Chapter 1026 New Event (9)

high speed!

But in just a moment's thought, I could already see the figure.

One of them was very fast and surpassed everyone in an instant. Like a bolt of lightning, thousands of miles apart, it struck Li Su in an instant.

With an extremely simple chop, he slashed directly towards Li Su's neck.

"I'll accept the head."

"If you want to hate it, blame it on your bad luck!"

Along with cutting off the hand knife, the sound poured into Li Su's mind.

Although he knew that a fierce battle was inevitable, he didn't expect that the first battle would be against such an opponent!

This is a junior war emperor wearing the appearance of a war emperor, also known as the so-called Ten Thousand Dao Realm!

Li Su raised his eyebrows slightly. Even though he could not use the Supreme Saint, which would have reduced his combat power too much, he had a top-level foundation and unparalleled talent. There were not many Taiyi in the world who wanted to force him to use the Supreme in the same realm.

The Da Luo realm is suppressed by the realm. Although it has certain advantages, it also depends on the person.

If it is the Ten Fire Taiyi, it may not be possible to beat it if it is real, but if it is a myth, the concept is different.

At least, once the Qian Dao Realm suppresses the realm, it is extremely difficult to fight against the Twelve Fires. The Thirteen Fires are basically the same, the Fourteenth Fires can basically counterattack, let alone the Fifteenth Fires, which can surpass one level. The existence of war.

The threat the other party gave him was only about eleven fires.

Li Su raised his hands and rubbed them violently. Tai Chi energy spread directly between Li Su's hands, forming an extremely soft field.

The hands, slow and heavy, seemed to be pushing not the air, but the huge ocean and the stars in the sky as they turned.


The astonishing hand knife struck Li Su Roujin in an instant.

The man who thought he would succeed with one blow and walked away was shocked. His hand knife was extraordinary. It was a combination of his talent. It had the power to cut through everything, like a peerless magic blade.

Because of this ability, his clan is also called the Divine Sword Alien Race. They are born with a peerless magic weapon in their bodies that can cut through everything.

As a result, the invincible divine sword seemed to have plunged into a bottomless quagmire at this moment. The distance of only a few meters seemed to be bottomless, and its advancement was extremely slow, as if it had been stagnated.

The middle-aged man's face looked a little ugly for a moment. After all, it was too much of a slap in the face to be restrained by the other party the next second after he said something bold.

"It's ridiculous, such a power wants to trap me? I'm in the Great Luo Realm!!!"

With a roar, astonishing power erupted directly from his body, and his palm seemed to evolve into a divine sword that could open the sky. It spit out a sharp sword light and cut open Li Su's soft strength in an instant.

The whole process took less than 0.5 seconds. The divine sword broke free and reached Li Su's neck. At this moment, the space was cut open by the other party, forming an astonishing crack. The Tao inside seemed to have been cut off. broken.

"Brother, be careful!"

Before the middle-aged man's face showed joy, a worried warning sounded from behind, and a voice approached through the air.

The middle-aged man's pupils couldn't help but shrink, and he noticed something unusual.

The figure in front of him whose head and body were separated was not his real body.

Where are people? Where have people gone?

Just when he was thinking about Li Su's position, he felt a palm touching his waist.

Before he could react, the palm trembled, and the huge palm power spurted out, directly hitting the opponent's waist and abdomen.

How to describe it?

At this moment, it was as if a planet hit the continent. The middle-aged man's waist and abdomen shattered like glass shards. The terrifying power penetrated into his interior, destroying it from the ground up, shattering its most basic atomic structure. .

With a light palm, the middle-aged man was interrupted directly at the waist. Scarlet blood splashed up, forming an extremely coquettish blood-colored flower in the void.

His face instantly turned pale, and the middle-aged man's eyes turned black. This terrifying palm not only penetrated his body, but also severely damaged his soul, and even the Tao in his body was distorted and transformed.

He couldn't help spitting out a large mouthful of blood, tasting the most painful injury and pain after becoming a Da Luo realm.

grumble! grumble! grumble!

A noise like the chirping of birds rang out, and Li Su, who had not had time to take advantage of the victory, couldn't help but raise his head after a successful palm strike.

But he saw dots of starlight above his head, filled with astonishing energy, and suddenly fell towards him.

Each of these starlights gathered astonishing energy, like a magic weapon, which could easily penetrate a ten thousand-foot-high mountain. However, thousands of them appeared above Li Su's head, pouring towards him alone. With unparalleled penetrating power.

Letting go of the guy who was interrupted by his own palm, Li Su faced each other with his palms, as if rubbing a ball. In less than 0.001 second, he rubbed it back and forth dozens or hundreds of times.

Light movements, amazing power.

In an instant, the void was stirred, like a piece of paper, being twisted into a circle with his bare hands.

He raised his palm, and the circle was held high above his head.

There was a buzzing sound, and the circle suddenly expanded. But in the blink of an eye, the space around Li Su's palm was like a piece of cloth. He kneaded it into layers of folds, and a huge spiral pattern appeared, like an umbrella, stretched out above his head. open.

Astonishing starlight fell, hitting the twisted space.

With a slight tremor, thousands of sparks and star points flew out, distorted their original path, and flew towards the surrounding areas.

boom! boom! boom!

The moment it touched the ground, the ground shook.

The falling star points were like meteors, directly smashing the earth with a radius of thousands of miles in diameter.


Not far away, the rescuer's eyes couldn't help but tremble as he watched this scene. Apparently he didn't expect that his killing move could be broken so easily.

Although his realm has been suppressed, there is no doubt that he is much stronger now than when he was still at the War King level. As a result, his strongest trick was defeated so easily.

On the other side, the woman who rescued the middle-aged man who was smashed by the waist and warned her senior brother to be careful also kept changing her face. Because of the passing of the moon, her eyes lost their charm and became cold. At this moment, there was a trace of emotion written on her eyes. Shock.

The two senior brothers are both in the Ten Thousand Dao Realm, and they are undoubtedly Daluo.

As a result, after a confrontation, both of their special moves were neutralized by this unknown person.

What kind of talent is that? ? ?

Recalling Li Su's weird movements, he could even distort space. Have they never heard of this kind of race before?


Among the entire alien races, only the gods, one of the upper-level alien races, are qualified to use it.

"You guys, step back."

An old voice sounded, and an old man was seen walking slowly with his hands behind his back and his feet on the sky.

One step is a footprint.

The space was unbearable, and he stepped out of the cracks, forming a path.

"You can't handle this little guy."


The three people's hearts tightened. At this moment, even the middle-aged man, whose face was blue and his lips were pale, shut up and did not dare to say anything. It was obvious that this person had a very high status in their hearts.

Moreover, the three of them were also quite frightened by the previous confrontation. The strength of the man in front of them, who was being offered a bounty by the Decepticons, was simply beyond their imagination. Not only did they injure the boss in a single confrontation, he also managed to defeat the two of them with their unique skills.

"What a pity, what a pity!"

The old man moved forward until he was less than a hundred meters away from Li Su. He looked at Li Su with a look of regret on his face, as if he was saying that with such a talent, why is he not a disciple of our clan?

"It's amazing that a mutant can grow to such an extent after being born. It's a pity that there are no adults and no guidance. He makes one mistake at a time and gets involved in right and wrong that he cannot handle."

"Although I appreciate your talent, God's will plays a trick on people, and fate is like this. If you want to blame it, just blame your own bad fate!"


Li Su smiled and sneered again and again. If you want to kill, kill him. He has to say a few words on horseback. What is this showing?

"The younger one is a thief. He obviously intends to kill people, but makes people blame luck. The old one is also a thief. He obviously kills people and sets fires, and collects money to do things, but he prefers to be superior. He talks about being merciful and merciful. He is a person who accepts money and sells his life. How about God's will to manipulate people? Is it worthy?"

"If we have different positions, we will kill each other. Do two of us have to be so disgusting?"

When the old man heard this, his face suddenly became very ugly. As a person in the Yi Dao realm, he was either respected or feared by others. He had never been like this before, being directly slapped in the face.

In an instant, the old man was furious, and his face was so gloomy that water could almost drip from his face.

"A bastard is a bastard. He has no education and is arrogant. He doesn't know how high the world is. Today, I will ask my parents, who don't want to raise you, to give you an education that will last a lifetime!!!"

Li Su's expression froze slightly, and the next second, his pupils turned red, "You bitch, you are seeking death on horseback!"


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