After walking out of the desperate situation, Li Su looked a little anxious.

After all, this final breakthrough made him a little off guard. He didn't expect to fall into a coma. When he woke up, he found that there were two million more innate Dao marks all at once, which was completely beyond his expectation. Anticipate.

It is impossible for so many innate Dao patterns to be conceived in a short time.

Immediately, he released the frigate.

"Vi, connect to the mothership and see how much time has passed."

"Okay, Master!" Although Li Su asked something strange, Wei did not ask, but directly sent a signal to connect to the mothership.

After a moment, Wei shook her head and said: "Master, the radiation here is too strong and there is no way to contact the outside."

Li Su was startled for a moment, and then couldn't help but pat his head. He was also confused. The position he was in now was deep in the South Tianmen star field, which was 800 light-years away. After more than 400 light-years, it could be said that It's a different world, full of extremely dangerous Jedi, and they all emit extremely strong radiation.

With this concentration, let alone a frigate, it would be difficult for even the Ultimate Luo to directly contact the outside world.

Get out first!

Not sure how much time had passed, Li Su could only go out from the depths first and then talk about it when he got to the outside.

Of course, he did not forget the Lord of Nirvana.

Although he pretended to be dead and escaped the other party's pursuit, the grudge between the two parties did not end there. In fact, they were really entangled from that moment on. Neither the other party nor Li Su could let go. It is only possible to pass the other party unless one party dies.

Although the aura of annihilation on his body is now very clear, the cause and effect between the two parties is a bit big. If he rushes to the other party rashly, he may not be noticed by the other party.

The Da Luo realm is so mysterious that one can easily stay in time. It is no joke to count with fingers.

Whenever something goes wrong, you will almost subconsciously trace the cause and effect. Things like life-and-death enemies changing their faces and lurking around to take revenge are simply impossible.

Unless there is something that can completely disrupt all cause and effect and cover up all fate.

For example, the cemetery in front of us, or the infinite catastrophe unique to ancient times.

Of course, the former is enough to cover the ultimate Daluo. As for the immeasurable catastrophe, the Daluo realm is not worthy. It is for saints.

The reason why Li Su was targeted and hunted in Jedi was mainly because he killed the other person's parent and child. Not only was the other person's distance too close, but he also buried his own power in the parent and child's body, which caused him to be completely locked by him. Otherwise, It's really not that easy for the other party to find him.

Therefore, unless he is sure to deal with the opponent, or can avoid the opponent's induction, Li Su will not leave this cemetery easily.

"I'll take you out first and try it outside."


He put the warship away and followed him over the years. Although its condition has improved and is returning to the starship level, the aura here is too strong and has a considerable impact on it.

After all, it is not Li Su. Without his terrifying foundation, even the Yi Dao realm can withstand the strong radiation here.

Under normal circumstances, those who can enter four hundred light-years and the like are almost always in the Billion Dao Realm. This place is too difficult for the Billion Dao Realm.

Metal life, the warship is only in the Ten Thousand Dao realm, even if the starship is restored, it is still quite deadly to it here, and it cannot be exposed for too long.

Soon, Li Su started to move.

However, he did not go the way he came before, but changed the direction.

Although it is very faint, you can still feel a slight presence of the power of annihilation in the surroundings. As the ultimate great Luo, the most terrifying part of its power is not only that it is powerful, but also that it is durable.

Even a hint of anger can distort everything and create lasting effects.

Just like the nuclear bomb in the previous life, once it is formed, it will not dissipate for ten thousand years.

That is to say, this cemetery itself is covered with all kinds of terrifying radiation, and the source of these radiations comes from ancient corpses that have existed for millions of years without completely decaying and disappearing.

Otherwise, there might be another scene outside this Jedi.

Now that the power of annihilation has been diluted, Li Su does not dare to be careless and does not intend to be contaminated by the other party's power and cause the other party to react.

Fortunately, when he came out again, his strength was no longer what it was before.

Originally, I could only sense a distance of less than one light-year, but it instantly increased tenfold. I could clearly see the situation around me, and I could feel it vaguely even ten light-years away.

This time, his hands and feet were very nimble. Although there were many treasures floating around, there were almost thousands of them ten light years away, and some of them undoubtedly surpassed the level of Yi Dao Realm, but Li Su didn't do anything about it. Don't care, just hurrying along.


I didn’t know about it before, so I just got some.

Now that he knew the situation here, he had no idea about the dead people's belongings.

After all, God knows what happened to the remaining stuff? How strong was he during his lifetime? You think it’s the Yi Dao realm, but who knows the real situation? A million years is enough to erase many things, even a person in the Great Luo Realm.

Even if it is called eternity, it only refers to the life before death, not after death, and even before death it only means living for a long time, for a long time, and living as long as heaven.

Even the former master of the Ancient Demon Court, who was most likely the Eastern Emperor or the Emperor Jun, no longer looks like that after countless years? Who could have imagined that the majestic Emperor of Heaven actually resides in the body of a crow?

He moved quickly and soon reached the four hundred light-year opening.

He quickly crossed over and returned directly to the outer area.

The radiation here has undoubtedly dropped a lot, and even the Ten Thousand Dao Realm can handle it, let alone the Yiyi Dao Realm.

He didn't stop. After making sure it was safe, he ran for almost three hundred light years. He didn't stop until he was less than a hundred light years away and the radiation concentration had dropped so seriously that it was barely enough to cover up Li Su's aura. Down.

Take out the frigate and let it make contact.

Wei came out and immediately sent a signal to contact the mothership again.

However, this time, the frigate did not respond for several minutes.

Li Su frowned slightly and couldn't help but said: "What? Still can't sense it?"

After a moment, the frigate said with a somewhat solemn expression: "We have been contacted, Master, and the time is right, about six months or so."

Hearing this, Li Su breathed a sigh of relief. Is it just six months? so far so good!

Although it did take some time, fortunately it was not as bad as he thought.

However, he soon noticed that Wei's tone was a little heavy and couldn't help but said: "Are there any other situations?"

Wei paused for a moment and said slowly: "Master, do you still remember Beitianmen?"

"Yeah, remember!"

"There's someone else over at Beitianmen, coming over!"

"Oh?" Li Su was stunned for a moment. This surprised him. He thought it was just a coincidence, but he didn't expect someone to come over again. However, judging from Wei's reaction, it seemed to be different this time.

"Are there many people coming this time?"

"It's not that there are many, but that passage seems to have been discovered by people from Beitianmen."

Facing Wei's words, Li Su was really stunned at this moment. Was the passage between Nantianmen and Beitianmen discovered?

Soon, he couldn't help but frown.

Undoubtedly, this answer is very unexpected, very unexpected.

Because this is not good news!

After the mothership came over, it got a lot of useful information. The biggest news among them was undoubtedly the strength of the creatures on the Beitianmen side.

Why did Nantianmen change the rules and why did they give up fighting each other? The extreme big Luo came out one after another to take the lead in signing the contract and let them explore?

Because I feel pressure.

Realizing that once Beitianmen really comes to find them, it will definitely be a huge crisis for the Nantian Star Territory.

At least, for now.

Because the other party had already begun to explore before Li Su retreated, no, it should be said as early as when Beitianmen first appeared. It has been almost twenty years now.

Even when the organization started in the Southern Star Region, it had already been going on for more than ten years. During this period, it is impossible to estimate how many people have broken through and how many strong men there are on the other side.

Although it is an ominous thing to use something from a dead person, it is really a good thing. For outside creatures, such as those who only rely on talent, it is a real treasure of heaven and earth.

Unable to bear it, Li Su frowned and said, "The people from Beitianmen are here to kill?"


Wei shook his head, "Only a group of people came this time, and they took the initiative to expose themselves and had a conversation with the Ultimate King of the Southern Star Region."

Li Su's brows couldn't help but twitch, it was once again beyond his expectation. Apparently he didn't expect the creatures on the other side to be so 'civilized'? Should we say that real organizations are just different? It is fundamentally different from those in the Southern Starry Territory who still paint.

"What to talk about?"

"Well, we ask the creatures in the Southern Sky Star Territory to give up their resistance and bring everyone with them to welcome them."

Li Su's face couldn't help but twitch. The slap in the face came too fast, and he didn't even have time to think about it.

Fortunately, I didn't say it out loud, otherwise.


Simply vulgar!

If you ask others to kowtow when you come up, you deserve to be beaten to death.

Li Su didn't need to ask the other party's result. Even if the creatures in Beitianmen were strong, the people in Nantianmen obviously didn't have a good temper.

"The results of it?"

"Locked people up!" Vi replied.

Another unexpected answer, though.

Li Su couldn't help but glance at Wei faintly, what does this female machine mean? Ask and answer, you sincerely want to embarrass him, right?

"Not only did the Beitianmen find the passage to the South Tianmen, but they also found the passages to the East Tianmen and the West Tianmen."

"The passages between East Tianmen and West Tianmen have been stabilized. When this group of people came over, the creatures from Beitianmen were encircling and suppressing the creatures from the other two Tianmen. Although it is not over yet, the victory or defeat is basically determined. Beitianmen is here. Bian already has an absolute advantage."


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