The saint's guess was correct. Li Su was indeed caught in a very strange situation at this moment.

Not life, not death.

It's hard to describe.

The world in front of you is extremely wonderful.

Not only that, because of the terrible catastrophe, he was split apart many times. Even if his consciousness did not completely collapse, it still reached a very dangerous end.

That's personality, shattered.

His memory was almost annihilated in the lightning, and all his emotions and experiences were turned into ashes.

The attacks from gods and demons not only physically destroyed his memories, but also destroyed those memories at the soul level.

Although he successfully overcame the tribulation and completed the Great Luo Broken Mirror.

But in fact, Li Su fell into an extremely pure situation at this moment.

Like a newborn, it's like a blank sheet of paper with nothing on it.

There is no way forward, no desired goal, and no memory to sustain his personality.

That's right, it's not that he didn't try to resuscitate himself, but that he didn't know what resuscitation meant in his consciousness. He only had a ray of true spirit left, staying in an extremely unfamiliar space.

The surrounding environment is difficult to describe.

It was as if there was nothing, and his true spirit was just floating inside.

Ignorant, unaware, and unfeeling.

It is no longer who I am, where I am, and what I am going to do, but nothing.

Therefore, he did nothing, just stayed in place, neither moving forward nor retreating, just staying there for no reason.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment.

In other words, in this blank place, there is no concept of time.

There is no doubt that if a normal monk is restrained here like this, it will not take long for his true spirit to dissipate bit by bit, and eventually collapse completely due to the complete annihilation of himself.

But here's the weird thing.

Although Li Su had nothing and nothing around him, his mind was constantly turning, all the time.

This is a trace!

Just like water passing through a stone hundreds of millions of times, even if the water disappears, the traces have not been completely eliminated, even if it is empty inside.

Li Su, he is very unique.

His martial arts talent is average, his cultivation talent is actually average, not to mention his physical talent, he is a mortal among mortals.

It can be said that he is undoubtedly an ordinary person. Although he occasionally has some spirituality, there is no doubt that he belongs to the category of mortals just like the general public.

Logically speaking, for such an ordinary person, he would not be where he is today.

And the reason why he is able to achieve what he is today, to establish his supreme foundation, and to have talents that surpass 90.99% of the geniuses in the mythical world, is completely because God opened a door for him. Its own unique memory creates a BUG-like result.

Yes, that's world fragments, that's talent weighting.

As an extremely ordinary person, it can be said that talent weighting accounts for 99.99% of his achievements along the way.

But one thing is undoubtedly his.

That is cultivation, almost non-stop cultivation.

It was not a day or two, nor a year or two, but a repeated process for thousands of years.

This is a behavior that he has never stopped for almost as long as his consciousness exists for a moment. Even if he has been exhausted physically and mentally due to continuous practice, even if his understanding has stopped, his practice has never stopped.

Therefore, even when only the true spirit is left and everything becomes blank, the traces that would take ordinary people dozens of centuries to leave have not completely disappeared.

Even if he didn't know anything, with the appearance of this vague trace, the ignorant true spirit gradually began to react. Being affected by this trace that was almost engraved on the origin, he couldn't help but feel and seek.

And obviously, even though he has become a true spirit, his talent has not disappeared.

Only true death will completely end the binding of world fragments. Otherwise, it will undoubtedly still exist until then.

Ever since, his mind started to move.

This movement is very scary.

As long as it is related to practice, even if it is just a trace, he will have an understanding that is more than twice the highest talent in the world.

What is that concept?

It cannot be described by having a so-called supercomputer in your head.

All in all, all in all.

After an unknown amount of time passed, Li Su's true spirit began to burn violently, and following the traces in his heart, he once again embarked on the path he had followed for thousands of years.

Of course.

It's very difficult.

Even if Li Su's talent bonus is extremely high, when everything is blank and even the most basic self-awareness does not exist, it is still extremely difficult to find what has been lost. It can be said that it is like It’s like a mortal wants to reach heaven.

Thousands of times, and hundreds of times, and hundreds of times again.

The whole process can be said to be extremely boring. After all, at this moment, Li Su doesn't even know what he is pursuing.

However, he is still moving forward.

After all, apart from this, at this moment, he actually knew nothing.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Probably the mountain has changed its appearance hundreds or thousands of times.

The river has changed its direction hundreds, thousands of times.

Finally, in this silent, pale and boundless world, a very small wave formed.

This is far from being considered a success. In fact, it is still extremely far away from success. In terms of distance, it can even be said to be as far away as human beings in the Stone Age wanted to land on the moon.

Even so, Li Su's true spirit couldn't help but fluctuate, and the origin of all life was born in a blank space.


Even if you don’t understand what curiosity is, even if you don’t know what you are curious about.

Just like a baby born, from the moment it receives the first ray of information, this curiosity to explore things takes shape.

And then, everything started to get out of hand.

Years, time, everything is no longer important.

The only thing that matters is one.

Exploration, curiosity, that trace originating from the depths of the origin, trace it, explore it, form it, find it.

From the first word, from the first rhyme, from the first law.

The world begins to come alive.

The blank space here begins to become colorful.

A road gradually took shape before his eyes.

Life, soul, space, yin and yang, killing, the world.

The little true spirit began to grow in size, and the extremely sacred lines flowed into the true spirit along with the scriptures he wrote, again, again, and again, with constant filling.

Suddenly, the depths of the true spirit began to burn.

That's fire!

The fire called ‘eternal’! ! !

The true spirit moved slightly, and colors began to appear in the blank light. With that eternity, everything that disappeared began to quickly emerge, be regenerated, and be formed.


As the tide of memories appeared in True Spirit, True Spirit opened his eyes faintly, and in an instant, countless emotions flowed out of it.

Create something from nothing!

In death and life!

I couldn't help but take a breath, remembering the true spirit of everything, slowly opened my mouth, and softly uttered three words.

"The calamity of life and death!"

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