Chapter 1038 New Event (21)


Knock someone unconscious with one punch!

To be honest, it's not easy.

At the level of the War King, the physical body is no longer a fatal factor. Even if the skull is lifted up and the opponent reaches in and stirs it for a few times, the opponent can pick up his skull and cover it back, and it will be restored to its original state in the blink of an eye.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to knock someone unconscious, and it requires extremely high control of strength and timing.

Even if Li Su was the one who knocked the person unconscious, he only succeeded after hundreds of repeated attempts.

Moreover, the success rate is not very high, only 70% at most.

The main reason is that people are different, their talents are different, and the intensity required is also different, and the gap is huge.

However, fortunately, it can be killed directly, so the focus of the attack is not a problem.

Li Su has not forgotten the requirement of three thousand points. The summit may not be guaranteed, but this achievement must be kept no matter what, so as not to cause the seniors to lose money.

Although the situation has undergone some changes, Li Suke has not forgotten his original affairs.

The purpose of coming here is to obtain miscellaneous ways. This main purpose must not be forgotten. After all, it is related to whether he can become a great Luo in a short time.

The clone stayed with Jiuge and the others. After a few hours, Li Su gained a lot, there seemed to be hundreds of people.

After the fight, study the corpse when dead, and study the avenue while alive.

Not to mention, the efficiency is really good. Even if the talents are repeated, the miscellaneous paths inside are still different. At the level of the War Emperor, there are thousands of different ones.

Therefore, after some operations, he gained almost more than 100,000 new miscellaneous things.

In addition, in the previous battle, Li Su was beaten in turn by more than a dozen people. It was not in vain that Li Su was beaten. He also made a lot from them, almost more than 300,000 yuan.

Not to mention, the concubines of Yi Dao Realm also fell into Li Su's hands. Although they were a little unkind, he also collected the miscellaneous Dao over there, and he collected a lot.

If you do the math, he currently has more than 4 million miscellaneous items, which means that the new event has only started for a few days, and he has gained more than he did in the previous two months.

It is indeed a high-level foreign competition. Although there are a few problems, the quality and quantity of the personnel are very satisfying.

However, as more and more miscellaneous paths continued to gather, Li Su also felt a bit of pressure.

This pressure comes from his main path.

Now in his body, in the vast sea of ​​stardust, there are more than four million miscellaneous paths all around, surrounding the avenue that carries his Seven Saints. It seems to have mass, weighing heavily on it, making him feel a trace of Silly discomfort.

However, there is no solution.

Just increase the number of main roads!

Now the number of his main paths is not low, it is close to 16,000. During the time he came to the city of the Earth Clan, there were almost 4,000 new ones.

Originally, this improvement was not bad and was on par with the increase in the number of side roads. However, with the influx of a large number of side roads in new events, it gradually began to feel like the main road could not catch up.

After picking up more than ten people, Li Su had to stop first. Although there were only a few thousand new people in the miscellaneous channel, the pressure increased rapidly. The main channel felt a little uncomfortable, and the operation seemed to be affected.

It seems that the increase in miscellaneous roads is slowing down a bit. Otherwise, if this continues, there may be problems with the operation of the main road.

Even Li Su didn't dare to joke about his own Dao. After all, if the miscellaneous Dao really suppressed the main Dao, under such circumstances, it would be quite bad for him.

Of course, the act of beating people and collecting miscellaneous things has not stopped. After all, there is still a gap of half of the distance from ten million. With the current situation, there is no telling when something will go wrong, so if you can understand, you must try your best to understand.

However, although it is understood, it is not acquired and integrated into its own miscellaneous ways.

I don’t know if God opened his eyes, or if Emperor Zun’s accident had a great impact, the Decepticons became quite quiet, and were not very eager to find Jiuge and the others.

Jiu Ge also seemed very depressed. The concubine woke up the next day. After that, Jiu Ge didn't do anything. He just sat in the corner with his legs in his arms, burying his head in his knees and saying nothing. Did nothing.

As for the concubine, she was undoubtedly shocked when she heard the news. The strong woman with the Yi Dao Realm seemed very confused. There was no doubt that her heart was in chaos.

However, since he was in the Yi Dao realm, he could handle his emotions quickly and calmed down in less than half a day.

Then, very unexpectedly, I started going out.

The first time is one day, the second time is three days, and the third time is seven days.

And every time I came back, I only stayed for less than an hour, and then immediately got up and left without saying a word from beginning to end.

However, Li Su could feel it.

The opponent's momentum is changing, almost one change at a time, becoming unfamiliar and fierce.

The smell of blood on his body is also getting stronger, getting stronger each time.

Not only her, Jiu Ge is also changing. Although he remains motionless and silent, Li Su can feel that amazing changes are taking place under the other's small body, and something is being conceived and accumulated.

For this reason, he had to expand this temporary base and also used a barrier.

After all, the little girl's aura was so intense that the air could not help but shake with her breathing, like a powder keg that could explode at any time.

The feeling was the same as when the other person was awakening, but it was different. When he was awakening, his inner mania almost covered up his reason, but it was obviously different. Although he was getting more violent, the center of the whirlpool was still and there was no ripple at all.

Facing this scene, even Li Su couldn't help but take a breath.

The truth unfolds unexpectedly.

Unexpectedly, the disappearance of Jiutian Emperor not only failed to defeat the two women, but also caused the shackles on the two women to be released because of the disappearance of his wings.

It's right to think about it. The former is still in the Yi Dao realm. How can he be weak if he can reach this point?

As for Jiuge, not to mention, this is a descendant of the orthodox Earth clan, and the highest level of militant blood among the aliens flows in his body. He is a fighting nation in the true sense.

Pressure and desperate situations may be the best nourishment for her.

Fortunately, among all the alien races, only the Earth race is like this, otherwise, the mythical world would really have a headache.

However, looking at the two people, especially Jiu Ge, who were getting stronger day by day, the corners of Li Su's mouth couldn't help but twitch for a while, feeling somewhat disadvantaged.

Recalling that he has become stronger, his understanding is one thing, and he has put in a lot of hard work.

Every step forward and walking is accumulated day and night, all the time.

You know, since Li Su started practicing, practicing has become instinctive and has never stopped for a day.

Because of his high level of understanding, he is always in the process of understanding the Tao and the Dharma. It can be said that he has paid a lot for his current achievements.

But what about Jiuge?

Just by being awakened, he actually started to become stronger unreasonably. There was no practice, no enlightenment, just a slight burst of emotion, and he started to improve like an explosive seed.

Not only did Jiu Ge's aura become more astonishing, it even began to convey a faint power that Li Su couldn't help but be afraid of.

Just kidding, as Taiyi's ceiling, even if the opponent goes far away from Taiyi's level, Li Su won't be afraid.

Therefore, there is probably only one person that he can be afraid of.

Daluo Realm!

Damn it, just by squatting, he broke through the unattainable realm that countless people thought about.

This is so damn Versailles.

If it were Li Su, even if he shouted Potian, his combat power would only increase a little, but after he regained consciousness, his strength would quickly shrink.

For the first time in his life, Li Su felt sour, as if he had eaten a lemon that had been mature for thousands of years.

Three months, if this continues, at most three months, this child should be able to become a Daluo realm, and it is not an ordinary Daluo realm that has just been released, but a person who will be strong even among tens of millions of Dao realms. Batch, even the kind of newborn Daluo realm that can defeat Yidao realm.

Sure enough, false genius and real genius are completely different concepts.

Could this be the master who was chased and fed by God in the legend?


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