Chapter 1022 New Event (5)

The two of them are a bit weird, and Li Su's behavior is really hard to understand.

Although the light-spraying insect is not poisonous, its power relies solely on the accumulation of numbers and the devouring effect, which means that the threat of a single individual is very small.

The light emitted by an adult insect as big as a thumb is only one centimeter in size. It does not require the War King. Even a slight fluctuation in the War King's mana can be eliminated.

So the two of them just took action directly, catching a large amount of bugs and absorbing a large amount of magic-devouring light balls.

Li Su's behavior of picking one up to eat is really hard to understand.

They looked at each other silently, and neither of them spoke. Their consciousness always fell on Li Su, and they were curious about the meaning of his actions.

At this moment, Li Su closed his eyes slightly, as if tasting the taste of insects.

He originally planned to put on a show and reveal some inside information to the two of them.

But if you don’t eat it, you won’t know it. Once you eat it, you will be really shocked.

This thing is especially suitable for frying and grilling. Although it doesn't look so friendly, it tastes pretty good.

Of course, that's not the point.

The point is its nutrition.

This is undoubtedly a strategic material! ! !

In terms of nutrition, it is quite friendly to lower-class beings. If consumed for a long time, it can slowly improve the foundation of ordinary living beings. Their special phagocytosis can return almost all extraordinary powers to the purest and gentle spiritual energy.

After all, their size is too small and they cannot carry too much high-concentration energy.

Not to mention the Xia Kingdom, which has many mortals, there is still a huge market in the mythical world. If it can be brought back, it will be of great significance to the entire human race and can enhance the cornerstone of the entire civilization.

Thinking of this, Li Su couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and the hairs all over his body stood up one by one.

Because this thing is not difficult to breed or process.

A greenhouse with a thousand square meters can probably support hundreds of millions of them, and the concentration of spiritual energy required per square meter is enough to sustain them until they reach maturity by maintaining a thousand units of spiritual energy per square meter.

There are only a thousand units, and the second level spirit gathering array is enough.

After it matures, it only needs high-temperature processing. Firing it at a high temperature of about 700 degrees for about ten minutes can kill it and make it into cooked food.

The flesh of this insect is almost all protein. The only part that needs to be removed from the whole body is the mouthparts, which is less than one-thirtieth of the body. Its taste is close to that of fish meat, which is white meat. It has no taste in itself, so through Seasonings can perfectly replicate the taste of most meats used by humans today.

In addition, this thing almost feeds on pure aura, and there are very few bacterial organisms in the body. Even if there are, they are basically benign, which actually eliminates the scourge of pests and diseases.

Simply the perfect ingredient!

The only troublesome thing is the female worm!

Whether it was the piece in front of Li Su or the part taken away by another person, they were all single individuals, that is to say, they were all male worms, sterile.

Not only that, the one he ate was phagocytized by cells and had no female sequence on its DNA map.

In other words, if he wanted to put this kind of insect on the diet, he had to catch a female insect.

Undoubtedly, this is a bit dangerous. Li Su probably knows the location of the female worm. It is in the plain, and it probably has to be in the center, where a large number of male worms gather, such as where the first war king who left the stage is standing. seat.

I don't know whether to call the other party's luck good or bad.

The group of light-spraying bugs is similar to a colony of ants, but they are not divided into groups. In other words, there may be only one female bug on the huge grassland in front of you.

With a one-in-one chance, that guy went out and could really try to buy a lottery ticket.

Thinking of this, Li Su's breathing became a little rapid for a moment.

This thing may be just a strange thing for aliens. After all, their life level is too high and they are almost infinitely close to immortals from birth. Moreover, coupled with the high concentration of spiritual energy in the heaven, the value of the light-spraying bug is almost zero.

But for a population whose spiritual energy is not very dense and most of the creatures are ordinary species, this is a treasure that can raise the upper limit of the entire population.

Especially for the Xia people, without practicing, the environment in heaven is as poisonous to them. Even if Li Su brings back the materials he got from it, he will most likely not be able to enjoy it, and will need to be castrated again and again. It creates a huge waste.

Well, I will leave some cells behind and try to search deeply. If I can really find them, even the mythical world will be greatly improved. The basic class will be directly raised to a level, which will last for decades and last for about two to three generations. It should be possible to directly give birth to a newborn with the strength to build a foundation.

Thinking of this, Li Su couldn't help but take a breath of air.

I almost wanted to contact Ning Wuxia directly, ask her to contact the billionaire Dao Realm from the university, and just rob her.

Whether to the Xia Kingdom or to the mythical world, this thing is as valuable as a treasure and a real strategic-level material.

Fortunately, the alien life level is too high to see the value of this thing. Otherwise, Li Su and the others would never have been sent here.

Originally, I just planned to get involved in some miscellaneous ways and learn the other party's special talents and magical powers, but I didn't expect it to be such a big shock.

No rush, no hurry.

There was a whole year left, so I let my cells look for it first. If I couldn't find it, I contacted Ning Wuxia.

After all, they were all on the battlefield at the moment and were being stared at by too many eyes.

After a moment of silence, Li Su stood up. During this time, he raised his palm slightly, and a special light began to appear on his palm, and lines appeared.

Facing this scene, the two people who were quietly peeping from a distance couldn't help but widen their eyes, and their pupils couldn't help but twitch violently.

Because, if their eyes were not blurry, the light on Li Su's hand at this moment was obviously exactly the same as the light emitted by the light-spraying bug.

Is this talent devouring?

Unable to hold back their excitement, the two of them couldn't help but subconsciously take two steps back, their expressions a little stiff.

In the entire alien system, there are not many races that acquire their talents by devouring others. A long time ago, a very special group of people even developed. At the time of the most terrifying period, even the talents of the upper-level species were the same. They were all devoured.

In the end, that population was eliminated by the five upper-level populations.

Later, there was even a rise in strangulation of this kind of alien race that devoured the population's talent. As soon as it was discovered, it would immediately carry out an all-round encirclement and suppression.

This situation lasted for a long time, until tens of thousands of years ago, someone discovered that as long as a person with the devouring talent did not reproduce with someone who was also gifted, the chance of a devouring person being born among his descendants would be very small.

After acquiring enough of this type of devouring talent and making continuous attempts, as long as this talent does not form a population and continues to accumulate and superpose, not only will there be very few offspring with the talent, but the devouring talent will also cause ability effects due to this behavior. decreasing gradually.

In the end, the mutant individual who devoured the talent was finally removed from the blacklist.

Nowadays, people with this kind of talent are very rare. Even among a group of people who give birth to tens of millions of newborns every year, the probability is less than 0.01%, and this kind of talent is very average and slightly complicated. Basically, all talents cannot be swallowed. Even if they are successfully swallowed, most of them will deteriorate.

Thinking of this, the two couldn't help but relax a lot. After all, the ability to swallow other people's talents is quite scary.

"I didn't expect to meet someone with the gift of devouring."

The two did not leave, but came closer, but the distance was quite far. Even though they knew that the devouring bloodline that could swallow them whole and get everything they had had almost disappeared, they were still a little uncomfortable.

Li Su glanced at the two of them, and the faint light on her hands dissipated. She was not surprised at the other party's reaction. After all, Ning Wuxia was also extremely surprised at the beginning, and felt strange about the ability of the guy she killed.

"Are you two planning to slay demons and protect the Tao?"

He did not explain that the talent of the identity he received was somewhat different from the swallowing talent, mainly in terms of functionality. However, he did not intend to explain this aspect. If he really wanted to use it in the future, it would not be too late to use it.

Ning Wuxia also told Li Su about the situation of Devouring Talent in the history of foreign races. Even now, he is still quite unpopular and isolated. Of course, it is precisely because of this that this kind of status is very important to people in the mythological world. A very good umbrella.

Isolation means having no friends.

In the process of pretending, an acquaintance suddenly pops up and greets you, exposing you.

After taking a look at Li Su, his fat ball-shaped body moved, and he bounced away with a very elegant posture.

The other person thought for a while, turned around, and left quickly towards the other side.

The talent of swallowing is quite scary in itself. If you don't know the situation clearly, if you take action rashly, you will help others to clear mines.

Being able to get out of the plains is not a simple matter in itself. Financial resources are only one part of it, and the other part is strength.

There is no doubt that the power of the three fighting emperors at this level is amazing. This in itself is a signal that is not to be messed with.

Watching the two people leave, Li Su turned back and glanced at the plain silently. After feeling a little about the condition of his cells, he immediately took his own steps, leaving the plain and entering the true virgin forest.


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