Mystic Dominator

Chapter 716: discussion meeting

Track Ogle in the tree city of Organ's Mystery.

Ronald feels so relieved now.

Look at the target - the power of 'Rage' is locked on the opponent, and you don't need to worry about losing your target.

Looking at the situation around him-emotional perception, changing appearance, and extremely strong physical fitness, these three are combined in one person, and it is easy to sneak into a city.

Ronald even felt like he was just walking around.

It was as if he was taking a walk in the streets around the mansion after dinner.


"Just try this."

Experience the ease of tracking your work like never before.

Ronald suddenly became interested, so he activated the greed in "Purgatory" again, and the target was directly locked on Ogle in front.


- Age 34.

- The liver organ is in poor condition.

- Magic is very active and maintains the life of casting spells for a long time.

The spell took effect silently, and Ronald immediately learned a lot of information about Ogle.

The greedy ability is very interesting.

Because the distance between Ronald and Ogle is not too far, this spell will always send back the contact information of the other party, and even the heart rate of the other party can be checked at any time.

Such spells...

Not to mention what effect it can have in combat.

Even in some special occasions, it can definitely achieve miraculous results.


Silently experiencing his new spell.

Ronald followed Ogle in this way and continued to go deeper into the tree city.

The caster of the secret of Organ has a clear goal, and he left the conference room and went all the way to the core of the entire tree city.

It was here that Ronald ran into some problems.

As the most important core building of the entire Organ's Mystery at present, in order to provide a safe enough environment for the helms of the school, every corner here is surrounded by magic-enhanced trees.

And the only entrance for people to enter and exit.

There are also several serious-looking spellcasters guarding this place.

Ronald wants to enter here as easily as he just walked in the city, there is basically no possibility.


Ronald murmured, the actual action was much simpler.

It's not easy - it's just a little bit of work.

Just now he sent a word to the doorman of the conference room to control it, so the guards guarding the core building should use the **** ability of the sin of arrogance.

"You guys, didn't see me coming in!"


The guard at the door was instantly stunned.

Ronald's current strength is far beyond the norm. These spellcasters, who have not even mastered the original scriptures, do not even have the opportunity to resist in front of him, and they are all controlled by the power of spells when they face each other.

Ronald then picked a good-looking man among the guards.

His appearance changed, and then he continued to swagger into the building.

As the core building of Organ's Secret, the number of spellcasters operating here is actually very small, and Ronald and the past don't even need to think about trying to avoid it.

It hangs behind it at a distance.

Ronald saw all of Ogle's actions in his eyes.

This caster is very efficient.

After entering the building, he first reported to the leader of the school of Organ's Secret, and then in less than ten minutes, he notified all the responsible persons in the building of the meeting.

By the time this important meeting convened, the time had just passed a quarter of an hour.

throughout the process.

The only thing Ogle didn't expect.

Probably the person who was guarding at the door of the conference room, had actually been replaced by Ronald, who had changed his appearance unknowingly.

And for Ronald.

He's now in the perfect auditorium.

With a strong enough hearing support, the meeting site just one door apart was like having a discussion in front of Ronald.


"Oger, are you sure your message will not go wrong?"

"My lord, as soon as I got the news from that Mr. Ronald, I came immediately without any chance of verification."

"Well... well done."

"Then I want to make a statement to you. This is the highest-level confidential discussion of the school. Stop the eavesdropping runes on your body first. This meeting will not exist in any records."

brush brush-

The end of the meeting is simply and directly notified.

Ronald immediately felt a neat wave of magic power.

The real content of the meeting didn't begin until all the attendees entered a state of secrecy:

"The situation is rather special, so I'll just go straight to it."

"According to the latest news here, the original text that affected the forest to produce mutations is now located in the camp we established."


"Sir, are you kidding me?"


The noisy sound lasted for more than ten seconds before it gradually stopped.

At this time, an old voice sounded in the conference room:

"Dave, since you said that this scripture is here, it should already be in the state of being held, right? We also monitor the period of the mutation. If it is an unowned scripture, it cannot be concealed. Through my eyes, someone must have brought it into the camp."

"The person who carried this scripture infiltrated us?"

"Could it be that the real purpose of this forest mutation was actually aimed at the secret of our Organ?"

"Perhaps his purpose was our scriptures?"

"The Book of Organ is the strongest group in the known rune scriptures. This is definitely something that can make people take risks!"

"We won't participate in the battle! In order to build this camp, our oldest treemen have been integrated into the trees, and the summoners can't take on more things!"

The meeting room is getting more and more chaotic.

At this time, the person organizing the meeting said loudly:


"Don't mess around here!"

"The person carrying this scripture is just a young man, and he may not even know the importance of what he holds. I am gathering everyone now to discuss what to do with him now!"


The conference room was silent for a few seconds, and then someone spoke again:

"Hehe, such a young man holding such a dangerous scripture will actually only play a role in harming others and himself. As an old-fashioned force active in Yoiz, Organ's Secret should take the initiative to take such a risk."

"We summoners are willing to take such a risk!"

"Your strength is seriously damaged now, how can UU read be so strong, it's still up to us..."

"Our security department is the one who needs it the most... and should take this responsibility the most!"

The conference room fell into a quarrel again.

This time it lasted for a very long time, and the talent who led the meeting spoke again:

"Everyone, we must strictly guard this scripture."

"But before that, Ronald Adler, who provided the information, what are you going to do with it?"

An answer without hesitation rang out at once:

"He? How old is he?"

"Boom out!"

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