Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 1040 New Event (Twenty-six).

Chapter 1043 New Event (26)

Half a year is undoubtedly enough time for people to forget many things.

The disappearance of Jiutian Emperor and Master Wuxin undoubtedly caused a great shock. No matter whether it was the Thirty-three Alien Races or the Mythical World, everyone was nervous. Although the current situation is that the Alien Races are better than the Mythical World, especially in China. In the lower stage, it would not be an exaggeration to define the myth as a complete defeat.

But everyone knows that once a war breaks out, the middle and lower classes will be meaningless.

Just a fight at the level of Extreme Daluo is enough to turn the vast heaven into scorched earth and littered with corpses.

As for the saint taking action, it would undoubtedly be even more terrifying.

Today is not the ancient times, it is not the prehistoric era with the main way of heaven. If the saints really break out into a fight, the entire heaven will probably be infected with blood, the corpses will turn into a river, and everyone will be in disaster.

Fortunately, although the atmosphere was tense for a time, it was obvious that both sides knew the consequences they would face once the war started.

This is not something you just have to prepare for the death of everyone below, this is something you have to be prepared for that you may die.

After all, the opponent is not weak, and once they fight hard, someone will always be taken away.

Thirty-three foreigners immediately sounded the alarm, and everyone was preparing. Although they didn't know whether such preparations were meaningful, no one dared to neglect them.

This situation lasted for more than a month before it was relieved.

Since no war broke out, the people below naturally returned to their original state of doing what they should do.

The new event was once again pulled out and broadcast among all the alien races, hoping to attract everyone's attention and suppress the uneasiness in their hearts through the battle between the geniuses.

After all, although his endurance is amazing due to his strength, few people can endure the horror of life and death for a long time, not even immortals.

With the return of Emperor Doutian's divine will and an order, the new event became the center of attention that diverted everyone's attention.

The competition is still unfolding, and the people inside do not know what is going on outside.

As there were more and more amazing battles, the collisions between the geniuses became more and more intense. Especially after the top foreign geniuses also began to die, the topic was completely reversed, and everyone's attention once again returned to the more than five million aliens. Above the competition that Tianjiao participated in.

Countless scenes of battles were played, and personal rankings and competition rankings were also displayed in front of everyone.

There is no doubt that the personal ranking represents the young generation of aliens, the most powerful genius.

Although there are billions of Dao realms and tens of millions of Dao realms participating, not all the geniuses, but because of this, those who can be on the list are undoubtedly the top ones.

There was originally a race list. After all, among the rewards of the new event, one could become a famous alien race.

But that was for the nameless aliens and the top three of the lower eighteen, so they were not released.

The last thing is undoubtedly the tournament list.

There are so many events in the Earth Clan City. Anyone who has been there once knows that there are tens of thousands of dazzling things to see.

Ten people as a team, sharing points, is undoubtedly a novelty, which makes many foreigners curious. After all, they may also go to the Earth Clan city to experience in the future, so it is worth considering what competition to join.

After all, these events themselves are not just events, but also represent this group and an organization.

And it is still an organization on the territory of a high-ranking foreign race, which is of great significance and has a bearing on the future.

If it is too weak, adding it will not only be useless, but will also affect your own future.

As of now, the tournament rankings are pretty normal, especially the top five. Almost all foreign races know that they are the largest and most powerful among the Earth Clan City tournaments, and have earned more than hundreds of thousands of points.

Don't think this score is low. Although more than five million people participated, in fact there were many people who left due to various accidents. After all, the place they went to was inherently unsafe.

Then, the personal rankings and racial rankings were also divided a lot.

And the most important thing is that there are only ten representatives in the tournament list, and the extra ones are not counted. In other words, more than 100,000 points are almost all won by these ten people.

Therefore, compared with the points that are not far behind the top five, they have shrunk significantly starting from sixth place.

Tenth place, even only about three points.

As for the back, it was even more miserable.

Especially after a thousand people were eliminated, there were obviously ten people, but the points they obtained did not even exceed ten thousand.

Not only that, so far, almost 5,000 people have been eliminated directly. The ten people who were eliminated have been defeated or even killed directly.

Although the tournament rankings have not changed much, and the gap is extremely huge, the level of attention is far higher than imagined.

There are even people who specifically look for people representing the competition in the battle scenes to observe the opponent's strength and make comparisons.


Many people who had been observing the competition list suddenly had their eyes moved, and couldn't help but look at a certain competition organization that was almost three thousand away.

That organization has been there for a long time.

Ever since I reached over 3,000 points, I haven't moved at all. Even if I move, it's very slow. It only jumps twice every once in a while, but it doesn't necessarily last three to five days.

But now, it is changing drastically. Although the score is very small, there is no doubt that it is steadily increasing.

"What's wrong?" Seeing his friend frowning, the people around him couldn't help but ask.

"On the event list, there is data from event organizations, which is a bit strange!"


I couldn't help but glance at the game. After a while, the man was a little confused. The data was increasing. What's so strange about this? After all, there were still people on the other side. As long as they didn't die, the score would naturally increase.

"What's weird?"

"The number of extra points! By now, the number of participants has dropped sharply to tens of thousands."

"In other words, the points that those who stay have at least are in the tens of tens or more, but their points for climbing the mountain are basically increasing by single digits, and some even only have one point."

Following the man's explanation, many people were stunned for a moment, then couldn't help but look up, and then were stunned.

Yes, why is this score so low?

It has been almost nine months since the new competition started, and less than three months have passed since the first year. The minimum number of people left now is more than fifty points. Of course, there are many more, some with hundreds of points, some with thousands of points. , and even some people's scores directly exceeded 10,000.

But as that person said, a few people, or even a few people, disappeared as early as two or three months ago.

Those who can survive to this day have basically experienced dozens of wars.

It's just that you are unlucky and don't have many points for the people you defeat and kill. Of course, as time goes by, the points will only get higher and higher, and will eventually converge towards a few people.

For example, as the top five foreign races were eliminated, points poured towards them like water.

In the later stage of the competition, less than a month later, those few people had already ranked among the top five in the personal rankings. Almost everyone they met immediately surrendered and quit directly. Very few people dared to collide with them.

Faced with this anomaly, it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

And as time goes by, more than three thousand, two thousand nine, two thousand eight, two thousand five, there is almost no pause in improvement. With the breakthrough to one thousand nine, it is not only those who are observing the competition list for the future, This abnormality was also discovered in the Earth Clan City.

Especially its name directly made many people stare.

Climb the peak! ! !

Because of the relationship between the Jiutian Emperor, the discord between the Decepticons and the Technique Faction was kept in people's hearts. After all, the missing Jiutian Emperor was the master of the summit. It was undoubtedly difficult for people not to make some associations.

In fact, this is how quiet the Decepticons have been during this period.

After the previous arrest failed, the Decepticons began to die down. Although for them, the disappearance of Jiutian Emperor was a great good thing, which meant that the most troublesome bone that affected their class was gone.

Although the people from the Barbarian family wanted to do something else, they were suppressed.

After all, the Earth Clan has directly lost an Emperor, and this will undoubtedly have a huge impact on the entire Earth Clan. Although the Nine Heavens Emperor is an incompatible enemy in the eyes of those on the privileged side, it is an enemy beyond transcendence. A saint, but other emperors are not.

No one wants to touch that brow.

Unexpectedly, under such circumstances, Dengfeng suddenly emerged after being silent for several months.

what happened?

Soon, many people began to search on the viewing stone. Although there were many battle scenes, this number was nothing to a strong family.

As a result, something unexpected happened.

Among the hundreds of battle scenes, there is no battle marked with Dengfeng's name.

what happened?

The points are obviously increasing all the time, but why is there no battle screen?


At this moment, the barbarian family.

With the appearance of Dengfeng, Barbarian King immediately broke the tea cup in his hand, and his face instantly turned ugly.

He had been quite unhappy these past few months.

With the disappearance of the Jiutian Emperor, the group of people who supported the Decepticon started to revel. Even though Jiu Ge had initially shown some talent, they still didn't care about it.

After all, it is easy to advance to the level of War Emperor, but it is another matter to become an Emperor.

In order to avoid arousing the anger of the saint and the emperor, after all, the disappearance of the Jiutian Emperor and the subsequent death of his daughter was not a trivial matter, so the group of people issued an order almost at the same time not to pursue Jiu Ge.

Although the Barbarian King had many people, as the group of people retreated, the remaining manpower was obviously not enough.

This undoubtedly annoyed him greatly.

Unexpectedly, after a few months of silence, Dengfeng appeared again.

There were more than 1,900 people. Although it was not high, it made him feel a little uneasy.

It felt like Jiu Ge was causing trouble, and the finger of blame was undoubtedly pointed at him.

Taking a breath, the Barbarian King couldn't help but turn his head and look at the personal list. When he saw the familiar name that had already broken through to a thousand, the somewhat uneasy Barbarian King suddenly smiled.

Nine songs!

I thought you were smart, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid.

Earn points and show your talents. Do you want to keep climbing the mountain even if the Jiutian Earth Clan is gone?

It's a pity, it's a pity, the more exciting and outstanding your performance is, the more murderous intention towards you will only become stronger.

Those people would not give another Jiutian Emperor a chance to grow up.

Just right, it’s convenient for me!

If you don't move, it's really hard for me to move.


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