Chapter 1010 Girl, Jiuge

Well, this is very pleasant.

Looking at the more than a thousand faces that looked like they had eaten shit, Li Su suddenly felt happy.

Not only that, the rewards are also good.

The guy in front of him blasted out nearly 10,000 paths with a vigorous blow. It should be his talent, which was clearly captured by Li Su. Although there are some repetitions, at least 3,000 or 4,000 of them are unknown. .

Including the two battles in the morning, the harvest on the first day directly exceeded 10,000, which was a good harvest.

As for the stronger power being exposed, well, it will be a matter of time anyway. After all, the identity that Ning Wuxia prepared for him is already special. It doesn't matter even if the people from the Decepticon faction investigate deeply, as long as the Yi Dao realm does not end directly, it will be against him. I mean, it's not a big problem.

However, looking at the man kneeling in confusion before him, this guy must belong to the skill group.

Have you been forced to this extent?

Could it be that the leader of the Tech God Organization couldn't hold on any longer?

Thinking of this, the corners of Li Su's eyes couldn't help but twitch. There was an unpleasant feeling growing up. Being implicated was already very miserable. Don't just jump into the water. If you have good skills, he would fall down. He wouldn't be so unlucky, right?

"Winner, 7966!"

The sound of the broadcast sounded to determine the winner.

"The loser, 0563, violated the rules of climbing the mountain. His qualifications for climbing the mountain will be revoked and he will not be allowed to climb the mountain for life."

As soon as the words fell, a force was generated, which directly enveloped the alien in despair. The space rippled and the opponent's figure disappeared.

Li Su was stunned for a second, then reached out and touched his head, turned around and stepped off the stage, heading towards the passage.

It wasn't until his figure disappeared into the passage that the Decepticon members in the stands came to their senses.

At this moment, most of the people's faces were ugly and turned purple. Undoubtedly, the scene in front of them was completely different from what they imagined, as if they were caught and slapped twice hard on the face.

Some people frowned, showing a slightly solemn expression, and began to think deeply.

That blow was really no joke.

The opponent knows very well that if the person standing on the ring is themselves, there is probably only one thing they can do, which is to dodge with all their strength. As for resisting? impossible!

They knew the rules of climbing the mountain very well. Given their level, the result of resisting would be breaking the rules themselves.

Although due to their passive nature, they would not be punished by the mechanism, it also showed that they could not block that blow.

They are not war saints, but actual war emperors, and they have already reached perfection.

"grown ups!"

"Report the situation here and find a professional analyst. I will record and analyze every battle this person has. I want to know all his methods."

"Also, let someone check it out. Such skills cannot come from unknown sources. There must be a source. Let's find out his identity and the whole story.

I originally thought it was the skill sect who was struggling to death, but with this level of skill, it would be an understatement to say that he was the direct descendant of that person. What if that person had secretly saved it? Things may be more troublesome than imagined. "


Watching his men leave, the person who gave the order stood up. After glancing in a certain direction of the arena, he turned and left without looking back.

As he left, more than a thousand Decepticons soon stood up one after another and turned around to leave.


At the same time, in the VIP room.

The silver-faced girl's body was shaking. She couldn't help but take several breaths to calm herself down. After a moment of hesitation, she stood up, turned around, opened the door, and ran out.

Outside the door, the adult woman was startled and immediately said: "Miss."

The girl did not answer, but directly passed the adult woman and rushed down the corridor.


The adult woman's face couldn't help but change. Thinking of what happened not long ago, she suddenly exerted force on her feet and chased after him.

The two of them are very fast. Not to mention adult women, the girl's strength is quite amazing. Not to mention her extremely fast speed, her movement is very small, and her control of power is amazing. Not only does her small body possess huge energy, but she also has no energy at all. dew.

In just one breath, the girl passed several corners and stopped.

The adult woman who was following behind also rushed over and came directly behind the girl. She took a breath and was about to speak.

The next moment, her eyes narrowed slightly and she couldn't help but look in front of the young lady.

Not far away, I saw a figure walking out of the passage in the direction of the arena and walking slowly towards the dormitories prepared for those participating in the summit.

It's him?

The adult woman's eyes moved slightly, and she immediately recognized the identity of the figure.


The silver-faced girl didn't speak. She stood in front of the passage and stared at Li Su's back without making any movement.

When she rushed out, she undoubtedly had thousands of words and countless thoughts in her heart, but when she finally got here and saw the other person, the girl was stunned in place, with her mouth open under the mask, but no words could come out.

say what?

They didn't know each other, they had never met each other once without telling each other, and because of their own problems, they forcefully bought each other out and got involved in this big trouble.

Especially in this second party with the Decepticons, she gave the opponent a hard slap on the face. Based on her understanding of the Decepticons, this battle will definitely anger many people from the Decepticons, plus those from the Skilled Factions. Because of the relationship, the other party will definitely become a key target of the Decepticons in the future, and they will try their best to kill him or cripple him.

Climbing the mountain is a treasure for the girl, the place where she was born and grew up, and the hard work of her father, but what does this have to do with the other person?

However, just at this moment, Li Su, who was walking forward, suddenly stopped and stood there abruptly.

Time is passing, one second, ten seconds!

A full minute later, Li Sucai moved forward again and continued walking towards the dormitory.

Seeing the other party taking another step forward, the girl was shocked, and her blue eyes couldn't help but tremble violently, Jiu Ge, Jiu Ge, when did you become so cowardly?

Faced with your own wishes, your own ideas, and the things you want to protect, if you don't even have the courage to speak out, what else are you protecting? ?

She took a deep breath and shouted with all her strength, "If someone wanted to destroy something you cherish, what would you do???"

Following the words shouted by the girl, the extremely worried adult woman behind her could not help but be startled.

In the distance, Li Su paused as he took a step forward. He slowly retracted his raised foot. He couldn't help but turn his head slightly and looked at the passage where the two women were.

The two people's auras were not concealed, and Li Su discovered it from the beginning. The reason why he stopped was because he wanted to see what the other party wanted to do.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement, and he was about to leave, but he didn't expect to hear such an incomprehensible question.

Unable to help but raise his hand in surprise, Li Su pointed at himself.

Although I am sure there is no one else around, what if the person I want to ask is not myself? Isn't that embarrassing?

The silver-faced girl raised her head and looked at Li Su closely. She took a deep breath and nodded firmly.

Is he the leader of the Tech Gods?

Unexpectedly, it was a little girl.

Although it was their first meeting, Li Su quickly grasped the situation. As the senior said, the other party had an extraordinary status. The clothes on his body and the mask on his face were of astonishing value, and he could not afford to wear them easily.

Not only that, her foundation is also very solid. The thickness and the amount of reinforced concrete filled inside make it even inferior to the geniuses of the mythical world.

Here, the genius Li Su refers to is not the kind above the myth, but the kind of super genius who is at the top of the myth, possessing fourteen fires and gathering fifteen fires.

It can be said that he is the most talented person he has ever seen!

Also, the opponent's body is also extremely extraordinary. What I'm talking about here is not the figure, but the small body, which seems to have several hearts. The blood flowing is boiling like a flame. Even if he stands still, there is no momentum at all. No, it still gives people an extremely strong sense of oppression.

It felt as if the person standing in front of me was not a girl at all, but a predator at the top of the biological chain.

Coupled with its extremely special aura, it blends with the earth.

This girl should be from the legendary high-ranking alien race, the Earth race.

Thinking of this, Li Su touched his head. As a time traveler, he had no shortage of chicken soup. He could talk about what he wanted to say for a whole day, but after thinking for a while, he gave a very serious recovery.

"Beat them all to death!!!"

The girl was stunned, and so was the adult woman. This answer was undoubtedly rough enough.

The girl paused, "What if I can't beat him?"

"Can't beat him." Li Su was stunned for a moment. He really hadn't considered this. After all, he would basically beat him to death if he touched the people he cared about.

Seeing Li Su pause, the girl's eyes dimmed slightly and she couldn't help but lower her head.

Yes, what can I do if I can’t beat him? So what?

In this world, weakness is the original sin!

Standing there, Li Su couldn't help but frown and think deeply, yes, what should I do if I can't beat him?

Do not hit? give up? How is that possible!

After thinking for a while, Li Su said quietly: "If you really can't beat me, then find someone who can. If you can't beat the older ones, then beat the younger ones. If you can't beat the grown ones, then beat the older ones. After all, Tell them, if you want to touch my things, you must kill me first, otherwise as long as I live, you will expect me every day not to surpass you, and when I surpass you, I will twist off all of your heads."

"Isn't this a lie?" the girl said blankly.

"In the same realm, I ask myself that I am invincible. There is no opponent that I can't beat to death. If I can't beat him to death, it means that the other party cheated. Since the other party has cheated, why can't I?" Li Su spoke eloquently, joking, he has peerless foundation, and the other party If he doesn't cheat, he can fight a hundred with one.

The girl was stunned in place for a long time. Then she suddenly smiled and bent down, "Is this so? Is this still allowed?"

"Thank you, by the way, my name is Jiu Ge!!!"

"Jiu Ge? What a good name!" Li Su couldn't help but say.

"Really? Dad got it for me, and I like it very much!"

After saying that, the girl turned her head, her small body stood upright, and her pupils showed a sharp edge, "Sister Concubine!"

"Miss!" The adult woman was startled and couldn't help but take a breath. At this moment, she seemed to see the master.

"The notice goes down and the God of Skills is disbanded. From now on, we can only climb to the top, and I will climb to the top!"

After saying that, the girl jumped up and rushed into the sky.

"Miss, where are you going?"

"Find someone and start a fight!!!"

The next moment, the girl's figure disappeared, but within a moment, a childish, delicate, yet like a phoenix's cry resounded throughout the Earth Clan's city.

"Manxiang, get out of here!!!"


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