Mystic Dominator

Chapter 740: Excellent office productivity

Looking at the warm attitude of the reception, Ronald also made a joke:

"It's a pity that visitors are not allowed in places like the Consultative Hall."

"Hahaha, sir, you are really funny." The host replied naturally, "Even if it is an important person visiting, you have to stay in a foreign guest hotel. That place will not be open to other people."

It seemed like a casual chat.

Finally, the receptionist recommended Ronald a local breakfast, and then told the hotel to provide the latest daily newspapers for free in the lobby.

In his hand he holds a hard bun with cured meat.

Ronald took a rather leisurely stroll down the hall to get a newspaper.

While Entrod's newspaper content may not be true, it is the most direct source of information in this day and age.

—Think of Grid.

- Even in the most technologically advanced countries in the world, radio has just been invented.

"The leader of the outlaws was successfully arrested in North Quaker and will be sent to Falls City for justice today... Regarding the livelihood issues near Yoiz Forest, Admiral Moore made a speech and hoped that the people would not approach... Well-known male stars Orphen was discovered yesterday, and had an affair with several girls in private... The whereabouts of the former royal family members are still unknown, and Torrent Court expressed their willingness to provide them with safety..."

Read the contents of the newspaper.

Ronald left the hotel for a leisurely walk.

The newspaper in his hand is called "The Source", which is one of the largest newspapers in Entrode, and its content is a combination of entertainment, politics, sports competitions and other news. It is the most suitable for Ronald to watch right now. newspaper.

While taking a walk, Ronald also remembered the surroundings of the inn.

Although Falls City is the capital of Entrod, the level of construction here is significantly different from that of Springs. At best, it is the level of Berronwich a year ago.

on the streets of the city.

Ronald couldn't see any electrical equipment, and facilities such as gas lamps occupied the absolute mainstream, and many shops opened by craftsmen could be seen on the surrounding streets.

"Aiwa, come back!"

"The people who live there are very dangerous and will take you away."

A shout caught Ronald's attention.

It was when there were children on the side of the road chasing and making trouble in the direction of the hotel, and a mother immediately threatened them not to continue.


Ronald turned his head and looked in silence.

This mother must have used artistic processing when she shouted.

Because the direction these children are chasing is exactly where he was arranged to live by Lalaiye...

"Laleye...that guy didn't do it on purpose, did he?"

Whispering cursing the name of a certain spy chief, Ronald continued to take a casual stroll through the streets of Falls.

On such a cold enough day.

Most of the morning has passed.

By the time Ronald returned to the hotel from outside, at least he had an idea of ​​the conditions of the city he was in.

After all, it is the capital of the entire country and the city that the new government is currently focusing on. In terms of people's livelihood, Falls City is much better than what Ronald saw when he changed cars twice.

Even the military and the police enjoy very high special rights in the city.

But ordinary people at least have a stable life.

Ronald only walked to the first floor of the hotel, and Kostat, who had tidy up the room, just walked down:

"Sir, how are you feeling today?"

Ronald shrugged indifferently:

"Compared to other cities, it's actually okay here."

Greeting, Ronald handed the extra breakfast he took when he went out to Kostat, who had no eating habits at all:

"But then again, Lalaye said earlier that he would discuss the issue of the original with others. How much time do you think they would take?"

"Sir, this may be different from your expectations."

Costat still completely obeyed Ronald's wishes. While trying Entrode's special breakfast, she said in a vague voice:

"Grid, in this world, is the most efficient."

"Now Entrode, it probably took several days to get through this kind of thing."

"I suggest that you prepare in advance."


It turns out that Kostatt is a native of this world after all.

She evaluates the efficiency of government agencies extremely well.

From the first day Ronald and her stayed at the hotel, they hadn't seen Laraye again.

The Entrod's spy chief.

It was as if they had forgotten who stayed here!

So on the third night in Falls City, Ronald walked to the balcony of the hotel and waved upstairs:

"Friend, do you have time to come down?"


The air upstairs is very quiet.

Not even the faint movement of breathing.

However, Ronald waited for a few seconds, and someone above said:

"Mr. Ronald, please wait a moment."

Soon, a young man jumped down from the upstairs.

This is the full-time spy that Laleye arranged to follow Ronald and the two of them. He is probably more confident in his hiding methods, so his expression was a little unnatural when he came down.

——Laleye-sama told me before that this is a very powerful caster.

——But he didn't notice the magic power fluctuation.

- He didn't understand how Ronald found himself!

Maintaining vigilance and basic respect, the young agent bowed slightly to Ronald and asked:

"Do you have any orders?"

Ronald smiled and replied:

"I just wanted to ask when Lalaiye can handle the problem. It's been three days since he was invited to Falls City, but I haven't received any news from my side."

The young man's expression was obviously stunned.

"This... Didn't you stay here for three days?"

Seeing the stunned expression on the other side, Ronald instantly remembered Costat's previous reminder.

There was an ominous premonition in his heart:

"It takes so long to discuss something in Entrod?"

The young agent thought for a few seconds.

This kind of thing belongs to common sense, and there is no need to keep it secret.

So he opened his mouth and explained:

"Mr. Ronald, in addition to military and political issues, other domestic issues are discussed in the torrent court every weekend, and then the conclusions of each time are summarized at the end of the month for final processing."

"If nothing else, you will have to wait for a while."



A lot of question marks suddenly popped up in Ronald's Is this an operation that a normal real government can do?

The world he traveled through, wouldn't it be a strategy turn-based game like "Civilization"? Players make a decision to control civilization once a month, and then enjoy the fun of developing national civilization!

The young agent saw the unabashed confusion on Ronald's face.

Then continued:

"Mr. Ronald, that's what happened."

"If you really have a problem, do you need me to inform Mr. Lalaiye?"

Ronald showed a dumbfounded expression:


"You better let me calm down first."

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