The scene changed, and when I came back to my senses, the person was already standing in the wilderness.

Looking at the grassland below her feet, which was less than a foot high and as vast as a green ocean, Li Su's originally bad mood suddenly became as if she had eaten something, and she almost cursed her.

Although the Earth Clan had officially announced that the battlefield would be selected from the Earth Clan’s training grounds, I never expected that I would actually appear in this position.

This is the continent of life, so the Earth clan named it.

The characteristic of this place is the primeval forest. Due to the special hot and humid climate, an ultra-dense forest spanning half of the planet is formed. From an ecological point of view, it is simply so green that it will make you panic.

As for why Li Su wants to scold his mother, it naturally has a lot to do with his current position.

This grassland is located in the north of the Shengzhi Continent. It is the largest plain area in the entire Shengzhi Continent. The geographical environment is completely flat and there is not even a place to hide one's body.

Of course, this is not the point!

The focus is on the creatures living in this wilderness. Among the billions of weeds, there lives an extremely special population!

Light-blasting bug.

Listening to this name, everyone should have some associations and some pictures in their minds.

Like a bug that spits light?

At least, Li Su thought so at first. When Heishi introduced the situation of the four continents to him, he still wondered why he wanted to talk about this thing.

Even though the name of this thing sounds simple, compared with some ancient ferocious beasts, Soaring Snake, Xiangliu and the like, it is far inferior.

But in fact, because of it, the plain area on this continent was directly listed as one of the eight Jedi among the four continents of the earth tribe, and it was still famous!

In the distance, someone like Li Su was also sent here.

There were quite a few of them. At a distance of about a thousand kilometers, it felt like there were more than thirty people.

Like Li Su, their expressions changed immediately after landing. The idea of ​​killing people to gain points and win rewards disappeared completely, and was replaced by horror.

No one moved, everyone stayed in place quietly.

Li Su, the same is true.

Of course, this doesn't mean not moving, but fucking can't move.

Once it moves, big trouble will happen to his grandma.

Even though he was motionless, the Qi machine was completely blocked, and rustling could still be heard all around. Under the one-foot-high weeds, something seemed to be moving.

Facing this scene, the person who was teleported to this damn place remained silent, but only had his mind fully open, sensing the movement around him.

This is patience, no, it should be waiting.

Wait for others to be unable to bear it any longer and make the first move.

Unexpectedly, there was a sudden scream from the grassland, and a figure was seen rising into the sky, directly whipping up an astonishing strong wind, displaying some kind of special movement technique, and planning to leave this place.

Everyone was startled, and then took a breath, silently mourning, and surprised at the same time.

The surprise was that someone moved first, and the silent sigh was that that guy was probably the landing point, too bad, otherwise they would be the unlucky ones.

Before the thought could even come to an end, the entire grassland began to vibrate, like ocean waves, and began to boil.

After a while, billions of brilliant lights lit up.

I saw boundless stars soaring into the sky, forming huge waves, directly hitting the guy flying into the sky.

Hearing a loud roar, the War Emperor-level warrior was caught by the huge light curtain and was involved in the boundless light curtain before he could even fly out of the 10,000 meters.

That is, one of the two major killers in the grassland, the light-spraying bug!

They are not large in size. They are as big as a grain of rice when they are born, and are about the size of a thumb when they are adults.

He is not very strong either. To the Emperor of War, he is like a mosquito. One slap can kill one of them.

The only problem is, there are too many.

On this grassland, among the weeds that are less than a foot high, the spiritual thought only needs to be swept a little, and it does not need to be far away. It is only a thousand meters away. Even people who do not have trypophobia will form it immediately.

Hundreds of millions! ! !

And if it were placed on the entire grassland at once, then this number could be said to be Nayuta, and there was no way to count it.

"Get out of here!"

Facing the attack of the light curtain, the moving War Emperor couldn't help but let out a shocking roar, and the energy belonging to the War Emperor level poured down.

The War Emperor possesses the perfect strength of Taiyi in the late stage. Once he gets angry and takes action, it is a simple matter to destroy the world. Although the stars obtained by the Earth Clan are big enough, they are still not enough to face the powerful people on the War Emperor's level. Look, although there is no way to destroy everything at once, it is not difficult at all to collapse a continent and destroy tens of thousands of miles around.

However, a shocking scene occurred.

Although the power of the War Emperor exploded, and even once squeezed the light curtain spit out by the light-spraying insect, as the power spread outward, every hundred meters, its unparalleled energy appeared in an extremely exaggerated way. Rapid decline.

The power that could destroy a continent actually stopped and was dissolved before it could advance even ten miles away.

Facing this scene, Li Su and others who were also on the plain couldn't help but their eyelids jumped wildly. Although they had obtained a lot of intelligence through their own channels, the scene in front of them was far more terrifying than the content in the intelligence. many.

Break the law!

The innate ability of the light-spraying insect, its prominent light, can dissolve all Taoist magic powers and restore the opponent's power to its original aura.

No, with the War Emperor as the center, an incredible tide of spiritual energy erupted, spreading harmlessly in all directions.

And with the astonishing tide of spiritual energy, the grassland that was originally shaking went crazy.

Countless thumb-sized light bugs crawled out from under the weeds. They looked a bit like silkworms. They were gray in color except for their mouths. They moved forward in a wriggling manner, not very fast at all.

This kind of bug has almost no advantages. Speed, defense, and even individual strength can all be said to be poor.

But when they appear together, it's different.

It was seen that he raised his body slightly, his black mouth opened, and a mark appeared on his body, and energy gathered on it.

The next second, he opened his mouth and sprayed!

Light, countless lights, become rivers, seas, and endless starry sky.

An even more terrifying light curtain emerged, covering the past from all directions, like the War Emperor. Layers upon layers, inside and out, formed a huge light group with a diameter of nearly ten thousand miles. The shadow of the War Emperor could no longer be seen at all. Even the breath.

These lights themselves are also very special.

They do not merge or cancel out just because they are close to each other.

Even when they get close to the target, they will slow down and stop directly in place. After the light inside disappears, they will line up to get closer.

Facing this scene, even Li Su couldn't help but shed a cold sweat.

As one of the top ten Jedi, the light-spraying bug can be said to be worthy of its name. The light it spits out is already similar to a mechanical killer.

As long as the number reaches a certain level, let alone the War Emperor, if the War Emperor is trapped, there is a high probability that he will be given a ticket for reincarnation and directly eaten alive by the light-spraying bugs.

Therefore, that war emperor is already dead.

Faced with this terrifying scene, the people who were still staying where they were immediately began to move, trying to get out of this damn place while the light-spraying bugs were attracted.

He didn't even dare to use his magic power and just ran around naked.

This damn bug's sensitivity to spiritual energy is too sharp. Once discovered, it will be locked on it instantly.

For a time, dozens of people showed off different talents one after another. Some people's legs formed afterimages, highlighting one speed, while others split the ground for hundreds of meters in one step, and leaped hundreds of miles in one leap. One of the spherical objects had a rubber-like flesh that bounced outwards, making people look at it with great surprise.

The main reason is that even though he is bouncing and walking, his speed is really fast, but his muscle elasticity is simply unreasonable.

Everyone ran fast. After all, this was the only chance. After the guy was dealt with, they wanted to run away unless another cannon fodder came.

Li Su was naturally among the fleeing crowd. He was quite elegant and gave full play to the essence of the three idioms of walking as fast as flying, following like a shadow, and quietly.

Fortunately, although this plain is extremely scary, it is not big, with a diameter of only about a million miles. Even if they are in the center, at the current speed, it is enough for them to rush out before the war emperor is killed.

Therefore, as long as the other party works hard, there is no need for anyone else to sacrifice.

Just when everyone was thinking this, extremely suddenly, or it could be said to be silent, the light curtain surrounding the war emperor shook inexplicably, and the terrifying spiritual energy tide disappeared.

In an instant, many people's expressions changed.


That bastard thing, he's out! ! !

Realizing this, the people on the grassland took a deep breath, and couldn't help but curse in their hearts. Only then did they remember that they were not training, but participating in an event.

Not only that, that bastard obviously did it on purpose.

After all, it was too sudden and there was no movement at all.

Realizing that he couldn't run away, he activated the teleportation jade and left the field the moment he and others started running.

The reason why he waited for a while was probably because he deliberately left a large amount of mana behind before leaving, giving them the illusion that he was struggling to resist.

For the first time, many people stopped in their tracks.

Losing the target, even running naked like this purely using muscle power will still attract the attention of the light-spraying bug.

But obviously, there were about a dozen of them. They obviously didn't stop and were immediately targeted.

asshole! ! !

I saw those people yelling, and a huge mana burst out, blocking the faint light coming towards them. The next second, they took out the teleportation jade and activated it without hesitation.

Obviously, since he can't escape, no one else can take advantage of him.

Faced with this scene, the faces of others who had enough control to stop without attracting the attention of the light-spraying bug turned green.

The few bastards who were targeted were even more aggressive, leaving almost no mana behind. The moment they teleported away, the only mana they had was directly dissolved, leaving no extra chance for others.

Standing there, looking at the dense swarms of light-spraying bugs all around, everyone couldn't help feeling a little chilly.

Fucked! ! !

Is it possible that he had to withdraw without even being able to fight?

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