How long? For this day!

I can’t remember clearly, I can’t remember clearly anymore.

However, although it took a lot of time, it was undoubtedly worth it.

In a few hours, just a few hours later, he will become the master of one of the most powerful forces in the Central Star Territory.

The entire metal life clan will become his property.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel restless and impatient.

Looking at the starships flying towards a certain star field in the star map according to his designation, as well as the metal life clan who seemed to finally react and start taking action.

Don't be anxious, it's not the time yet.

We have to wait, wait until the moment when the drop of water penetrates the stone, wait until everything is settled and the other party cannot make any waves.

Metal Queen, you would never have thought of this in your wildest dreams.

This game!

But, it doesn’t matter, soon you will become the most powerful weapon in my hand, comparable to the legendary treasure in the hands of saints before ancient times. At that time, the entire Central Star Territory will kneel at my feet.

"Wei, you need to speed up, they have already reacted and sent people out."

Thinking of this, he picked up the communicator and the other party couldn't help but said: "There is far from enough time now, at least we have to fight for more than half a day."


The figure's mouth curled up slightly, and he said softly: "For freedom!"

Wei Wenyan, who was flying rapidly in the star field, immediately responded with an extremely firm response, "For freedom!"

In an instant, Wei's speed on the star map became faster. She was burning, burning herself desperately in order to gain the so-called time.

Meanwhile, the central planet.

By capturing the remaining traces of the opponent, the three dispatched motherships also moved extremely quickly.

Different from starships, as a mothership, the bodies of billions of Dao realm experts were elongated in just an instant, and disappeared directly after the space shook and fluctuated.

The speed is astonishing.

It almost flew along Wei's trajectory at a speed of tens of light years per second.

Looking at the rapidly advancing mothership on the star map, the person behind the scenes still frowned slightly.

Even though I had been secretly preparing for a long time and made many preparations, I still wasn't careless.

Unexpectedly, the other party showed an unexpected speed when it came up. According to what it knew, the warp speed of the mothership should be about thirty light years per second. However, at this moment it reached a full five Ten light years, almost half faster than the exposed data increase.

Hidden quite deep.

Although Wei, as a starship, ran for most of the day ahead of time, as a starship, her speed was only about ten light years.

Even if it starts to burn itself at this moment, it is only fifteen light years away. It is basically only a matter of time before it catches up, and it may be much shorter than imagined.

However, it doesn't matter anymore.

The original design was not to run past each other, but to run to a designated vertex.

The star field over there has been manipulated by him, leaving behind a black mud specially made for metal life. Once it is contaminated by it, it will be difficult for even the mothership to completely remove it in a short time.

At that time, even if they caught Wei and realized the truth, it wouldn't matter.

No matter whether we wash away the black mud or return immediately, it is already too late.


In the starry sky, the three motherships are moving very fast.

Yellow, blue, and green didn't speak, their expressions were very heavy.

It is true that the identity of the princess is too important to the metal life clan.

She is the only child in hundreds of thousands of years who was conceived by a super mothership and born from the supreme mother gold at its core.

This is not just as simple as having a noble status!

But her birth itself has great meaning.

Otherwise, it would not have been born for so long without the metal rune structure being engraved on it.

But I never expected that something like this would happen at this juncture.


Lan was very puzzled and confused at the moment. Wei was her vassal and one of the five starships under her command, so she undoubtedly wanted to understand.

As a starship, the other party has stayed by her side for a long, long time.

Regarding the princess, although only the mothership knows the real reason, the starships below should all understand the importance of the princess to a greater or lesser extent.

Even if he is really persuaded by the princess, the most he can do is take people for a walk around the central star field, nothing more.

This behavior of heading directly outside the central star field is completely inconsistent with the logical behavior of a normal metal life.

The more he thought about it, the more Lan felt something was wrong.

Not only did Vi behave strangely, but more importantly, she clearly violated the authoritative orders unique to metal life.

Although the power of a princess is great, it is not as powerful as their common mother, who is the queen.

Even if there is something wrong with the queen now, her spirituality is in deep sleep most of the time, and only the auxiliary personality is responding.

"Yellow, green!"


"Hong is right, something is wrong, please be vigilant."

"I got it!"

Undoubtedly, although the yellow-green mothership did not speak, she knew very well that what happened this time was too weird and Wei's behavior was too abnormal.

As they continued to advance, astonishing energy began to appear on the bodies of the three motherships, directly entangling themselves. Although the appearance of the motherships did not change, in fact, the cores had begun to operate, and each cannon port was already filled with astonishing power.

Once unexpected changes occur, they will be activated immediately.

Less than three hours later, Wei's almost disappearing signal appeared in the sensors of the three motherships, and they were not far away.

In this regard, the three motherships did not breathe a sigh of relief, but became heavier and heavier.

"What's this signal about?"

"Is this Vi's signal?"

The yellow-green mothership couldn't help but speak. Looking at the garbled codes collected by the core, even though metal life and flesh and blood creatures had different feelings, they still felt a hint of ominous flavor at this moment.

The garbled sequence is not only very messy and distorted, but also filled with a lot of useless information.

Under normal circumstances, if the metal life core was dissatisfied with this signal, it would have collapsed and would be unable to operate normally.

However, the speed of the advancing starship clearly exceeded the maximum speed that a normal starship could reach, and the fluctuations were extremely shocking.

At this moment, Lan couldn't help but feel his core shaking. Is it Wei's signal?

She couldn't be sure, because it was too chaotic, and it was still flowing in a way that metal life could not understand.

"Yellow, Green, be vigilant and determine the condition of the princess. If something is wrong, destroy her outer body."


After a distance of nearly a hundred light years, the huge bodies of the three motherships shook slightly and sprayed out a wave of light.

Just a buzzing sound was heard, and there was a sudden shock more than ten light years ahead. The space was interrupted on the spot, and the unique warp speed flight of the metal clan was immediately severely hindered.


There was a loud noise, and the starship in the wormhole was knocked out.

The starship looked very miserable. It had been running at super speed for a long time. Not only did it consume a lot of energy, but it also had physical problems. It was burned through the hull in the passage, and only a few metal skeletons were left in many parts.

The next second, the three motherships also stepped out of the warp speed. At this moment, their bodies were constantly emitting violent light waves, vibrating against the space of dozens of light-years around, sealing off the entire space.

Mothership, with a volume of over 3,000 kilometers.

A starship is only a few hundred kilometers away.

The gap is so big that it can be imagined that the moment it is caught, it basically means the end. The gap is too big. Not only the size, but also the energy gap under the huge size, performance and other aspects are completely crushed.


A beam of light almost passed by the starship, instantly piercing a planet more than ten light years away and destroying it.

"First warning, extinguish all energy, stop the runes, expose the core!"

Lan opened fire directly. When she realized there was a problem, she didn't intend to say anything to the other party. First, she would completely subdue him, and then talk about other things.

‘Did you feel the princess’s signal? ’

'No! ’

Faced with this scene, Wei unexpectedly did not resist, but was slightly shocked. The damaged parts of the ship quickly peeled off. After nearly one-third of the whole body left the body, it began to fold rapidly, and finally transformed back into The female machine looked like it was completely black at the moment, with distorted light passing over its body from time to time. The whole thing looked so ominous.

Looking at Wei, the blue, yellow, and green trio couldn't help but frown, and their cores couldn't help but vibrate several times.

Not only Wei's behavior, but also the strange appearance he turned into at this moment was beyond their expectations.

Its energy is constantly falling, and it has fallen out of the starship level. This is not a simple fall due to excessive energy consumption. This is a fall caused by the core metal runes being burned. It is permanent and almost impossible. recover.

"Where is the princess?" Huang took a breath and went straight to the topic.

"Princess?" Wei couldn't help but laugh, "I don't know."

Lu said calmly: "It's a stupid behavior. You should know that we have plenty of ways to get what we want from your core."

There was no wave on Wei's face, and she just said calmly: "Really? You can give it a try, I will never resist."


Unexpectedly, Lan did not press for the whereabouts of the princess. Instead, she looked closely at Wei and asked the question that had been on her mind since she knew it was Wei who had taken the princess away. She really couldn't understand the metal in front of her. The clan regards everything as everything, and will do everything in its power to protect the clan in battle, even if the core is damaged as a result. Without the existence of the mothership, one day they will betray the metal clan.

Huang Lu was startled, and then fell silent.

After all, the word betrayal has never appeared since the birth of the metal life clan.

They are not flesh and blood creatures. They have infinite desires. Most of them will also have some feelings, but they are obviously unable to shake their hearts.

"Why? Are you asking me why I betrayed you?"

Wei smiled, and couldn't help but reveal an extremely humane mocking look on her face, "Are you so sure?"

The three motherships were startled, and the next second they realized something was wrong. There was something wrong with this star field. It was surrounded by strange black mud, which was entangled with their huge bodies with almost no movement.

This is?

Before their doubts could end, suddenly, an explosion occurred somewhere in their huge bodies, an extremely shocking explosion.

Those are accessory metals, they self-destruct, there are a lot of them.

Although there was no serious damage, there was no doubt that the energy shield at the location of the explosion was destroyed.

After all, compared to the amazing strength on the outside, the strength on the inside is obviously much less.

Almost instantly, the surrounding black mud penetrated along the breach.

I was shocked, but before I could move, my core couldn't help but twist, showing an indescribable expression.

It is an emotional signal full of resentment and unwillingness.

In a daze, a large number of pictures emerged in the minds of the three blue, yellow and green motherships. They were corpses one after another, corpses of metallic life, densely packed and endless, looking like mountains and seas.

The vast hatred and unwillingness almost made their huge bodies bend uncontrollably.

Too much, too much pain.

Too much, too much unwillingness.

And, too much, too much hate.

This is?

"Haha, hahahaha!"

Facing this scene, Wei couldn't help but became crazy, "Understand it, understand it, why? This is why!!!"

At the end of the sentence, Wei couldn't help roaring, her wide eyes filled with anger, hatred, and incomparable pain.

"You are so superior, do you understand?"

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