Chapter 1024 New Event (7)

"Tch, I don't know what to report about such a simple thing!"

In the city of the earth clan, some people praised it, but naturally there were also people who looked disdainful and said with disdain: "It's just that the other guy is too weak. It's mine instead."

As a result, before he could finish his words, someone on the side immediately held his mouth shut, "Okay, shut up. If it's you, it will only make your death more silent."

The man couldn't help but struggle, his eyes were very urgent, and he stared directly at the person holding his mouth.

Unfortunately, he was not strong enough and was suppressed to death, unable to say a word.

"Father, I don't think this punch is anything special? It's not as good as the battle just now."

Facing the scenes that were constantly playing in the viewing stone, some young people who didn't understand also spoke with doubts on their faces. Undoubtedly in his eyes, the scenes shown on the viewing stone at this moment were far inferior to the two previous battles. He watched with excitement. His thoughts were surging, wishing that one of them was himself.

The middle-aged man's mouth twitched. His son's question really caught him off guard, and the most terrible thing was when the idiot was being held down not far away.

Unable to bear it, he took a look around and found that most people had tolerant smiles on their faces, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

That's right, his son is still young and doesn't understand normality. He is different from the idiot who has lived for thousands of years.

"Little guy, as the saying goes, laymen only watch the excitement, while insiders watch the door."

"If you are determined to become a strong person in the future, then this punch must be recorded in your heart. If you understand it, you may not become a strong person, but if you don't understand it, then you will definitely not become a strong person."

"The powerful foreigners have extremely huge power within their bodies. You are also a warrior and are on the road. You should feel the energy filling your body."

Someone on the side spoke and said directly to the little guy who asked the question.

The little guy nodded. Of course he knew this. Not long ago, he even broke a stone three times bigger than himself with one punch. For this, he received praise from his father and even took him out to see the world.

"Since you can feel the power in your body, you must know that the amount of energy in the body of a warrior-level warrior is equivalent to 100 million of you."

The little guy was startled and couldn't help but widen his eyes. He had already learned arithmetic, and not long ago the teacher just mentioned the word "billion", which is ten times as much as tens of millions.

According to the teacher, when a foreigner first became a warrior, his internal strength was ten. Now he has fifty-three. As long as he can reach five hundred, he will be a war general, ten thousand will be a war king, three million will be a war saint, and five will be a war king. Ten million or more are considered to have entered the War King level.

So many! ! !

The little guy couldn't help but be shocked, which was equivalent to 100 million of himself. Isn't that too scary?

"You have also seen that in the battles between those war emperors, mountains and rivers were destroyed at the flick of a finger, and the continent was shattered with their hands. Even the huge and boundless stars in front of them could be destroyed with their bare hands."

"Even if the person who was beaten to death by one punch was weak, he was still a warrior-king-level being. Whenever a trace of the energy in his body was poured out, it would cause extremely huge damage and destroy everything around him."

"However, in such a situation, he was simply punched to death by the opponent. The vast power in his body was not able to be poured out at all, and all vitality and strength were directly annihilated."

Having said this, the man gathered a huge energy ball, placed it in front of the little guy and said, "Can you extinguish this energy ball silently?"

The little guy was startled. This energy was undoubtedly too great for him. Not to mention that it was suffocated silently. Whenever he raised his hand and touched it, he felt like it would be destroyed.

"The energy the War Emperor possesses is one hundred thousand, no, one million times more than the energy in my hand, but it was annihilated by someone's punch just now. Do you still think that punch is simple?"

The little guy couldn't help being stunned. As his light blue eyes continued to shrink, he quickly shook his head. It was so simple there, it was simply unimaginable.

Not far away, the guy who was struggling hard to get rid of the restraints of his companions, who was obviously too ambitious and too weak, now turned red in the face. He was already a war saint, and he was no longer young.

After finally understanding why, the old man's face suddenly turned red with embarrassment, like an ostrich. As his companion let him go, he lowered his head and hid his face before leaving.

This face is so embarrassing.

Of course, such episodes occur frequently in the Earth Clan's city.

After all, the new event attracted not only players, but also a large number of spectators. The city of the Earth Clan, which can accommodate hundreds of millions of people, has already exceeded its upper limit. Even the dormitory next to the animal shed is currently full of people.

Not for anything else, just to open the eyes of the younger generation. No matter how many grievances you have, it is still worth it.

There are some things that you will never be able to understand until you are there and experience them personally. The world is so big and there are so many talented people.

There is a saying that goes well;

Geniuses are like crucian carp crossing the river, countless.

There are only a handful of strong people in the palm of your hand.

If you want to become a strong person, you must first understand what a strong person in this world looks like, otherwise you will end up just a frog at the bottom of a well, an earthworm under the leaves, unaware of the depth of the sky.


Let’s not mention what’s going on outside.

Back to the battlefield!

It seemed that with Li Su's action, the fuse was ignited.

On the battlefield, another shocking scene occurred.

There was a two-headed man, holding a copper and iron rod, driving hundreds of people away. He stepped on the ground, and corpses fell like rain around him. Countless corpses and broken arms were scattered in all directions along with the collapsed mountains and rivers.

There is a woman with a graceful green rose, an emerald blooming between her eyebrows, and boundless vines growing under her feet. These vines are moving, and blood vessels like living things appear on the roots. They open in all directions, with a diameter of more than a million miles. Huge, there is a figure in the terrifying vines, it is the War Emperor, there are as many as a thousand people, they are divided among the vines, frantically pouring out their own strength to fight against the vines, but a shocking scene is that a thousand people are obviously suppressed , in just a few seconds, several people were entangled and suppressed. The strange vines were not afraid of fire or lightning, and the magic swords could not chop them.

There is also an earless man walking among the mountains and rivers. He is mumbling words and making mysterious sounds. As he steps forward, there are countless creatures behind him, such as snakes, insects, rats, ants, birds and animals, and even people. They looked extremely weird and terrifying. While walking numbly, their mouths kept opening and closing, spitting out the same sound as the people leading the way. The sound was so permeable that it turned into handwritten text after spitting it out. Floating in the air, a huge ocean was formed. Even if there was no sound, the picture was blurry. Many people felt uncomfortable and panicked for a while.

One, another, and another.

The powerful individual alien races took action one after another. They began to plan to score points crazily to quickly push their rankings up.

They don't care about the rewards of the new competition. Their appearance at this moment is more to show themselves.

Although only the first 10,000 people will win prizes in this competition, even if I am strong enough, facing genius monsters from all over the alien race, and even thirty-three famous alien geniuses, I naturally dare not be careless and arrogant. Think that you can be invincible.

Therefore, before those carefully cultivated geniuses break out, they plan to show themselves first, make a dazzling scene, and attract attention, so that they can be favored by wealthy and powerful people, and then obtain investment.

For a time, the entire arena was in full bloom. Although it was completely different from Li Su's opening, there was no doubt that compared to Li Su's restrained depth, this coexistence of magnificence and power undoubtedly attracted everyone's attention.

In an instant, the entire Earth Clan city couldn't help but boil again, and the atmosphere was raised to another level.


At the same time, hundreds of light years away, there was a high-hanging island close to the depths of heaven.

The island is huge, tens of thousands of miles in size, and weighs more than hundreds of millions of tons. It stands in the air, as if it is lifted up by some invisible force.

At this moment, there were constant roars and thunders all around the island.

Each of those thunderbolts was extremely huge and could circle the island for a full 360 times, alternating with each other and protecting the island.

Not far from the huge island, I saw a magical fairy palace, floating among the clouds, swaying with seven colors of light.

That immortal palace is Qianyun Palace, one of the thirty-six heavenly palaces!

As for the isolated island, it is the residence of Leiyu Tianzun, one of the four emperors of heaven.

At this moment, in front of him was a huge viewing stone, and a new event that took place in the city of the Earth Clan was being played.

Around Lei Yutianzun, disciples of Tianting, Renjiao, Dongchanjiao and other major sects, as well as many geniuses from the upper, middle and lower domains, were also there. They were called over by Leiyu to take a look at the so-called The style of a foreign genius.

In the first three days, it was undoubtedly just a joke, and it didn't catch your eye at all.

Until, after that amazing punch!

Many people in the lower domain, the middle domain, and even the upper domain immediately changed their expressions. As the real foreign geniuses appeared one after another, many people's expressions became more and more solemn.

"These are basically nameless aliens!"

Following Lei Yu Tianzun's extremely sudden words, in an instant, the disciples of the great sect who were originally very relaxed had to be alert and became serious.

Is this still nameless?

Regarding the information about the alien races, everyone here has not just entered the heaven. They naturally know the difference between the famous and the unknown, and that even the famous alien races are divided into three levels. There is no doubt that the top five ethnic groups are simply unreasonable. .

Without speaking, everyone just looked at the viewing stone quietly. They knew what Lei Yu Tianzun meant by specially arranging for everyone to come here.

However, even if he is nameless, is he still so powerful?

Not only are the geniuses in the lower and middle regions a little desperate at this moment, but the geniuses in the upper realm are also uncomfortable, because for them, the biggest impact is not the subsequent battle, but the punch at the beginning, which is a bit of a blow.

You know, that is not the talent field of alien expertise, but the field of skills, which is what monks in the mythical world should be good at.

As a result, if the opponent punches, even in the mythical world, only a group of people who stand at the top of their realm can do it.

Lei Yutianzun couldn't help but frown at this moment. He was not surprised by the talent of the foreign race, but the punch at the beginning was really something that people couldn't ignore.

"Doutian, is this what you prepared? Use this punch to tell us that the aliens are not only powerful in talent, but also have good skills???"


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