Mystic Dominator

Chapter 747: Negotiate in advance

Noon the next day.

The team successfully reached the location of the ruins.

The terrain of Entrod is special, and the surrounding areas are mostly mixed with various landforms and hills. In this season, except for the special situation on the side of the waterfall, the river is basically completely covered by ice.

The discovery of the ruins was also based on such a unique terrain.

Because in this environment, the smaller waterfalls are also directly frozen by the cold weather.

At the edge of a waterfall with a drop of about 30 meters, a tunnel can be seen behind the frozen water flow, and the people who developed the ruins camped nearby and surrounded this unexpectedly exposed place.

"You are Professor Dawn!"

"I heard you happened to be in Falls City, it's great to be here to support!"

The people who came to meet them at the camp were very welcoming.

Ronald looked at the attitudes of these people and could guess that Dawn had a very good reputation in academia.

Soon, their group was brought into the camp.

The specific situation here and the next arrangement are also gradually advancing in the lunch that catches the wind and dust.

The discovery of the ruins is actually quite a coincidence.

Two months ago, someone in Waterfall City happened to be gathering food for the winter, and as a result, a hidden passage under the waterfall was discovered at this location.

Ordinary people will naturally not care when they see this kind of thing. When they return to the city, they will brag about it as a chatter. As a result, when they sold some extra gains, the businessman who traded with him inquired about it, and it continued later. Fermentation.

Until the world changed, the team developing here suddenly had an accident.

Various undercurrents are surging in a society where people's hearts are floating.

Exploring and seeking, appearing in the hearts of people who are chasing hope in this change, the relics that have just happened and people have disappeared naturally become the key items of their exploration.

And because very old building remnants were found in it, the support force with Dawn and the three as the core also came from this.

The first is Dawn, as a professor of history, this man has a guarantee of knowledge in the development of relics; the second is Celier, an adventurer who has traveled around the world familiar with all kinds of emergencies; and Clara, the last one, He is also an excellent journalist in the field of journalism.

In addition to their own abilities, these three are friends who have known each other in the past. The team with them as the core has done some good tasks before, so it is very reliable.

during lunch.

Dawn also introduced Ronald to the people at the camp.

This professor is obviously not a careless guy. During the introduction, he only stated that Ronald was the 'professional' he invited, and did not reveal Ronald's mysterious identity too obviously.

There was someone missing from the ruins development before.

Dawn kept it in his heart and took this information as a very important thing.

If there is a problem in the ruins, or the developers who invited him.

Then Ronald's master and servant are the last guarantee for them to deal with the problem.


Lunch is over.

The developer side is not in a hurry to set off immediately.

They were very considerate to help the helpers set up tents and prepare to work the next day after recharging their batteries.

"Sir, do we need to sleep together?"

When the night came, Costat offered Ronald an invitation.

The number of tents provided by the developer is completely sufficient, and the specific size of each tent can only be said to be barely suitable.

Looking around, Ronald looked at the maid in front of him strangely:

"Kostart, you were approached by Celier on the road before, didn't you wake up to some strange idea?"

Costat said very generously:

"Sir, I don't really care about the actions of ordinary people."

"It's just that it's cold around here, and in order to eliminate some unnecessary troubles and your comfort at night, I still want to sleep together."

"Rest assured - I don't have any disturbing habits, and I don't have any odors. It's perfectly fine to do something to me if you want."

Ronald understood immediately what Kostatt was thinking.

At the welcome banquet at noon, and when he was familiar with the camp in the afternoon, Kostat attracted the attention of many people around him.

Suppose the two of them sleep separately tonight.

Then, if nothing else happens, neither Ronald as the master nor Costat himself as the servant will be able to sleep well.

Disturbances from all sides are almost unavoidable.

Now the maid came to herself and made such a suggestion.

In fact, it was really a choice made so that Ronald could have a good rest.

"All right."

Ronald scratched his hair with a wry smile:

"It's also my fault for not thinking about similar issues before."

"By the way, Kostat, can't you learn spells of various schools? Just tonight, I will teach you a spell to change your appearance. If you encounter a similar situation in the future, we can prepare one or two in advance. "

Costat, of course, followed the order as always:

"Sir, I understand."


The two entered the tent to rest.

That night, Ronald really heard some movement around him.

This is because the two of them fell asleep directly together, and it was inconvenient for these people to directly disturb them, and the target was directly changed to Professor Dawn.

After all, in the entire support team, Dawn is basically the default leader. Now that they have news they want to inquire about, the first person they will find is Dawn.

So at least half the night.

The hapless college professor couldn't sleep well.


Ronald slept comfortably.

It was late in the winter, and when Ronald woke up on time according to his biological clock the next day, it was still a dark sky outside the tent.

And beside him.

Costat closed his eyes like Sleeping Beauty, and his quiet and comfortable appearance was even cute.

It's completely unimaginable what she looks like on weekdays.

"At this time..."

"There's nothing like a human being at all..."

clap clap-

Ronald subconsciously reached out and stroked Costat's hair.

As a result, at this moment, he heard the sound of footsteps Ronald recognized the identity of the owner of the footsteps, so he put on his clothes thoughtfully, and walked out of the tent .

——It was Dawn who came over in advance.

The refreshed Ronald looked at Dawn with dark circles in front of him, and showed an apologetic smile:

"Dawn, it looks like you didn't have a good rest last night."

"I'm really sorry."


"It's nothing." Dawn didn't care much about that. Waving his hand with a wry smile, the professor came directly to Ronald, and his expression immediately became serious:

"Mr. Ronald, let's get down to business."

"I collected news yesterday, and I think today's exploration is likely to be in danger. So before that, I want to discuss some things with you in advance."

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