Mystic Holy See

Chapter 121: Embrace

It was almost dawn when Aldrich returned to his residence.

The secret deed ceremony is a very painful and time-consuming process. The pain when the 'mysterious' enters the body and the subsequent 'mysterious' backlash are all difficulties. Fortunately, Dylan's will is firm and his physical fitness is not bad, so it went smoothly.

Aldridge didn't plan to take Dylan Jacques and his sister with him, more precisely, he didn't plan to let them go to Spursey at the same time as him.

On the one hand, he will reveal his identity. On the other hand, Dylan still needs to deal with many things before leaving Huo Du, such as the funeral of his parents.

So on the way back to hypnotize Dylan, Aldridge left him a letter again, which reads:

"March 1, Spurzy, Scepter of the Waves."

A month later than what was given to Sunderland.

As for whether there will be an accident, such as Dylan's sudden termination of the contract, Aldridge is not too worried.

The reason why he specially held Dylan's transformation ceremony, the steps in it, every word he said was to deepen Dylan's impression.

"Everyone who is about to embark on the extraordinary road, we will hold a 'mortal transformation' for him."

The 'we' here is undoubtedly unwarranted, only Aldrich is alone, but in Dylan's ears, this is a hidden organization-like existence, and this is a hidden threat.

After that, "Remember your past" is to remind him again that you are here because of hatred.

I don't know how effective it will be, but so far it looks pretty good.

Aldridge took a hot bath and went to bed quickly. Recently, his biological clock has been completely out of whack. Sleeping during the day and doing things at night have been going on for a while.

For the next two days, Aldrich was completely free. Every day except for meal time, he would go out and exercise at home the rest of the time.

He has stopped exercising for a while, but in order to advance to rank 2, he needs to be strong enough.

The diet has also returned to the level he was in the fighting gym, but perhaps because of the suspension of exercise, his stomach was not able to fit before, and eating became the most painful thing in the day.

At 8:00 a.m. on December 10, Aldrich came to Hodu Station with a cloth bag in his hand.

Andrea told him the time was 9 o'clock, and he came a little earlier.

There is no direct steam train from Huodu in the north of the empire to Spurzi in the south of the empire. Under normal circumstances, you should take the direct train to Thule, the central city of the empire, which is one of the transportation hubs of the empire. Change to the train to Spurzy.

This trip will last about 4 days.

Aldridge's mood is not heavy. Andrea is leaving today, but he has not bought today's ticket and cannot travel with him. He will leave tomorrow.

He wasn't sure whether to tell Andrea, it seemed like it should be, after all, the two were friends, but he felt that something was not right...


While he was confused, Andrea's voice came from behind.

Aldrich turned his head and saw that Andrea was carrying a large suitcase and looked at him quietly.

Today, instead of wearing a capable hunting outfit, she is wearing a long white dress and a khaki coat, and her hair is loose around a scarf, which is very beautiful.

"Andrea, why is there so little luggage?" Aldridge walked over and took the relatively heavy suitcase. Only then did he realize that Andrea had put on a little plain and elegant makeup.

He took two more glances, and then immediately looked around, but he didn't see the shadow of Sureya.

"My father left the day before yesterday, and most of the luggage is with him." Andrea, as if not used to her hair falling down, pushed her hair behind her ears with her hands.

Aldridge followed her hand a few steps, and asked worriedly, "Are you okay alone on the road?"

"Don't worry," Andrea curled the corner of her mouth and said, "Ordinary people can't beat me."

"Yes." Aldridge said helplessly.

Andrea took out a note from her pocket and said, "This is the new address of the fighting gym that my father contacted. If... if you write to me in the future, you can send it here."

Aldridge took the note, carefully packed it, and asked, "Aren't you going to live in school then?"

"Live, but I don't know where the dormitory will be arranged after I go there. I'll write to you the school's address." Andrea did not plan to break the connection between the two and made preparations in advance.

Aldridge opened his mouth and wanted to say that I would also be leaving for Spurs tomorrow, but he still couldn't say it.

At this time, he suddenly realized that he really made Andrea Adam's friend?

"Let's go." Andrea looked at the time at the station clock tower and said softly.

"Yeah." Aldridge picked up her luggage and accompanied her to the incoming station to the platform.

"Aldrich, thank you for coming to see me." Andrea's pale golden hair slipped from behind her ears, covering part of her cheeks.

The atmosphere is a little subtle.

Aldridge didn't turn his head to look at her, but said, "You're welcome."

"Don't give up on your physical training." Andrea urged, "If you still want to learn fighting Huodu also has many good fighting gyms."

"Well, I will." Aldridge replied.

Andrea didn't speak any more. Aldridge thought of something and said, "I brought you some food to eat on the road, citrus fruits, and a few others."

He remembered that Andrea liked round oranges very much.


"Wow! Poof!"

At this time, the train whistled, and some steam escaped, which was a sign that the train was about to start.

"Then I'm ready to get in the car." Andrea said in a flat tone.

"Okay, good luck." Aldridge really didn't know what was wrong with him, his mouth was so stupid.

"Aldrich." Andrea suddenly called out.

Aldrich turned his head to look subconsciously, but Andrea suddenly turned around and hugged his waist.

This, what is this... Aldrich's right hand holding the luggage is a little weak, and the whole body is covered with the warmth and faint fragrance of Andrea.

Aldrich lowered his head a little, only to see Andrea's soft hair, they were next to his chin, he subconsciously let go of his luggage and put his arms around the girl.

Andrea raised her head quickly, her blue eyes trembled unnaturally, and she pushed Aldrich to the ground with a hard push.

"I'm leaving!" She said quickly, put on her suitcase and got on the train.

Aldridge sat on the ground dumbfounded, with his hands behind his back to support his body, not quite understanding what the expansion was.

Wasn't that just now a hug between friends?

Aldridge could feel Andrea's heartbeat just now... a little faster!


The train started, carrying the girl who made him overwhelmed.

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