Chapter 1033 New Event (16)

"Yan, you get out first!"

Facing this scene, the concubine took a deep breath. At this point, it was meaningless for Black Stone to stay here.

The reason why the opponent didn't take action was because he was still adjusting his injuries. Once the opponent's breath fully recovered, the blow would come immediately.

By that time, there is no chance to retreat.

Listening to the concubine's words, Heishi couldn't help but grit his teeth and took out the Teleportation Jade. He also knew that in terms of his own strength, he was at most an average warrior king. Facing the thugs hired by the Decepticons with huge sums of money, There is no countervailing capital at all.

If you continue to stay here, it will become an obstacle to the concubine.

If he leaves, it will be easier for the other party to move.


not good!

Suddenly, the concubine's expression changed, and two of the five people chasing behind her disappeared without knowing when.

No, looking at one of the remaining three people showing a weird smile, she immediately realized that she had been fooled, and the other party had already taken action.

Although she was in the Yi Dao realm, she had been away from the battlefield for too long. Even though the realm maintained her strength, the long period of stability still made her lose the vigilance she should have on the battlefield.

In fact, this was reflected in the sneak attack at the beginning.

If it were her before, those people would probably have to injure seven or eight people even if they didn't die. After all, the level of her realm is so high, her attack power is very high.

But obviously, in fact, although she injured several people, she couldn't even take away their ability to move.

"Yan, Xiao!"

While talking, the concubine rushed over directly.

However, just as the man moved, two figures suddenly appeared out of thin air not far in front of Heishi.

The extremely weird magnetic force appeared again. One person stood in front of the concubine, and the powerful magnetic force formed a field to trap her. The other person suddenly took action when Black Stone was clearly focused on the teleportation jade, and directly penetrated it with magnetic force. Black Stone's body.


The magnetic force exploded. Unlike when dealing with Li Su, the terrifying magnetic force instantly disrupted Black Stone's entire body. His flesh, flesh, bones, and soul were all disrupted.

Damn it!

Seeing Heishi's body being disintegrated by the opponent with almost no resistance, and even unable to activate the teleportation jade, the concubine had a look of extreme annoyance on her face, but it was obvious that she was also in trouble at this moment.

The field of magnetic formation is very heavy, which is very troublesome for a mysterious alien like her. Although she cannot completely control her, it makes it difficult for her to escape from this bondage in a short period of time. She can only watch Black Stone fall into a desperate situation. The body, soul, and even the Tao were disintegrated by each other bit by bit.

At this moment, the three people hanging far away broke through to the front without knowing when.

The person who smiled slyly at the concubine stepped forward, and the powerful magnetic force overflowed, instantly compatible with the position of the other person. In an instant, the power of the field doubled directly, and the diameter of a hundred meters formed ten thousand times that of the outside world, no, ten Ten thousand times the huge pressure environment.

Under that heaviness, time became extremely slow, and every second passed by was extremely long.

The other two people also took action.

The man holding a sledgehammer stepped directly into the field. He was extremely fast and was not suppressed, but instead received blessings.

The other person's figure had already disappeared before he came over, leaving no breath at all.

The person who attacked Li Su several times had extremely terrible control over his aura. Even Li Su could only sense and detect the opponent's weapon before the opponent took action.

Facing the lifted heavy hammer, before the concubine's suppressed thoughts had time to respond, severe pain came from her chest.

A pitch-black sword was thrust into her back and out from her chest.

The concubine's fair face froze, and her good-looking face immediately became distorted. Blood spurted out from the cut lungs. The sword that pierced the chest burst out with astonishing power, destroying her internal organs wantonly.

A mouthful of black blood not only injured him, he was also poisoned.

The next second, the sledgehammer fell, without any mercy, and hit her head hard.

With a loud bang, the concubine's head shattered, and almost no trace of the terrifying energy spilled out, all pouring into her head.

Faced with this result, the four people who took action did not stop. The field became heavier. The magnetic force almost penetrated the concubine's body, and the huge gravity pressed on every cell of her.

The man with the hammer and the man with the sword are also constantly launching attacks, consuming the body and soul of the concubine, trying to completely eliminate it.

Peace is undoubtedly like poison to the strong.

As a billionaire, Fei made so many mistakes that she was unable to form a battle and fell into an extremely desperate situation.


Meanwhile, on the other side.

Jiu Ge was also caught up.

The thunder in the sky became faster and faster as it continued to accumulate power, and finally caught up with Jiu Ge after a distance of almost 800,000 miles.

The thunder turned into a huge fist, fell from the sky, and struck straight at Jiu Ge who was running.

With flames in his pupils, Jiuge became completely angry when faced with this shocking punch.

At this moment, the person she cares about most is undoubtedly Li Su, who was severely injured on his hand. She wanted to find a place to treat him, but the other person followed her closely and did not give her time to save him.

Faced with this shocking blow, Jiuge punched in anger.

As one of the five high-ranking foreign races, the power of the Earth Clan was fully demonstrated at this moment.

Even after running for hundreds of thousands of miles, the power gathered to form a monstrous divine thunder.

Facing Jiu Ge who had her feet on the ground, even if she took action hastily and her fists collided for a moment, it would be a one-sided scene.

The huge thunder was smashed into pieces by the small fist, and the terrible power rolled up. The smile on the fallen man's face had not fully bloomed, but it turned into a look of shock. That simple punch, in his eyes , like the vast expanse of land, directly shattered his innate magical power.


The sound of broken hand bones.


The sound of viscera breaking.

Blood spurted out a foot high, and those who fell were knocked backwards and fell back into the clouds.

"As expected of a high-ranking foreign race, they are indeed powerful."

A faint voice sounded, with a trace of burning heat inside. It was a guy from the Five Elements Alien Race. He was also not slow. Although he couldn't catch up with the thunder above his head, he still reached 10,000 meters away.

Take action!

The majestic sun rose, and the terrifying heat swept directly over Jiu Ge's location. The mountains melted, the water evaporated, and the air was distorted.

Jiu Ge was unmoved. Her eyes were getting redder and redder at this moment. It was not anger or rage, but a unique reaction as a member of the Earth Clan. She was not afraid of fighting. In fact, she loved fighting. Once the game ends, the blood will boil all over the body and the heartbeat will sound like thunder.

That is a sign of ‘awakening’, the beginning of an impending explosion.

And under such circumstances, Jiu Ge took out the teleportation jade. There was a flash of incomparable pain in her eyes, but she became extremely determined the next second. Her mana started to circulate and she activated it without hesitation.

Compared to climbing the mountain, people are more important! ! !

"Junior sister!"

At this moment, a voice sounded, causing Jiu Ge to hesitate.

But she saw a person with a hood whose face could not be seen suddenly appear, and suddenly came to her. A huge force came out, directly isolating the high position that could melt everything.

The person who came was very direct and said without looking back: "Junior sister, I will stop them, you go first!"

The man's words made Jiuge burst into tears for a while, her face was filled with pear blossoms. Her hands suddenly clenched tightly, and the astonishing strength almost crushed the teleportation jade in her hands.

Facing the person standing in front of him, Jiuge's eyes turned blood red, and his heart beat like thunder.

She roared, and her fist, which could annihilate everything, hit the person in front of her without any hesitation.

The person in front of him turned around. His movement was not sudden, but he had been well prepared and had accumulated astonishing amounts of energy.

Fists clashed.

Both sides were shocked.

Jiuge stepped back tens of meters, while the hooded man spit out a mouthful of blood, his palms almost rotten. He flew several thousand meters away and stepped on several mountains before he could stop.

"You are really cruel and ruthless. We have been together day and night for a hundred years. Junior sister, how can you be so cruel?"

There was no expression on Jiuge's face, and he said in a tone he had never heard before, "Brother, have you forgotten? My father once said that once a person betrays, he will never look back, and it is impossible to look back."

As mana flows out, the hooded man's injuries are rapidly repairing.

"Really? Master, it's true. Do you want to hinder me even if you die?"

Following the other party's words, Jiuge was shocked, and her pupils couldn't help but tremble, but the next second she bit her lip.

This is the enemy, this is the enemy!

Jiuge, don’t be fooled, don’t be confused.

The focus now is on saving lives.

She took a deep breath, without looking at the other party, and directly planned to activate the teleportation jade in her hand.

"Don't you believe it?" The man smiled, "Yes, after all, there is no evidence yet, but, Junior Sister, do you just save him? Sister Fei, do you not care about it? And don't you care about that idiot Hei Shi?"

While speaking, the man took out a viewing stone in his hand, and what was playing inside was the concubine and Heishi who were in danger.

Jiuge's pupils shrank, and his body couldn't help but tremble at this moment. The anger squeezing in his heart could no longer be suppressed, and the reason in his pupils was gradually dissipating and disintegrating.

Seeing Jiu Ge who was about to explode completely, the corners of the hooded man's mouth couldn't help but curl up. Very good, go crazy, wake up, and explode regardless.

This is almost the only way to capture the Earth Clan's genius alive.

Only by making it completely lose its mind and letting it explode with selflessness can we have a chance to capture it alive.

His eyes slightly glanced behind him, and he saw that a middle-aged man who was good at casting enchantments was already standing not far away. There was light in his palm at the moment, and he was obviously giving birth to some kind of special enchantment.

Once Jiuge goes completely crazy, he will be trapped inside.

At this moment, the geniuses of the Five Elements Alien Race, the Thunder Alien Race and others also appeared around. The group of people who had besieged Li Su not long ago had completely surrounded Jiuge.

Junior sister, junior sister, I have already told you to quit and stop interfering. Why don’t you understand senior brother’s kindness?

Don't blame senior brother for being cruel, the times are like this. Since he is about to die fortunately, it is better to help senior brother and let him rise to the top.


At this moment, there was a loud noise and thunder pierced through.

The sound was very special. It wasn't that someone was about to die, but it was coming from the viewing stone in the hand of the hooded man.

Inside, a figure appeared, an incredible figure.

Even Jiuge couldn't help but widen his eyes at this moment, looking at the person appearing in the viewing stone in disbelief, and he couldn't help but look down at the person he was holding in his palm.


But seeing Li Su, who was supposed to be seriously injured and dying, he sighed faintly, "I mean, girl, didn't your father tell you the story of the three cunning rabbits in their burrows?"


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