Mystic Dominator

Chapter 737: out of town

"Sir, welcome back."

Back at the hotel, Costat didn't care about Shesta's whereabouts at all, and only spoke about Ronald:

"I kept a copy of the newspaper that was just delivered to the hotel, and put it in your room with the food. If the weather is cold and you need to rest, the hot water will also be prepared."

Ronald smiled back:

"Thank you, Costat."

"I'll just go back to my room and rest. You can chat with anyone around you. It's good for your personality."

"Sir, I understand." Kostat immediately obeyed the order, nodded and walked out of the hotel.

Ronald then went upstairs alone.

He was pleasantly surprised to find that his food had been reprocessed by Kostat, specially adjusted to suit his taste.

during this period of time.

Costart has already relied on her maid's identity to fully understand Ronald's living habits, and she can take care of everything.

"very nice……"

Ronald compared Costa to Shesta, and immediately praised the maid's thoughtfulness from the bottom of his heart.

Then he read the newspaper on his desk while enjoying the food.

A local newspaper in North Quaker, most of its pages are devoted to boasting of the current government's excellent force and ability to work - especially the bragging rights of force.

Only on smaller pages.

Ronald saw some personal announcements or job postings, and the focus of the publicity here was almost obvious.

And in the later page, Ronald also saw the content about 'suppressing lawless elements'. It mentioned that the army had the information that the leader of the criminals came to North Quaker, and then expressed confidence in arresting him.

"Will this kind of content be reported as well?"

Ronald wondered whether there was an institutional problem in North Quaker.

At the same time, he was also lying on the bed after enjoying the food.

At this moment, Kostat was talking to the locals outside, Laleye was not found by the reconnaissance spell at all, and Shesta was communicating with the captives alone.

Ronald thought about these people without any problems.

He also fell asleep a little indulgently.


In practical terms, cult warlocks are definitely not inferior to suitable companions.

When the three of Ronald and the others were ready to take the bus the next day, Shasta didn't even see a single person.

If it wasn't for Ronald through the spell to confirm that Shasta was running towards the station, then they would probably have to go to the city to find this unreliable cult warlock.

So, when the train is about to leave.

Shesta finally came to their luxury car with a little pressure.

But the cult warlock did not walk into the train alone, and behind her was a young girl in a long dress.

Ronald recognized at a glance that this was the girl who was abducted by Shesta before.

But there was no need for him to ask. Laleye, who saw this scene, immediately walked over and said:

"Shesta, why did you bring another one?"

"Laleye, this isn't me breaking the contract, it's the toy Ronald wants..."

Shesta smiled and prepared to explain, but was immediately blocked by Ronald:

"Shut up! This person was obviously taken away by you, so don't get me involved!"

Several people around immediately turned their attention to Ronald.

Ronald went on to explain:

"I went out for a walk with Shesta the other day, but this guy kidnapped the girl out of nowhere. I definitely didn't instruct her to do anything!"

Shesta looked very unconvinced:

"Ronald, you have to be reasonable!"

"Didn't you look at me and her all the time at that time, and you didn't have any idea how could this happen?"

Ronald grabbed Shesta in his hand with one hand.

Then it slammed down to the ground:

"There are only a few people in the carriage now. I'll press your head into the floor, and I won't see you with my eyes right now—what do you think of this?"

Shesta responded very quickly:

"So that day, because there was no one else in the alley, did you look at me?"

"Wait! Ronald, wait a second!"

"It's not good for me to press my head down and hurt the train, so think carefully!"

Ronald's tone did not fluctuate at all:

"I thought about it carefully, and I think it's the most appropriate choice to press you down now. What other last words are there to leave..."


Just then, the train body shook suddenly.

- The train is leaving.

Ronald and Shesta's movements didn't stop because of this incident, but everyone in the carriage still turned their sights.

Because it's right at the door.

The girl brought back by Shesta suddenly fell to the ground.

At the same time, his body trembled as he looked at Lalaye, who was standing aside with an indifferent expression.

She heard Lalaye's name from Shesta just now, and combined with the appearance of the man in front of her, a terrifying thought came to her mind.

- Laleigh.

——The legendary spy chief of Entrod.

——The absolute demon who killed countless compatriots and then oppressed people.

A name that is usually only heard in mission announcements.

Its owner is standing in front of him at the moment.

Not to mention the day before, she had fully realized the power of Shesta as a captive.

And such a terrifying existence is actually related to the demon Lalaiye.

keep thinking about it...

Is there really any hope of victory for them who have launched a rebellion on the land of Entrod?

The train left North Quaker just as the thought was passing by.

Through the window of the luxury car, the girl saw that the city was replaced by a pure white covered with ruthless snow and ice.

It was as if she also felt the cold across the carriage.

"Hello, child."

"Are you OK?"

It was at this moment when I didn't know how fast my thinking was, the coldness in the girl's pupils was blocked by a concerned figure.

Ronald noticed her state.

Then he came over and patted her on the shoulder.

"I'm really sorry, my companion scared you earlier."

"However, please calm down and listen. We were not the whistleblowers of the rally that day. We just came to see it by chance."

The girl's thinking at the moment is very confused.

But in the chaos, she actually understood Ronald's explanation when her mind was wandering, and felt that the man in front of her did not deceive Ah...I..."

"Stiell, my name is Stiell."

The girl... or the girl named Stilt tried her best to speak, and then she grabbed Ronald in front of her from behind.

"Tell me, does hope really exist?"

Ronald was also stunned.

Although the girl's arms were slender, he seemed to sense a special strength from the hand that held him—the last strength of this man's belief.

must answer seriously...

Ronald's heart froze.

So he nodded solemnly, and answered in a serious tone:

"Yes, there is always hope."

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