Chapter 1117 Cemetery

It's not that I want to die, but I mainly want to see what's in the center and what has formed such a large-scale Jedi. There are many places where even the Ultimate King dare not set foot easily, as there will be fatal dangers.

Of course, I didn’t just want to visit the Central Committee, I also wanted to test my own teachings.

Although the upper limit of absorption is heavenly, how far it can be protected and how much pressure it will collapse under is another matter.

Not only that, there is also the issue of realm breakthrough.

If possible, the best place to break through is undoubtedly in this desperate place.

It must not be safe outside. After all, there are many people exploring inside. If there happens to be someone nearby and someone comes by, Li Su will undoubtedly be in danger.

It’s hard to say how long this breakthrough will take, but it will probably take more than a day at least.

After all, when he was in the Qian Dao realm, it took almost half a day to complete the transformation.

The impact of the breakthrough is great. After all, the body is very large. It is not as simple as opening up a certain vein, but the long river avenue will change, becoming larger and heavier.

This requires a lot of time, and resources to accomplish.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly necessary to test the upper limit of Daowen.

After thinking about it, Li Su changed his direction slightly and began to fly slowly towards the depths of the center.

This Jedi is both big and small.

It is estimated that it is only a few million kilometers in diameter, which is almost the same size as a star. For a mortal, it will last a lifetime, but for a Daluo realm that can already move at the speed of light and reach a distance of light years. , indeed very small.

Of course, you definitely wouldn't dare to move in that way, after all, you don't know what the situation is in the center.

If he ran too fast, he might be crushed to pieces by Hui Shenren.

Therefore, the speed was greatly reduced, moving forward at a few kilometers per second, and always paying attention to Daowen's situation. Once he showed that he could not withstand the pressure, he would stop immediately or even retreat.

Even if we talk about a few kilometers per second, the speed is actually still very fast. It covers almost hundreds of kilometers in one minute, and almost six to seven hundred kilometers in one hour, which is twice the speed of the previous high-speed rail.

As it goes deeper, the power of death around it is visibly increasing with the naked eye. After advancing for more than two hours, the concentration is already ten times that of the outermost area.

More than a thousand kilometers, less than two thousand. If this Jedi is calculated based on three million kilometers, the radius is only one and a half million, which is less than one part of seven hundred and fifty.

This is already more than ten times, and if we advance half the distance, it will be more than a hundred times directly?

The only thing that made Li Su breathe a sigh of relief was probably the Daowen. It was still strong and the structure itself was not affected.

The tolerance is beyond expectations, far beyond the tolerance of the gods.

By the way, the accommodation here is not about quality, but quantity.

The so-called increase in concentration is not an increase in mass, but an increase in the quantity per square meter.

Otherwise, the mere strength of the Immortal would have collapsed long ago.

After all, Li Su is also at the Daluo realm, and Daowen itself is the path he has realized, and its intensity will naturally not be as low as that of a heavenly being.

With such a Taoist text, there is a problem in killing Xuanxian, but there is no problem at all in killing True Immortal.

The main reason is that the number it can carry is too small, but the height is actually enough.

keep going.

After walking for almost a month, Li Su had to stop.

Stop, not because Daowen can't bear it anymore, but because he can't bear it anymore.

There were too many. Even if Daowen helped to pull them, a lot of them still poured on him. Even if he had the supreme life to resist, it had a great impact, and a lot of markings appeared on his body.

This is similar to a corpse stain, showing that part of the flesh is actually dead.

So far, he has traveled more than half a million kilometers, and he is still almost a million kilometers away from the end, almost one-third of the way.

Li Su looked up and looked at the deepest point, feeling a little confused.

To continue, you must use the most precious treasure, or you need to retreat a little, find a place to retreat, and come back after breaking through the billion realm.

After all, this improvement in realm is equivalent to a qualitative change, which can greatly enhance his resistance to the power of death and enhance the saint's supreme strength.

After a slight hesitation, Li Su did not choose to retreat, but activated the treasure, the Fire Flag.

The flames emerged and directly enveloped the whole body, blocking the invading force of death, and then took steps again, accelerating forward.

He was really curious.

What is that thing at the central source? Why is there such terrifying energy radiation? This concentration far exceeds the height that celestial bodies can reach. Even a black hole formed by the collapse of a star will not produce such terrifying mass fluctuations.

This actually exceeds the scale that stars can produce.

It can't be that tens of millions of stars collapse together, right?

And the power itself is more like a manifestation of Tao than energy fluctuations.

A series of strange phenomena undoubtedly intensified his curiosity. What is the thing at the center? Why is there such a terrifying power of death?

This time, the speed has accelerated a lot, almost several times that of before.

Soon, in less than half a month, he covered a distance of one million kilometers, covering almost 800,000.


There was a soft sound, and Li Su stopped quickly.

This was the sound made by Daowen. It was almost glowing after being warmed by the power of death. It finally exceeded the upper limit of its endurance and a crack appeared.

This time, he really didn't dare to move.

After all, once Daowen really collapses, Li Su will be completely exposed. At this moment of being so deep into the Jedi, it will definitely be like a drop of cold water falling into boiling oil, which will explode on the spot.

Can't make it?

Li Su couldn't help gritting his teeth. It was undoubtedly very uncomfortable. He had traveled more than 1.3 million kilometers and was only less than 200,000 kilometers away from the center.

Stopping here would be almost equivalent to wasting all the previous efforts, and all three months would be wasted.

He raised his head and stared deeply into the depths. His vision was still blurry and lifeless, with nothing in it.

The radiation concentration was too high, over 100 million per square meter, and even experienced a qualitative change. This was why his Daowen could not bear it.

And because of this reason, Li Su's sight distance and sensing distance are greatly limited.

Now, he can no longer capture things a hundred kilometers away through his sight and consciousness.

Standing there, he couldn't help but hesitate for a moment. After taking a deep breath, Li Su took a step back rather unwillingly.

never mind.

Although he was a little reluctant, he, who was always cautious, finally decided to give up.

Using life to satisfy one's curiosity is something that cats usually do. As humans, it's better to be more sensible.

"Are you curious?" Suddenly, a voice sounded.

"Very curious!" Li Su responded subconsciously. As soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't help but be startled. What is this voice?

"Brother Qi?"


"Have you recovered?"

"No, far from it. I just woke up from the smell."

Li Su was stunned, what does it mean to be woken up by the smell?

"I'm telling you, you kid, you're obviously about to break through. It's okay if you don't practice hard. You've traveled thousands of miles to watch the corpses. Have you awakened some special hobby?" Xin Huoqi said lazily.


Li Su was stunned, what do you mean?

Before he could speak, a burst of power surged out of his body and reached his eyes instantly.

In an instant, the dark and dead world in front of him shook and became transparent. His line of sight, which could only see a distance of less than a hundred kilometers, instantly lengthened. The power of death and silence could no longer hinder his sight. He could not see Here comes the full picture.

Li Su couldn't help being startled, with a look of astonishment, because this was not his sight. This feeling should be from the perspective of Xinhuo Qi. Did it share the scene he saw with him?

Before he could be surprised that he could be like this, suddenly his eyes narrowed slightly and he couldn't help but look deep into the center of his sight.

Then he couldn't help but take a breath, and Li Su's pupils twitched violently several times.

Not to mention, there is really a corpse in the center!

No, it should be said to be the remains of an arm.

The arm was broken from the elbow and resting in the center. It already showed signs of corruption. Not to mention the extremely ancient aura, the terrifying power of death radiated from that arm as its core.

Facing this scene, Li Su was undoubtedly stunned for a long time.

Although he was curious and had some guesses, he never expected that there would be such a thing in the center of this dead place.

"I didn't pay attention just now. I asked you, boy, what's going on?" Xin Huoqi's voice sounded again, full of weird words.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Why are you going to the cemetery when you have nothing to do? No wonder I said it smells so bad, my nose is almost rotten."

Li Su said in disbelief: "Cemetery?"

"Within hundreds of light years around, there are all corpses. If it's not a cemetery, what is it?" Xin Huoqi said matter-of-factly.

Before Li Su could speak, Xin Huoqi continued: "I told you that you are not afraid of bad luck. Such a strong smell of death is not a good thing. Too much of it will affect your luck and bring bad luck. Regardless. If you have anything to do, please finish it and leave immediately."

Having said that, ignoring Li Su, Xin Huoqi fell into silence again.

"Brother Qi?"

Li Su couldn't help but scream a few times, but it was like falling into the sea. Li Su couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

No, now that you're all awake, you should make it more or less clear, right?

Don't you know the Riddler is annoying?

However, thinking back to the scene he had just seen through the perspective of the Xinhuo Banner, and thinking of the words it said, Li Su couldn't help but take a breath, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitch.

Jedi, corpses, graveyards.


Could it be that Brother Qi is saying that the so-called Jedi around Nantianmen are actually formed by the remains of corpses?

With so much wreckage, how many people died? What was the state of these dead people in their lifetime? How can one have such a terrible impact after death?

Da Luo realm?

Just kidding, even the ultimate Luo wouldn't be so exaggerated.

Near saint?

In an instant, Li Su couldn't help but feel a chill running down his spine.

Thinking that the goal that he had worked so hard for was just a severed limb, he couldn't help but shudder.

Not only that, but recalling the treasures I picked up, such as hair or scales, made me feel even more uncomfortable.



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