Mystic System

Chapter 32

After Iris and Ben emerged in front of Olivia and Charlotte they both hurriedly approached them as they immediately dragged Iris behind them, looking at Ben with a guarding expression.

Olivia worriedly placed her hand on Iris's shoulder as she said, "Iris are you ok? You've been in there for a while now, we've now even late for fourth period waiting for you..."

Charlotte shot an accusatory glare at Ben who stood awkwardly in front of them and said, "It wasn't this pervert, was it? He didn't make any funny moves toward you, did he?"

Iris snickered at the blunt allegation from her friends, although it was indeed partly true it was a large part of the Vampires bewitching spell. Even someone who is considered a saint may be affected by the spell, as can honestly everyone say they have no desires? Even if it is the smallest, faintest idea which a person would usually never act on, like having feelings towards a girl they like, an impulse to steal something or sexual thoughts, it would dig this thought out until it's their strongest desire.

This was why Iris already mostly forgiven Ben, though she hasn't completely excused Ben from his actions, it wasn't enough to throw away all of the kindness he shown her away and kill him without a single thought.

Giving Ben a chance if something she feels she owes him, on the other hand, Ben is the most trustworthy person she knows who is safe to talk about the supernatural world with, and to also help her in the future.

Iris doesn't even trust Alice at the moment, never mind finding someone else in the future to confide her thoughts on, or to aid her in the future.

From what she seen Ben seems to possess great potential, and may also help against the Vampires in the future.

"Is that really how you see me?" Ben asked angrily before he realised he technically did make a move on Iris, making him turn to a beet red in embarrassment immediately after his retort.

"Aha! I knew this pervert was up to no good! Thinking your all clever by infiltrating the group in order to get your greedy claws on my... I mean our friend Iris." Said Charlotte proudly as if she's a great detective who has finally caught the 'bad guy'.

"Ok, ok, girls. Calm down, we only had a chat which took longer than expected. Nothing, I repeat nothing happened at all. I promise." Replied Iris causing the two girls to turn silent.

The silence was suddenly broken when Olivia said, "Alright Iris , we believe you. We don't trust the fool over there, but if you nothing happened then that's how it went."

Charlotte nodded as if in agreement causing a bright smile to appear on her face as the two girls blushed in response, Ben who stood in the corner like a third wheel felt like something strange was going on.

'No way, I am totally not seeing things am I?' He thought as he saw the two girls response to the mesmerising smile on Iris's face, 'I'm definitely just seeing things.'

Charlotte and Olivia broke out of their stupor, as they saw Ben standing there with a dumb expression on his face, "Humph. Let's go to class then Iris we're already late as it is thanks to Ben."

Iris nodded in affirmation as both her and the girls headed to class, Ben who had an aggrieved expression on his face as he felt wronged.

Though suddenly realising their leaving behind, he broke into a slight jog as he chased after the trio.

After the incident with Ben and the Vampire, the rest of Iris's day was pretty uneventful, she went to her classes as usually, said some goodbyes to the few acquaintances she possess in the School. The one thing that did surprise he though was being sent to the Principle's office to be congratulated by him herself, turned out the School Alice got her into was very prestigious and well known for housing the elite of society.

No one specifically knows the criteria to get into the School, all that is known is no matter how rich or influential you are, you cannot bribe or force your way into the School. This alone, makes it very unique, the other being every member within the School are related to the most influential, powerful people within the Country one way or another, alongside with the majority of people who has ever graduated from the School becoming important figures has made it very reputable.

In fact the School itself even got rewarded for housing a student who has been accepted into such an School, the fact that Iris out of the blue was a great shock to the Principle and Teachers themselves but at the same time the school itself felt honoured to have a former student attending such a School in the future.

This made Iris leave with the praise of the entire School itself, which actually just made Iris wanted the day to end sooner as she hated having the attention of all the students on the School on herself. Iris was a girl who never enjoyed the spot light, and disliked even to have to receive an award in front of the School, never mind having all of the students completely focused on her.

Therefore , Iris felt relieved as the day ended and she was saved from the torturous experience. Her Mom picked her up after School, and after informing Olivia, Charlotte and Ben she'd keep in touch, left and finally went home.

After closing her bedroom door shut, she realised she received a text message from Alice.

Reading the message she found it said that her acceptation into the academy was fully completed, and that they would get in touch with her soon to carry out an inspection on 'her qualifications'.

Wondering what that is about, she suddenly heard the loud tone of her door bell.

'That can't be the so called inspection team, right?' She thought.

Though, these thoughts were immediately answered by the voice of her mother shouting, "Iris, there's a few men who work for your new School, they want to speak to you!"

'Humph. I guess this will be my first meeting with another Mage in the world. Well, one that doesn't want to kill me at least... I think.' She thought, as she walked down stairs to meet her new visitors.
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