Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 110 The First Floor (fourth update)

Time passed quickly.

Two years later!

Nanling, Song family.

Apart from Song Que, the master of the Heavenly Sword, one person is more powerful than ten thousand people. Song Zhi, the second in command of the Song family and known as the Earth Sword, is rubbing his eyebrows and has a headache.

"Second brother, what's wrong?" Song Lu looked confused on the side.

"Recently, a new force has appeared in the world, called the First Floor. It has developed very quickly. In just two years, it has spread all over the Central Plains, from Turkic Korea in the north, to Nanling in the south, and in the east From Jiangdu to Tuyuhun in the west, the vast territory involved and the scope of influence are shocking."

Song Lu was shocked, there is such an organization? Why hasn't he heard of it?

"It's not surprising that you don't know. In fact, I didn't expect them at first. They are quite smart and the way they provide information is different from others. They mainly sell information on business transactions. I also accidentally watched the family intelligence content. Discovered." Song Zhi took a breath and told the situation.

"Business?" Song Lu was startled.

"That's right, this organization sells information to the outside world on the situation of goods in various places, such as food prices, cloth prices, mineral prices, etc. In this way, money is exchanged from local merchants, and the merchants provide Intelligence, transport your own goods to various places.”

"As you know, we in Nanling also have a lot of goods for sale. Recently, a few caravans have made huge profits. I couldn't help but curiously read their itinerary records and found out that they all passed through a company called First He bought information on supplies from various places in the Central Plains, and then made a lot of money by transporting the goods there."

When Song Lu heard this, he was a little surprised that there was such an organization.

However, this organization is extraordinary as it can involve people from all over the world, but it doesn't make his second brother care so much, right?

Although the Song family is isolated, it is actually as solid as a rock internally. This kind of intelligence organization basically poses no threat to the Song family, right?

Seeing Song Lu's expression, Song Zhi shook his head and said, "Third brother, you don't play with intelligence, so you don't know how scary this organization is."

"Oh? Second brother is saying?"

"You must know that business intelligence has a certain timeliness."

"For example, if a certain place is short of food or cloth, in fact, it will be mobilized very quickly. Unless the local grain merchants deliberately raise prices, it will take at most a month for grain merchants to come after hearing the news."

"But the information given on the first floor was different. They were able to determine that there would be some material shortages in a certain place a few months ago. Basically, the traders who bought the information passed by, and just when a huge gap officially appeared there, And basically all of them were successful, and there was no error in the intelligence.”

Song Lu was startled. There was no doubt that this was a little different. He had predicted it in advance and there was no mistake? Talent!

Song Zhi looked at Song Lu's expression, shook his head and said, "Third brother, it's not that simple."

"What do you mean, second brother?"

"I can do this kind of analysis, but only a few months in advance at most. For example, for food issues, by observing the planting situation and rain conditions after spring, I can probably calculate the results by May or June."

Song Lu nodded. He had no doubts about the ability of his second brother Song Zhi.

Song Zhi sighed, "But the problem is, by the time I calculated the result, it was too late."


"For example, in Luoyang, I make calculations there, get the results, and then deliver the news. Wait until Nanling. Under normal circumstances, how long do you think it will be?"

"Luoyang to Nanling? I'm afraid it's not a thousand miles away. With our Song family's intelligence system, even if we use carrier pigeons, it will take several days."

"Yes, it will take a few days!" Song Zhi took a breath, "But let alone organizing people to collect grain at this time, even if there is grain, but it will be transported and arrive, it may not be August or September, it will be too late.

But this is different on the first floor. They usually give out the information around April. They will also provide information from near to far according to the situation, which almost guarantees that there will be no shortage of food in the local area, and the food price is basically the same. A point where you can make a lot of money. "

How big of an intelligence network does this require to cover the whole country and carry out such micro-management?

How long has it been since the first floor appeared? According to his observations, about two years.

Moreover, although the first floor involves business intelligence, it contains so much content and is so wide-ranging that it can be said to be all-encompassing, covering everything large and small.

Under such circumstances, whether it is inquiring about information, summarizing information, or transmitting intelligence, a large number of manpower is required.

How much manpower and material resources are needed to accomplish this?

Song Zhi would not be surprised if it was established by the imperial court, but it is obviously not the case. The first floor is obviously a Jianghu organization.

Not only that, but the scariest thing is that according to Song Zhi’s observation, more and more local merchants are joining First Floor after cooperating with it.

The world today is not peaceful.

The cowardly emperor Yang Guang went north to Korea twice to conquer Korea. The construction of the Grand Canal made it difficult for the people to live. Wagang rebelled in the seventh year of the great cause. Now, 12 years after the great cause, Yang Guang has fled to Jiangdu and is still drunk and dreaming.

The world is in danger, and such a force suddenly appears at this time, how can we not make people nervous?

Moreover, what troubled Song Zhi the most was the first trace of the first floor, which was just south of Nanling, not far from Nanling. I don’t know who created it.

Moreover, the organization has a strict structure and its members are extremely loyal. Since its rise on the first floor, it has attracted the attention of all major forces in the world, and one of them couldn't help but take action.

The result surprised everyone.

Although the first floor of the local building was destroyed, the first floor then contacted the three houses on both sides and used the intelligence as the only condition. Within a month, the house was breached. The whole family, old and young, was prepared to be captured and beheaded in front of the destroyed first floor. , to pay homage to the dead members of the first floor.

That result undoubtedly shocked the world.

Then someone wanted to test it out and gave up a city to the first floor, hoping to attract the first floor's forces and expose them to everyone.

The result was far beyond everyone's expectations. After the First Floor took over the city, it only sent some people to manage it to ensure basic peace in the city. The manpower was directly recruited locally. After other forces entered, they immediately withdrew and it was still just a business operation. Your own first floor, don’t ask about anything else.

Although the results show that the first floor seems to be only engaged in business and has no interest in the struggle for power itself, but who can guarantee it? What's the guarantee?

Therefore, Song Zhi had a very headache.

He was very curious about who could establish such a huge intelligence force, but they only engaged in intelligence trading instead of fighting for world hegemony.


Time passed, and another half year passed, thirteen years of great cause.

Thirty miles outside Nanning County, in a mountain valley!

The mysterious first floor of Jianghu is currently organizing its annual summary meeting.

This title comes from the first floor, the original poster.

It is conducted once a year to analyze and summarize the world situation, development status, and future goals.

Tianluo Zhao Liang, Diwang Youdong, and the later established Ministry of Commerce Xiang Tie.

and their deputies, six in all.

Gu Feng

The man next to Zhao Liang, a former member of the Black Wolf Gang, named Wang Qiang, said: "As for Tianluo, as of now, there are six people from the Golden Order, thirty-five from the Silver Order, three hundred from the Bronze, and two thousand from the Black Iron."

The person next to You Dong is his daughter You Fengdao: "In terms of the ground network, so far, we have established strongholds in Turks, Koryo, Khitan, and Tuyuhun King's City. However, due to the Han identity, they are currently more business-oriented and cannot be used for the time being. Do more.”

Next to Xiang Tie was naturally Xiang Mo, who said: "Department of Commerce, as of now, the materials are worth 670,000 yuan, and 300 new merchants have joined."

Looking at all the information, Zhao Liang smiled and said: "The work arranged by the poster for this year has basically been completed."

You Dong also had a smile on his face. In two years, just two years, the first floor has developed to an unbelievable level under the leadership of the wise owner Shenwu.

At this moment, Xiang Tie couldn't believe it. He didn't expect that his son would establish such a terrifying force just by doing it casually.

"So, let's start with the summary and the goals to be achieved next year..."

After almost an hour, the meeting was dissolved.

"Zhao Liang, where is Li'er?"

Half a year ago, after the first floor steadily increased and its combat power became more and more abundant, after the three of them were allowed to manage the huge first floor, Li Su disappeared.

Zhao Liang said: "The poster must have gone to the Central Plains and Jiangnan area. I don't know where exactly he is, but my subordinates don't know."

"Is it?"

Xiang Tie nodded and then said: "The Chinese New Year is coming soon. How about bringing your wife and children to my house? By the way, You Long, are you coming?"

Zhao Liang said with a happy look on his face: "Okay."

You Long also nodded, "Come on!"

As time passed, they discovered that although the host's strength was mysterious and unpredictable, like an emperor coming, he was different from usual. He didn't have any rules at ordinary times. Sometimes he would stay with them for dinner and ask about the welfare and benefits of the organization's staff. After more than a year, , although the awe in his heart continued, he also truly loved this leader more and more.

In fact, on the first floor now, even if the owner is not here, the cohesion is extremely terrifying.

In addition, members are treated very well, and benefits for injuries and deaths are constant, especially in terms of care for future generations. All family members who sacrificed their lives on the first floor basically receive excellent education and treatment.

This is ancient times, and a scholar would die for his confidant. This is no joke. Most people directly regard the first floor as their home, and have a great sense of belonging.

Soon, the first leadership group under the first floor owner happily left the headquarters and headed towards Nanning County.


And it took more than a year to cultivate the first floor, and now he is famous in the world and countless people are speculating. Where is the owner of the first floor now?

He is in Jiangnan.

To be precise, in Yangzhou.

Already twenty years old, he has no image of a landlord at this moment. He is squatting on the roof, watching a show.

The target is no one else.

Naturally, they are the protagonists of our Double Dragon, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling.

At this moment, the two little guys were still only sixteen years old. They looked thin because they didn't have enough to eat. They were happily eating the big white buns they had just bought from the Vegetable and Meat Bun Shop.

Seeing the two people leaving in a quarrel, Li Su couldn't help but twitching the corner of his mouth with a smile on his face.

Not long ago, Qi Ji had a feeling that Yu Wenhuaji should have taken action against the stone dragon.

Soon, these two little guys should be able to steal the secret of longevity and start a legendary life.

Nine years? Or ten years? The two little guys suddenly became rare masters in the world.

Naturally, Li Su came here for the Secret of Immortality. After all, Te Niang had mastered the Dao Heart Demon Seed Technique, so she didn't need the Secret of Immortality, right?



Huang Da's "Double Dragon", to be honest, is good to watch, but there are many regrettable women.

Susu is, and so is Zhenzhen in front of her.

The former is in love and miserable, while the latter seems to have found love, but died for it.

Shaking his head, Li Su took out a drawing book and started sketching.

With his current strength and state, even if he only has a slight understanding of it, even if he has not practiced, he can still draw lifelike paintings.

Soon, Xu Ziling's miserable appearance and the two of them eating steamed buns were recorded by him.

Li Su didn't want to fight for hegemony among the world fragments at all. He would look at the two little guys' unlucky looks from time to time and record them, but it was really good.

If I wait until the two of them become famous all over the world, it will be very delicious if I give it to them.

Before Li Su traveled through time, he liked a lot of people, and Ssangyong happened to be one of them.

It will be very happy for the two of them to die.

After everything was done, Li Su didn't leave. As long as the plot was not ruined, the two little guys could naturally escape.

He waited for a while and saw that there were fewer people in the bread shop below. He stood up and jumped down.

Seeing someone falling from the sky, Zhenzhen, who was cleaning up the stall, naturally couldn't help but scream in surprise, her eyes widened. But when she saw the face of the person, she couldn't help but be attracted by it. Those eyes were like stars in the sky, breathtaking.

Hearing the cry, Old Feng ran out immediately. He was about to speak, but when he saw Li Su, he was stunned.

Li Su smiled and threw out three pieces of silver, fifty taels each.

"This girl is nice, how about selling her to me?"

Old Feng was stunned. As a man, he naturally got angry immediately, but when he saw Yuan Bao, he was speechless.

When he got Zhenzhen, it was only a few taels, but now that the world is in chaos, the silver taels are precious, so much is enough for a lifetime.

The next moment, the evil lady in the room ran out. When she saw the money, her eyes shone and she said with a sharp horn: "Sell it, sell it!"

Zhenzhen, who was dumbfounded because of Li Su's face, suddenly trembled when she heard it. She couldn't help but look at Old Feng, but saw that his eyes were dull and he was just looking at the introduction without saying a word. For a moment, he couldn't help but feel sad.

Li Su smiled softly, "Very good, I'll take him away."

With a burst of energy, he brought the girl over. Zhenzhen screamed and was held in his arms. She jumped up and disappeared in an instant.


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