Chapter 1029 New Event (12)

They chased and escaped all the way, fighting constantly.

The fighting distance between the two sides was more than a million miles, during which the earth was shattered and countless rivers were evaporated.

Facing the four powerful men, almost all of them were pursued by those with strength above Thirteen Fires. Even if Li Su did not use the Supreme Saint, the situation was once dangerous, and his body was severely injured one after another.

Whether it's the fire alien race or the thunder alien race, it's very troublesome.

Their attack power was too high, and the damage was obviously at the realm-breaking level. Even if they collided, he would be seriously injured.

Along the way, Li Su's internal organs were severely damaged and invaded by the opponent's power.

Then there's that woman. Her tricks that can seduce his mind have little effect on him. With the supreme protection of the soul and the body of a ghost and fairy, even Ning Wuxia's demonic charm can be suppressed to a certain extent, not to mention that woman?

But there is a problem. As an extremely rare spiritual talent among alien races, Li Su does not dare to show too much strength. After all, this kind of race is too rare. Every time, he has to let himself be 'tricked', and then use his will to Forced to wake up.

As a result, the move that obviously didn't do much damage delayed him the longest.

Finally, the most troublesome person is undoubtedly the middle-aged man. Not to mention the troublesome methods, the key point is the curse placed on him.

It's really troublesome!

It was clear that Li Su had broken out, but was immediately caught up again. This repeated several times, which gave him a headache.

However, after this chase, the breath of the curse has faded a lot. Each activation will cause a certain amount of consumption, and the power will overflow and be captured by Li Su, thus clearing it.

Judging from the current situation, he should be able to remove the curse on his arm in about ten minutes at most.

However, an obvious problem is that these ten minutes are not easy to pass.

The footsteps suddenly stopped, and Li Su's face, which had turned pale due to trauma, suddenly froze, and he subconsciously stretched out his hand to block his body.


A pitch-black sword suddenly appeared in the deep earth without any movement and pierced his arm directly.

His face turned cold, and he pointed his right hand like a knife, slashing directly towards the place where there was only a sharp sword but no other aura.

There was no doubt that it was in the air. Not only that, the sword that penetrated the palm was also missing, leaving only a shocking wound.

The blood is flowing, but the blood is not red, but dark.

That sword is poisonous!

The toxicity is so strong that even the metal body is being corroded extremely strongly.

Before he could use his energy, there was an astonishing heavy pressure on his head, and a huge man with an extremely huge body, far exceeding the height of an ordinary person, appeared. He held a giant hammer and fell with a crash.

The hammer was extraordinary. When it fell, it was vibrating at a frequency of tens of thousands of times per second. The high-frequency force caused by the vibration disintegrated everything it passed before it even got close.

Raise your hand and try your best to clap.

With a bang, Li Su's progress was stopped in place. The astonishing force went down his arm, not only destroying it along the way, but also going straight to his heart.

With a bang, a thunder exploded directly in his heart. Li Su vomited a large mouthful of blood on the spot, and his heart was almost torn.

Damn it, two more are here!

Li Su had a headache. Although the injury was not fatal, there were too many people surrounding him.

Moreover, these two are both extremely powerful beings, either Taiyi Tianjiao or Daluo strong men. Compared with the old man in front, the difficulty of confrontation is simply different.

The body instantly became weathered and lost its shape.

In an instant, a huge force burst out from where his chest was, forming a tornado with a diameter of more than a hundred miles, erupting from the ground and hitting the clouds.

That was the power of that hammer. It was very vicious. Although it was powerful and powerful, it was almost all secret energy. It did not explode externally, but was buried inside the body like a thunder, forming something like a cancerous tumor. It slowly erupted inside, extremely vicious.

If it were someone else, even if his body was strong enough, he would probably suffer from this attack.

That is, Li Su, who possesses the power of Tiangang, can directly turn himself into wind and become a part of the element.

Taking advantage of the hurricane that broke out, Li Su jumped into the sky and swam in the wind. He left the deep earth environment and ran away from the sky.

Underground, can't stay any longer.

In addition to the two just now, there are many more around.

Some were approaching quietly, while others were just in front of him, waiting quietly for him to come, ready to do something against him like the guy who pierced his palm before.

High in the sky, Li Su escaped the surprise attack of the guy who used the thunder method, and Li Su went away again.

While running, he couldn't help grinding his teeth and was in an extremely bad mood.

Because he couldn't use the Supreme Saint, he didn't dare to show off even the Tiangang Disha technique. This undoubtedly made him quite constrained and extremely angry.

For these people, when their realm is only at the Battle Emperor level, facing him in real life, one stroke of the life painting can kill two of them.

Decepticons, are you crazy?

How much effort did you put into killing him? how much did you spend?

It's a bit too much for so many people to join forces to pursue and block him.

His identity, to put it bluntly, is just a high-level war king. His strength has never been demonstrated, and the lineup he prepared is too luxurious.

This lineup is enough to play high-ranking foreign races.

Decepticon, does this motherfucker have money but nowhere to use it?

Each of these people, one by one, can never be hired at ordinary prices.

All the way up to the sky, all the way down to the earth, Li Su, whose strength was restricted, was in a very embarrassed state at this moment, jumping up and down, running around.

As time went on, the space for his activities became smaller and smaller. The main reason was that the people who were encircling and suppressing had a tacit understanding, and they no longer took action one by one, but jointly.

For a while, he was beaten to a bloody pulp, his whole body was scorched black, and he was almost enveloped by the barrier several times.

That is to say, he changes enough, moves fast enough, and often reacts and avoids fatal blows just before he is hit.


The high-intensity fighting here lasted for more than ten minutes, and even though the people who were surrounded and suppressed were extremely embarrassed and disgraced.

In the city of the Earth Clan, there was no sound. Everyone widened their eyes and swallowed their saliva.

To be honest, there were several times when they thought the other party was dead, but they all escaped in ways beyond imagination. They were obviously in great embarrassment, but there was only one thought in everyone's mind.

That is, this person is so strong, too strong!

So many masters surrounded and suppressed them, but they could still persist for more than ten minutes. Their grasp of timing and battlefield was simply unimaginable. It was as if a whole new world had opened up, which shocked countless aliens with the same ability, almost Yulun. No times.

Not only the foreigners, but also the mythical world, watched the battle on the viewing stone intently, extremely shocked.

Needless to say, those dozen or so strong men are geniuses.

The man who was surrounded and killed deeply touched everyone. Even the disciples of the great sect could not help but change their expressions, feeling great pressure.

This person has almost no weaknesses in terms of skills, magical powers, willpower, and spiritual awareness. His attack is not the strongest, his defense is not the highest, and his speed is not the fastest. But in terms of comprehensive attributes, he can undoubtedly crush everyone else.

Because of this, it is even more scary.

For a time, many people couldn't help but mutter in their hearts, die, die, be beaten to death!

If this thing wants to survive, if it encounters it in the future, they will be the unlucky ones.

Lei Yu Tianzun couldn't help but frown. He knew best how troublesome this all-around player who seemed to be weak was.

In the world of mythology, there are also similar strong men, those in the extreme Daluo realm. Once the battle begins, it takes at least three of the same ultimate giants to trap it each time, which can be said to be extremely difficult.

And the more the opponent is good at, it often means that the opponent's talent is more terrifying and comprehensive.

The difficulty of breaking through the ultimate level of Daluo Realm becomes easier.

Are there such geniuses among all the unknown people?

It seems that this new event has a mortality rate. Are the aliens already so generous? Such a talented person is willing to let him be beaten to death?

Well, this punch was wrong. I had already dodged it just now. Since concentration is not enough, then spread it first. The so-called output must first hit someone.

And this fire, with such a large scope, affects the performance of others.

That middle-aged man, since the barrier is useless, let's find another way. Remember the alien barrier master, who also has the profession of curse master, right? You should invest some life into it!

And what was that woman doing at such a distance? If she got closer, she would be seriously injured at worst. How could she die so easily?


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