Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 293: enemy attack

Seliya suddenly asked curiously, "What's your next plan?"

The man laughed for the first time, and he said seriously: "As an extra thank you, I invite you to come here to witness this historic moment with your own eyes."

Seliya smiled noncommittally and said, "I'm looking forward to it."

Suddenly, countless roars rang out in the city from afar.

The man smiled wider and murmured, "It's starting."

Seliya narrowed her eyes slightly and looked into the distance with interest.


The internal hierarchy of the Church of the Storm is as strict and meticulous as other churches. Except for special departments, the basic functions are divided into three parts: military, civilian, and supervision.

The military position is naturally the combat department. From bottom to top are apprentice samurai, also known as quasi samurai, church samurai, first-level combat deacon, second-level combat deacon, third-level combat deacon, apprentice priest, first-level combat priest, second-level combat deacon Battle priest, third-level battle priest, apprentice bishop, bishop, cardinal.

The warriors of the church below only mastered skills such as fighting skills and the use of firearms, and they were not Extraordinary. The military personnel in this section were not only the grassroots of the church, but also the screening and inspection personnel of the church.

Once you are promoted to deacon through the assessment, you will have a secret contract 'mysterious' and enter extraordinary possibilities.

The "mysteries" of most deacon secret deeds are similar, there are mainly 8 types, on the one hand, they have the space that can be cultivated to rank 4, and on the other hand, they cover various abilities that can cooperate with each other.

Only a small number of very good deacons can secretly form a special "mystery", not only the extraordinary ability is more excellent, but also the room for cultivation is wider, at least there is no shortage of channels up to rank 6.

There are also a very small number of lucky people who have been chosen by God, who can be the 'secret mystery' of the Lord of the Miqi Sea. This part of the staff is undoubtedly the core part of the church.

Although the rest of the churches are slightly different, the overall framework is similar.

In coastal cities such as Xinlan, Port of Dorenco, and Spurzi, the power of the Church of the Storm is the main body, and the emergence of Spirit Beyonders has thrown the city into chaos. After the military troops above the level of deacon intervened, the signs of chaos were quickly extinguished!

It is inevitable to pay the price, and casualties will inevitably exist, but the main body of the city has not been destroyed.


No, if it was just such a painless attack, it wouldn't have caused such a big movement!

Even after the battle, the church personnel did not clean up the mess, and they were vigilant while adjusting—

This time is very short.

In Xinlan, above the white fog that blocked everyone's vision, a young man in black robe was floating there, holding a cage surrounded by countless golden circles, in the center, a dark blue shadow Ups and downs, bumping inside from time to time.

"Good... I'll let you out right away."

The young man softly stroked the outer wall, then held it in both hands and threw it into the air. The metal ring exploded instantly, turning into golden light in the sky!

The dark blue shadow inside stagnated for a while, and then suddenly grew larger, becoming a tall figure of about two meters and three, and the color also changed to light blue.

He didn't seem to come back to his senses, and looked at his hands blankly.

At some point, the young man took out a set of wind chimes—7 metal cylinders, each with three eyes engraved, and the handle was a ring, which the man held lightly in his hand.

"Jingle bell~"

The crisp voice sounded under the slight swing of the man's hand, and at the same time, the light blue spirit body that was in a daze trembled.

"Go, go." The man closed his eyes and called in a lullaby-like voice.

The light blue spirit body stopped trembling, and then fell lightly downward. When it was 700 meters above the city, its body blurred.

The bishop of the Church of Storms, who was far away on the coastline, was shocked, and suddenly looked back into the air!

He didn't even have time to issue the order, his body was already rushing towards the city, while advancing at a speed invisible to the naked eye, he took out a conch from his arms and whispered to the conch: "There is a rank 6 in the city, each church invites districts Bishop reinforcements."

"Two Moon Goddess Church, Bishop Raul received it."

"Glorious Temple, received."

"The Church of the Mother Earth, the bishop is not in Xinlan."

"The Bishop of the Temple of Knowledge is injured and cannot be supported."

Damn it!

The bishop of the Church of the Storm scolded secretly. The Church of the Mother Earth did not know what happened recently. The bishop of the church is often not stationed in the city, and the Temple of Knowledge heard that due to a sealing operation some time ago, the bishop of the nearby city was seriously injured. 3 , and a true bishop died!

Most bishops are rank 5, 3 ranks 5 against 1 rank 6?

It's not much different from dying!

The bishop gritted his teeth and decided to let the church's third-level priests and trainee bishops return to the city for support at the same time.

His eyes that were enough to penetrate the white fog could already see the falling light blue spiritual body - he needed to support himself for a while before reinforcements arrived.


At this time, on the coast of Xinlan, the official army of the Empire had completed the defensive arrangement under the suggestion of the church, and the fighting force mainly composed of the personnel of the Church of the Storms was also stationed in a slightly backward position.

In the center of the official army, although the soldiers were fairly neat, they were not very nervous, and the whispers could be heard faintly.

"There is trouble in the city, why are we stationed on the coastline?" The hot weather made the soldier sweat profusely, he dared not wipe the sweat from his forehead, and said in a low voice without moving his lips.

"Who knows..." The soldier next to him replied in the same way, "It seems that the people of the church are dealing with it."

"Damn! Let the church handle everything, so what are we doing?" The soldier's face showed displeasure.

"Stand on guard like now?" another soldier mocked.

This is a long-standing contradiction, and there are also reasons for the difficulty of the imperial government in conscription.

A few people quieted down, which is not a pleasant topic.

After a while, a soldier whispered secretly, "I don't know how long I will stay here."



A sudden loud noise exploded behind him, the sound resounded through the sky, and interrupted everyone's whispers!

The soldiers turned their heads uncontrollably and saw that within the range of the white fog, a dark blue beam of light penetrated the sky...

what is this?

Everyone was stunned, but at this moment, in the fog in the direction of the sea in the distance, an orange-red flower suddenly lit up, and a second later, another loud noise came——



Everyone is too familiar with this As soon as I reacted in my mind, an explosion lit up in the front line not far away!



The officer standing behind the array widened his eyes and shouted subconsciously, "Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

One after another roars sounded, and then everyone saw the depths of the sea fog in front of them, hundreds of orange-red rays of light blooming at the same time!

"Boom boom boom!"

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