Mystic Dominator

Chapter 731: Albert - 1377

Albert run by Entrod - 1377.

In many respects, it is fundamentally different from Dongfeng.

- Like the VIP compartment.

As a civilian train, Albert ---- 1377 has only two VIP carriages in the real sense, and it is only open to personnel such as military police.

Ronald and the others did not specifically identify themselves when they got into the car.

So it was also arranged on the side of the ordinary carriage.

This is quite a novel experience.

As the most common commercial carriage on the train, there is no partition facility that pays attention to privacy. The tables and chairs connected to the carriage are leaning on the right side of the train, leaving only the corridor on the left for people to pass. .

Ronald also looked specifically at the top of the carriage.

The mezzanine on the ceiling houses some of the functional features of the train, but leaves no shelves for passengers to place their luggage. The only option for passengers who want to save as much space as possible is to put the suitcase under a chair or table.

After this environment is settled and the train begins to move forward.

Lalaye noticed that Ronald kept looking at the postures around him, and quickly asked:

"Mr. Ronald, I'll notify the people in the car in a while, and change the carriage for us?"

"That's not necessary." Ronald stopped immediately, "I have no problem with this kind of environment, but I am a little curious about Entrod's train design."

"Like you see - if you put a shelf above your head, wouldn't it save a lot of space for passengers?"

Lalaiye showed a subtle smile:

"This... may actually pose a safety hazard."

"Adding a side of wood on the top of the head will provide some blind spots in the field of vision for those who are interested, so the military rejected such a design in the early stage."


Therefore, passengers can only bear it for a while.

Ronald understood the meaning in Lalaiye's eyes, and then he could only show respect for the 'customs' of this country.

Ronald and Lareye whispered.

After a while, the passengers across from them got up and went to wash their hands at the connection of the carriages.

The little boy who was left alone looked at the adults who had left, immediately propped himself up on the table, and asked Ronald curiously:

"Sir, are you going to Entrode too?"

Ronald showed a gentle smile:

"Of course, most of the people on this train should be like that."

"Hey hey." The little boy noticed the ridiculousness of his question, and then asked in a low voice, scratching his hair, "Well, I'm actually a little curious, does Entrod also have the kind of wizard that has been rumored recently?"

Ronald glanced at Lalaiye next to him.

Seeing that the spy chief had no intention of speaking at all, he continued to say to the little boy:

"Son, there may be a lot of amazing things in the world."

"But to say whether they exist or not, you have to see it with your own eyes to be sure."

Hearing Ronald's answer, the little boy immediately became excited:

"I know this!"

"The teacher said something similar when I left school!"


Ronald chatted with the little boy for a while, and not long after the other's father came back from the connection of the carriage.

This gentleman is actually a businessman.

After the end of the war before Entrod, the people-to-people exchanges between the two countries actually started. Many daring businessmen sought benefits in the borderlands, and Entrod constantly adjusted his policies accordingly.

However, the changes in the world some time ago changed everything.

In the case of changes in various aspects, some people have a very bad situation in Gred, so they choose to enter this country that is gradually opening up to outsiders, hoping to take this opportunity to develop.


"Train inspection—"

The time comes after nightfall.

A loud announcement sounded in the carriage.

After directly awakening the passengers in the entire carriage, several men dressed as soldiers occupied the entire carriage with lamps to provide lighting, and three serious-looking people began to check the passengers in order from one side of the carriage.

"stand up!"

"Raise your hands flat, don't hide things in your coat!"

"Where's the luggage?"

The inspection inside the car is very strict.

Referring to the things in Ronald's impression, the inspection here and the review of the prisoners are actually only the last bit of dignity.

Faced with such a picture, Ronald couldn't help but said to Lalaiye:

"Do you all take the train here like this?"

Lalaye smiled:

"This is also impossible. Entrode's situation is special, and everyone has acquiesced to such a choice."

That's enough to explain.

After all, this is also the result of the actual situation of Entrod.

However, it just so happened that when Lalaiye explained, the passengers sitting on the other side of them murmured:

"Cut, it's not like this here."

"It was Entrod's black police who gave the order to die, and these civilian trains appeared to investigate criminals like this."

"Black police?" Ronald looked suspicious.

"You didn't even know about the black police, so you came to Entrode?" The passengers on the other side heard Ronald's puzzled tone and immediately came over, "It's Entrode's spy agents!"

"I heard that their leader is a particularly terrifying and ruthless guy. Even the military police in the army and the secret police in the city are all in charge of that guy."


Ronald turned his head sharply, staring straight at Lalaye beside him.

The Entrod man showed a harmless smile, and even said in a 'indignant' tone:

"I also don't think this is the right thing to do."

"The head of these black policemen must be a very sympathetic guy."

Ronald also nodded seriously:

"Yeah, that might be it."

bang bang bang-

Suddenly, three gunshots rang out from the front seat.

A few honest-looking passengers burst into flames at the moment the soldiers were checking, and shot them and the surrounding people who provided lighting with their guns.

People died - the lantern also fell to the ground.

In the dim light, Ronald could clearly see that these people were starting to work together.

Someone rushed directly to the position of the other carriage.

There were also people holding something in their directly opened the train window, and jumped out of the window as soon as they rolled over.


"Murder, help!"

"Who is moving my leg, let go!"


Afterwards, the people who came to support from other carriages roared, and the movement of fighting with these people also spread from the carriage.

right in the dark.

Laleye did not move or take any action in the face of this scene.

He just approached Ronald slightly, and then said calmly:

"Entrod has always had a simple folk customs."

"It's just these restless guys that make some behaviors necessary."

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