Mystic System

Chapter 14

Iris stared at the dead bodies of James and the young man void of any emotion at all, her cold blue eyes scanned over their still bodies without a single shred of remorse.

'That was much easier than I expected' Iris thought, as she found that both men were to overcome with lust to even notice her before she carefully taken out her Dad's pocket knife within her jean pocket, before soundlessly sneaking behind the young man slicing the knife precisely across his throat, whilst using shadow drive to appear behind James who met his end in the same manner as the young man.

A normal person's mind may drift off towards the two individuals they just mercilessly killed in this sort of situation however, Iris seemed to care more about the success towards her newest weapon arts-related skill with knives and her first-time experience in using shadow drive towards an opponent.

Iris felt that the display of both skills reaffirmed her decision in choosing 'Shadow Hunter' as her secondary class, as not only does Iris view it as the most practical, but it also fits her personality.

Iris always enjoyed being in the shadows within school despite perfectly being able to be the 'centre of attention' if she truly desired it, so she felt it was only right that the class she chooses is one which 'hunts' in the shadows.

And why she views it as the most practical?

That's pretty obvious in her opinion, as the class skill set perfectly allows you to take down an assailant in the most practical and efficient way possible, without causing an unnecessarily drawn-out, difficult fight, it allows you to take down that individual without them having a sliver of a chance in using their strongest battle capabilities, so not only does it make them much easier to deal with but it reduces the risk of them inflicting any form of injury towards her.

Thus, Iris found this reasoning as the answer behind her finding this class the most suitable for her.

Iris mind then quickly went towards another subject, thinking about the success of her plan to deal with the 'Butchers goons' so far.

Analysing the events which just took place, Iris deduced that it went 'rather well' in her opinion, as she believed the risk she had taken in the end paid off largely, due to managing to gift herself the opportunity in being able to easily deal with two of the five men without putting herself in any dangerous situation by ending their lives without them being able to muster up any form of resistance towards her.

The only aspect Iris wasn't pleased with was the fact that she had to risk herself at all, thus in the future, she found that having some sort of poison, or drug resistance could be key, as from this experience she believed it could prove useful in the future.

Quickly, getting rid of these thoughts out of her mind, Iris knew she still had unfinished business with the rest of the men downstairs.

Before leaving the room, Iris didn't forget to use 'Devour' on the two dead men's bodies gaining an additional '2' stat points within intelligence and mana attributes, whilst the rest of her physical related stats gained '1'.

Silently crouching, she slowly opened the door silently exiting the room, sneakily Iris walked downstairs, once she has gotten to the bottom she heard the heated discussion of two men chatting.

Listening closely to what the two men seemed to be talking about caused Iris to scrunch her nose with disgust, as it seemed it was her being the subject of their conversation with them complaining about James and the young man being so fortunate in being able to enjoy the body of such a beautiful young girl before them, with them seemingly agreeing with each other they will visit her later on without the middle-aged man noticing.

This made Iris feel even more murderous towards these two men than previously, in actual fact it made her want to hack their bodies into pieces, but she quickly removed this thought out of her mind as she already knew that she had to remove the biggest threat before these two.

The moment Iris entered this place she felt that the middle-aged man which was presumably the leader according to the reactions of each of the men towards him gave Iris the most dangerous feeling out of all the men.

Thus, as she felt he was by far the strongest person here, she instinctively thought to get rid of him beforehand or else he'll prove in being very troublesome in a direct confrontation.

Ignoring both men, Iris tip-toed towards the location of the middle-aged man, as according to the chatter of both men he is located within his office somewhere in the bar.

Searching stealthily around the bar, Iris finally found the whereabouts of the office, Iris peeked through the window on the door seeing middle-aged man seemingly busy doing paperwork, thinking that whatever 'paperwork' this guy must be doing is definitely not the normal kind with an owner of a bar would be doing, she decided to use shadow drive to appear behind him similar to how she dealt with James.

Using shadow drive Iris felt her body instantly appear behind the middle-aged man, instantly making her move Iris lunged with the knife directed towards the middle-aged man throat.

But, differently to James the middle-aged man was no pushover and had been in many life-death situations over the years under the charge of the Butcher, not to mention him being a 'Journeyman Magician' thus his senses are naturally above a normal human allowed him to dodge narrowly out of the direction of the knife with it just leaving behind a shallow cut upon his neck.

Astonished at his near-death experience, the middle-aged man hawk-like gaze scanned the room searching for the perpetrator but upon seeing Iris his face became shocked, before quickly recovering and returning his face to the previous stoic expression he said with a cold tone, "I guess you are not a regular little girl after all, aren't you girly?"

The middle-aged man smiled at Iris with the type of body language that screamed confidence within his own capabilities, as if he was assured of dealing with a figure such as Iris.

This caused Iris to narrow her eyes, believing that her instinct was exactly right about this man, unlike the previous men who were complete amateurs, he was a professional, an individual which has killed before in not just a low figure either.

"May I ask why you brazenly attempted to kidnap me without provocation on my part?" Iris replied calmly, not losing her 'head' in such a situation at all despite her unsuccessful attack.

Slightly surprised that the girl could still maintain such an appearance, the middle-aged man sneered, "I believe you know the reasoning girl, but I might as well point it out before your inevitable demise anyways, the beast in your possession is what my master seeks. After I gut you for killing my men, I will retrieve that beast from your home before providing your family with a gruesome death as an example to show exactly why the Butcher cannot be messed with."

Instantly after the middle-aged man mentioned her parents, Iris thoughts became increasingly bloodthirsty towards the man, whilst directing a clear murderous intent towards him.

The middle-aged man smiled, before he began chanting, hearing the chant from the middle-aged man, Iris felt a sense of crisis, quickly making a decision, Iris catapulted out of the way before a large blast hit the wall behind her previous location creating a large hole within the wall.

Upon seeing such a scene Iris' eyes widened in horror at the thought of being hit by such a thing, 'It seems mages are much more dangerous than I thought,' was what emerged through Iris's mind.

The two men who were previously having a fervent discussion was alarmed by such a commotion which originated from their bosses office, looking at each other they both stood up before hastily rushing towards Iris's location.

Seeing such a loud noise Iris knew that the remaining two men were likely alerted by now, so she needed to deal with the middle-aged man fast.

Thinking of a way to deal with him, with the knowledge that the middle-aged man knew of Shadow Drive, he will likely have a method to counter such a move from her, thus Iris knew she needed to do something unexpected.

Whilst thinking for an alternative, Iris's eyes suddenly lit up as she thought to her secondary legendary class related skill, she had been waiting for a method to see how effective her other skill is, so she initiates the skill causing a dark-bluish flame to appear within her palm.

Seeing that it drained more than half her mana upon just one use caused Iris to be dumbfounded as even with her using both dark and fire manipulation for a few hours it still wouldn't use up this much mana, thinking that this 'better be good', Iris launched it towards the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man upon seeing such a 'spell' shot a disdaining look at Iris, thinking that a mere Apprentice magician would dare to compete in spells with a Journeyman magician such as him?

Not even bothering to move, he launched his own spell towards it, deciding to crush Iris's spell to show the true distance between them, but completely unlike what he was expecting his spell was vaporised easily, in addition to Iris's 'rubbish' spell hitting the flabbergasted middle-aged man directly on the chest burning a large hole right through his body before continuing its direction un-impeeded right through the wall behind him.

His expression which was one of shock by being killed by an apprentice mage suddenly morphed into horror as he felt his soul burning at a rapid pace causing agonising pain to travel within the depth of his soul, soon the middle-aged man soul was completely destroyed leaving him no hope of even being able to reincarnate in the afterlife.

Upon seeing such a scene of the formerly formidable middle-aged man being killed so miserably caused Iris's mouth to gape open with shock.

Before she could think upon this further, she found a notification of the system.

[The skill 'Dark Soul Flame' as a result of absorbing 'Journeyman mage Soul' has levelled up to '2']

Seeing that the skill has levelled up caused Iris to be pleased, but the absorbing soul things made her slightly puzzled, does this mean this skill basically needs to absorb souls for its power to increase?

As she was pondering on this thought, the two men have finally arrived but were met with the dead body of the middle-aged man with an expression of horror imprinted on his face, seeing such a disturbing scene both men were terrified as they notice that the offender of such a horrific death was the girl they intended to 'have fun' with.

Seeing both men Iris smiled, "Well both of you wanted to have fun with me didn't you, so why don't we have some 'fun'?"

Usually seeing such a smile from such a beautiful woman would normally cause them to be aroused, but seeing the cold smile on Iris's beautiful face made them tremble with fear at what type of 'fun' she has intended.

A few minutes later screams of horror reverberate around the bar within the quiet neighbourhood, but unfortunately for the two men behind those screams, there was no one present to notice, thus leaving them to their miserable fate for crossing Iris White.

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