take him down.


Ronald sighed slightly.

Before he started, he reminded him on the premise of fulfilling his moral obligations:

"Mr. Orrank."

"There should be a lot of people trapped in this camp. I think rescuing them is the most important thing right now."


Ronald gave Orlanke an option.

It's just that the leader still insists on his own ideas.

When Orrank heard Ronald's suggestion, the anger on his expression did not diminish, and his tone was even more indifferent:

"There is no need for outsiders to interfere with Benica's affairs."

"Mr. Ronald, I hope now that you can explain your details and prove that you have nothing to do with this despicable attack!"

Orlanke's words were loud.

After he made such a clear request, other magicians around him all cast their gazes.

After all, this was originally Orlanc's camp.

Many practitioners have just realized that they may have lost valuable research materials, important friends in the past, and home...

Emotions are slightly driven by words.

The surrounding atmosphere becomes dangerous and exciting.

Ronald doesn't even need to sense the situation with the power of 'Rage'.

With a simple scan of the surroundings, the dangerous expressions of these casters can tell the current situation.

"Sir, do these people need to be removed?"

At this time, Kostat, as always, spoke behind Ronald.

The maid's voice was calm as usual.

It seemed to her that the angry casters around were nothing more than roadside weeds that could be handled easily, no different from what they handled when walking through the Yoiz Forest.

Ronald certainly couldn't let Costart go on a killing spree here.

Hearing such an inquiry, he naturally immediately turned his head:

"Costat, things haven't gotten to that point. Let's try not to directly consider using violence when dealing with problems!"

Costart tilted his head and thought for a while, and quickly continued to ask:

"Sir, then at what point do we resort to violence?"

Ronald went on to explain:

"Violence is the option that should be considered after careful consideration and confirmation that normal negotiation really can't solve the problem."


"Sir, you are very kind."

"This is the most basic moral bottom line. When you come up and think about killing people, there must be something wrong with your brain!"

When Ronald and Kostat started to discuss the question of 'whether the strong should control the life of the weak at will', Orlanke's face on the side had become extremely distorted.

The treatment that was ignored by the two in front of him.

This made the anger in the heart of the leader of Benica rush out directly.

"good very good!"

"In that case..."

"Shut up!" At this time, Ronald immediately sensed that Orlank was going to make a move through the power of "Rage". The double superposition of the speech and spirit abilities of "Paradise" and "Purgatory" directly prevented the caster from chanting the spell.


The surrounding air became quiet.

Before the real action, no one thought that this young man who looked only about twenty years old could subdue Orlanke in an instant.

To know the power alone.

The leader of Benica is at least a top-level caster!

Just when everyone was shocked, Kostat, who was discussing with Ronald just now, spoke calmly again:

"Sir, didn't you say try not to use violence?"

Ronald explained succinctly:

"I detected that this guy is going to do something, so I will control him first."

The maid continued:

"Sir, I understand your 'some habits'."

"Allenk is ready to act, but he has not yet started the actual violence. So you mean - in the face of unimplemented attacks, is it okay for us to use violence in advance?"


For a moment, Ronald almost thought he was fighting someone.

But he was well aware of the situation with Kostat.

Thinking about the actual situation of the maid in front of him, and recalling the details of the previous relationship, Ronald immediately had a guess.

"Costat, are you very curious about the environment I used to live in, so you want to know as much as possible about it."


This time, Costat was stunned.

Before Ronald spoke, she didn't seem to realize that out of curiosity, she was actively seeking this information from Ronald.

So after the situation is broken.

Costat was silent for a few seconds before he said again with a serious expression:

"Sir, your wisdom is as profound as ever."


"I told you not to do this..."

"You bastard—let Mr. Orlank go!"

A sudden shout came from the other just when most of the casters were frightened by the scene in front of them, and each speculated and thought about the next situation. To the north of the ruins, a dark-faced young man stood up suddenly, shouting and rushing towards Ronald.

Whether you want to gamble.

Or that he really poured a lot of affection into the force of Benica.

In short, after looking at Orlanke who was restrained by Ronald, the young man had a desperate determination on his face.

With a weak defensive spell, he came to Ronald.

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