Although the center is already far away, in fact it is still far away. It will take at least two or three months to reach it. It is really like running to death while looking at the mountain.

However, Li Su began to generate a special aura, and the dense ghost aura covered him, covering himself with the supreme soul.

According to the memory of the black shadow, the creatures in the outside world are not friendly to the Three Realms.

Among these people are not only those who escaped from the wilderness due to failure in the struggle, but also many aborigines among them.

When Pangu Sage opened the sky, he not only split the chaos with an axe, but also opened up a huge and boundless space.

Think about it, what would happen if a hole suddenly appeared in a basin filled with water?

There is no doubt that the water will rush through at great speed.

The same goes for Sage Pangu's creation of the sky. The heaven and earth he split out is just a hole, and at the same time, the extraordinary particles flowing in the entire universe are water.

It was originally everywhere, but as this hole appeared, naturally, countless extraordinary particles poured in crazily.

Not only that, but Pangu then used his hands to support the sky and his feet to press on the ground to keep the gap widening, getting bigger and bigger.

Naturally, the number of extraordinary particles flowing in the universe is increasing.

How many?

There are so many that even after Saint Pangu died of exhaustion, he could still transform into heaven and earth and nourish all spirits.

In fact, in the process of standing upright, he absorbed too many extraordinary particles. Even when his spiritual will died, his flesh and blood body did not die.

Thinking about the contents of the prehistoric era in Heiying's mind, Li Su couldn't help but look weird.

Because don’t mention it, after all, this ancient place, which can be said to be as big as a watermelon compared to Zhouyu, can cultivate so many saints, so many Daluo realms, super beings like dragons and phoenixes, It is obviously impossible to rely solely on the death of a saint.

Even if a whale falls and all things come into being, it does not come about like this.

Not only that, but when it comes to things like Saint Pangu growing ten feet every day, when he obviously has nothing to eat, where does his energy come from?

Now that I have such an explanation, I suddenly feel a sense of enlightenment.

Therefore, most of the extraordinary particles in the entire universe have flowed into the primitive world. You can completely imagine what the scene is like outside.

Therefore, one can imagine the emotions of the surviving outside creatures regarding the existence in the prehistoric times.

The human race, as the protagonists of the ancient world, is naturally quite unpopular in the outside world.

Although countless years have passed, and those old things in the past are basically dead, some emotions have still been left behind.

After all, in the extraordinary world, hundreds of thousands of years may only be a few generations to the outside world.

In just a few generations, there is no way to forget everything.

Going to the center, concealing your identity is undoubtedly necessary.

After concealing his identity, Li Su began to move toward the center.

Of course, he was cautious!

Not just because there is a strong aura coming from the center.

There is also an introduction to the center in Black Shadow Memory.

As a central place, in order to facilitate communication and transactions, it is relatively safe, the closer you are to the center.

But because of this, things can easily go wrong on the outside.

After all, under normal circumstances, outsiders will not go to the center unless there is a need for transactions and they plan to exchange some valuable items that they cannot use.

Therefore, this also means that people who come here have more or less treasures on hand.

In this world without national organization and legal constraints, no-cost trading is undoubtedly the best way to make money.

People who walk alone are undoubtedly very easy to be stared at.

Therefore, Li Su's situation would be very dangerous before entering the center of the Tao.

Moving forward all the way, this journey lasted almost more than a month.

Unexpectedly, he did not encounter any robbery or murder along the way. Not only did he not encounter any robbery or murder, he also discovered that from other directions, the number of creatures began to increase gradually, and they were all heading towards the central place.

Facing this scene, he was not only a little stunned.

It's not that I wasn't robbed, it felt unexpected, a pity or anything.

But why are so many creatures coming?

The outside creatures are not social animals like humans, who like to gather together. They are more solitary animals like tigers.

Unless necessary, they would basically carve out a territory for each of them and then live there alone, not necessarily leaving their nest once for hundreds of years.

For example, the dark shadow he killed had been there before the Great Disruption. Except for a few limited times when he relied on clones to go out and collect intelligence, he never left his side for the next million years. Lair.

Therefore, this kind of large-scale gathering is very rare to the outside world.

Although the nearest one is only a few hundred light-years away, if you put it in the central galaxy cluster that is tens of millions of light-years in size, and there are people coming from all directions, the number will not be ordinary, but many. Astonishingly.

Li Su couldn't help but frown slightly, and Li Su couldn't help but take a breath. Although he didn't communicate, he had an inexplicable feeling.

The gathering of these creatures is probably related to the prehistoric times of the Three Realms.

After all, outside creatures do not have the habit of organizing festivals like the human race. Even if they are not low in intelligence and even have a certain degree of civilization, they are just trying to entertain themselves within the group. Now such a large-scale Convergence is basically impossible to happen.

Therefore, apart from being related to the Three Realms, Li Su really couldn't think of any reason for so many outside creatures to gather in the center.

Taking a silent breath, Li Su kept approaching the center at a normal speed.

Anyway, no matter what, you will naturally know it after you go there.


Now, the center.

The deepest point in the center of the southern star field.

There is an extremely huge celestial body and star here. How big is it?

It would take a hundred suns surrounding it to light up half of it.

This is obviously not a normal planet-level celestial body, but a terrifying spectacle created by tens of thousands of large planets gathered together.

Around it, there are many huge super stars, with it as the center, constantly circling.

On this huge planet, there are obviously traces of civilization, and there are far more than just one kind, but hundreds of them.

Some are like primitive tribes that use mountains as caves, some build palaces and cast bronze cavalry, and some have modern civilization.

At this moment, several extremely huge figures were floating above the huge planet.

Some figures are indescribable.

Some figures are extremely sacred.

There is also a figure, like a steel mothership.

There are a lot of them, forming a triangle, standing at the foot of a tripod.

At this moment, among these people, a video was playing.

In the picture, there is an extremely huge door standing there. The door is engraved with sacred words, and there is amazing extraordinary radiation emanating from it.

If you look closely, you will find three ancient heavenly characters written on the huge door.

As for its meaning, it goes without saying.

That is one of the four great gates of the prehistoric heaven. It blocks the entire south sky star region, making it impossible for the creatures in the south sky star region to approach the south gate of the three realms of the prehistoric world! ! !

"I believe everyone here is familiar with this place."

"The Nantian Gate, which has lost its power since the Great Destruction of Ancient Times and no longer responded, suddenly revived a few years ago, and a picture appeared on the other side of the gate again."

"Although it has changed a lot, there is no doubt that it is the Three Realms of Prehistoric Times!"

As the figure spoke, the noisy surroundings suddenly became extremely quiet, and everyone's eyes couldn't help but flicker.

Although when I came here, I had already heard some news.

But when it was really confirmed that the Nantianmen was restored again and the three realms of the prehistoric era appeared again, they still couldn't help but be shocked.


There is no doubt that it is a place that all living beings yearn for.

There was too much extraordinary energy gathered there, like gold everywhere.

"So what if it appears? Don't forget, what's in the prehistoric world!" Someone couldn't help but speak. Even though they were extremely moved, thinking about the situation inside, the terrifying prehistoric saints who have been passed down from ancient times to the present, with their These existences have no way of touching this piece of cake.

Following the man's words, many creatures immediately woke up.

The prehistoric saint, that can definitely be said to be a great terror engraved in the bone marrow. In an instant, the quiet venue immediately became noisy.

Seeing everyone talking, after waiting for a while, the person who spoke before spoke again, "What if I say that the prehistoric saint has disappeared?"


At this moment, all the creatures present couldn't help but tremble, and looked straight at the being who opened the mouth. Those with eyes couldn't help but their pupils widened, and those without eyes couldn't help but shout loudly. Open your mouth.

"Is this true?"

"There are no more saints in the ancient world?"


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