Mystic Dominator

Chapter 720: condition

"The person in charge of this side... I remember it was Bolashi. Call Bolashi. I have something to ask him."

"Come on, the situation is urgent now."

Entering the place where the refugees lived, Dave immediately instructed the caster.

Ronald stood here alone, quietly watching the situation around him.

The area where the refugees live is actually much better than he imagined. Although Organ's Secret only provides the most basic security, there are also other schools of magic casters in the Yoiz Forest who have come to take refuge.

Ordinary people and these spellcasters take care of each other.

Although life is still very difficult, it still guarantees the most basic survival.

Considering the actual situation of Yoiz at the moment...

This is definitely a precious scene.


Ronald watched everything around him in silence.

Because of the arrival of spellcasters such as Ogan's Secret, some people in the refugee's residential area were also alerted by this, and then they gathered around to see what happened.

After realizing that most of the people who approached were the casters of Organ's Secret.

These refugees honestly chose to leave by themselves.

There is no hatred or hostility, and they don't even complain, because from the perspective of these people, Organ's Secret can provide a safe place for people to live for free, which is already a very good help for them.

Ronald can even be sure.

If someone in this refugee camp now knows about their relationship with Organ's Secret, their first choice is probably to help Organ's Secret and attack the intruding outsider.


Ronald sighed slightly.

He didn't change his mind because of the discovery in front of him, but things in reality are sometimes so complicated.

Ronald can take action directly because of Ogan's Secret's choice. He even kicked this guy just now for Dave's attitude towards refugees, but now, the people who live here are truly grateful to Organ's Secret.

"Mr. Dave!"

"How did you come down from the tree city? Is there something wrong with the collapsed area over there?"

While Ronald was thinking, the person in charge of the refugee camp also rushed over.

This is a middle-aged man who doesn't pay much attention to dressing up. If he is more careful, he can even see that this guy is wearing the wrong socks.

When facing the school leader who suddenly arrived here.

His expression was very flustered and puzzled, and he obviously couldn't understand the purpose of the other party's coming here.

In contrast, Dave's reaction was much more normal.

Glancing cautiously at Ronald's side, he confirmed that Ronald's expression had not changed, and he immediately opened his mouth as a school leader:

"Borasi, listen up."

"The situation of our Ogan's Secret is very critical now, and a huge threat is hiding in the refugee camp here. In order to ensure the continuation of the school and the restoration of the Yoiz Forest to its original state, I now ask you to find a refugee immediately. Young people in refugee camps."

First, the responsibility of the big pass is thrown on the head of the person in charge in front of him.

Dave then continued:

"The other party is a male, and he is not too old. The time to enter our camp is within a week after the establishment of the tree city, and he is also a spellcaster."

Bolasi, who listened carefully to the news, began to think:

"Is that so..."

Dave did not forget to continue to instruct:

"Remember, don't take too strong measures when looking for someone, the other party is not the enemy of our Ogan's Secret."

Ronald raised his eyebrows.

I have to admit that Dave has a good grasp of details as a leader.

Although I told this guy the purpose of this trip just now, I didn't actually express my attitude towards the boy who holds the "Organic Complete Canon".

Dave relies only on these few minutes of observation.

It made a very accurate judgment on Ronald's psychological state.

Therefore, when this guy issues an order now, he will focus on 'don't take too strong measures', which is completely following Ronald's thoughts.

And heard Dave's order.

Bolasi also responded in a serious tone immediately:

"Mr. Dave, I promise to bring that young man to you within half...a quarter of an hour!"

Make a commitment to the mission.

Bolasi immediately turned around and walked in the direction of the refugee camp.

In a few minutes, Ronald's keen hearing detected the other party's cries in the camp. As the person in charge of Ogan's Secret in the refugee camp, Bolasi can almost be called a response here.

At the same time, the magicians who had gathered before also went to help with the work.

Dave looked at no one around.

He immediately leaned over to Ronald with a pleasing smile:

"Mr. Ronald, you see - what you want can be found in no time, my words... I will not hide from you, you know my attitude in the meeting just now. As a leader of the great school. However, at this critical moment, some necessary things can only be done by me.”

Ronald turned to look at Dave, his expression did not change:

"You're saying this now because you want me to let you live, right?"

Dave nodded quickly and said:

"You have a spell to detect people's You should see that I am not lying."


Ronald frowned.

He could feel that Dave in front of him wasn't lying, but asking him to let him go was definitely not a stupid decision made out of compassion.

He frowned for a few seconds.

Ronald finally decides:

"It's not impossible to let you live..."

Dave immediately smiled:

"Thank you for your kindness, I..."

"Wait first." Ronald saw Dave's thoughts, and immediately interrupted the other party's thanks and praise, "It is not unconditional to let you live, before that, you must abolish your ability to cast spells. ."


Dave's originally beaming expression vanished in an instant.

What should I say...

This kind of thing was actually within his previous expectations.

But now that he really heard such an answer from Ronald's mouth, his heart was still tight.

After all, this ability is something accumulated over decades.

Give up all this without saying.

Only considering his current situation, it is not good for him to continue to stay in Organ's Secret after losing his power and original text. To travel through the Yoiz Forest alone under such circumstances must be a gamble of near death.


At this point, Dave took a deep breath.

"No problem, I just want to live."

He decisively agreed to the Ronald conditions.

Deep down, Dave was actually ready to face it all.

To get to where he is today, he does not lack the courage to make decisions at critical moments.

Ronald nodded calmly:

"Okay, then when this matter is over, I'll..."


Just as Ronald spoke, the ground began to tremble.

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