The Lord of Annihilation and others had already left, but Li Su was not in a hurry to go out.

Not only did he not go out, but he turned around and opened the fire flag wrapped around him slightly, revealing a slight gap.

The next second, astonishing radiation extended in and fell directly on his body.

The quantity was small, but the power was huge. Almost in an instant, his flesh and blood was distorted and began to undergo extremely serious alienation. It became transparent and seemed to disappear.

Silently watching the reactions on his body, Li Su kept feeling it.

This power is very empty.

It's hard to describe its fundamentals directly. It just feels like nothingness, but it's not nothingness. How to describe it? It's like a person suddenly comes to a place where he can't see his fingers, can't see anything, and can't feel anything. arrive.

Everything else except being alive is disappearing.

This way is quite special, and I don’t know what the master in front of this Jedi went through before he could clearly understand this power.

Nothingness, loneliness, emptiness.

There is nothing superfluous, but a cage is built from the soul, a cage of incomparable despair.

Feeling the feeling transmitted by this power, Li Su's eyes kept flashing, and his fingers couldn't help but outline in the void.

He is learning, perceiving the other party's power, and then expressing this power through his own perspective and method.

The writing is very slow.

After all, even if the energy has declined, its creator is still extraordinary, a being who has embarked on the great road and found the direction of his own path.

Even with the blessing of talent, Li Su couldn't outline the Tao that the other party probably spent tens of millions of years to form in a few moments.

Even after repeated failures, he no longer limited himself to one word, but instead sketched another word next to it.

Since it is difficult for a word "dao" to directly describe the appearance of this power in a short period of time, then it should be divided into two degrees.

One stroke, one stroke, another stroke.

After writing for a full five hours, Li Sucai finally wrote out all the contents of this power.

Words, a lot.

Almost more than a thousand.

Each one is scattered and not systematic.

Looking at these words, Li Su began to outline and overlap them when he was young.

The whole process was not smooth. There were conflicts between words and fierce collisions. For this reason, Li Su couldn't help but stop and think about it again.

After hesitating for a moment, he began to describe again, and he began to add words. Between the words that were obviously separated and incompatible, he continued to add new words, using the new words as a bridge of connection, combining the two incompatible words. Together.

The amount of this project is undoubtedly huge.

It took Li Su almost two days to finish writing the whole article, and finally a chapter with tens of thousands of tadpoles floating in front of him was formed.

Above, there is power flowing in it.

Undoubtedly, it is very similar to the power of the Jedi outside the Fire Banner.

Taking a breath, Li Su pushed the article out without hesitation and went to the shelter of Xinhuo Qi.

In an instant, the extremely intense radiation outside suddenly calmed down a lot, and the surging energy slowed down almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It seems that it was successful.

But Li Su did not smile because of this. Instead, his eyes became deeper, staring at the article, observing every detail.

After about five minutes, the article shook slightly and quickly tore apart.

Undoubtedly, although the power and properties are similar, they are ultimately different, and fundamentally not as powerful as the Jedi.

The next second, the Jedi boiled again, submerging, eroding, and destroying the Dao Wen that had been created.

Seeing that the Daowen he had worked so hard to spare over the past two days was destroyed, Li Su couldn't help but smile.

He was not surprised by Daowen's destruction.

It's a trick in itself.

If you want to truly comprehend the power of this Jedi, you may not be able to do it in two days, let alone two months.

After all, no matter how powerful the talent is, it cannot compress the volume contained within it when it reaches the Da Luo realm. After all, this power itself is equivalent to a complete avenue.

One great road is equal to three thousand middle roads.

One middle path is equal to three thousand small paths.

In other words, a complete avenue contains at least nine million paths.

And, this is just the minimum, that is to say, the minimum.

But in fact, the monk's path is far more complicated than this. If we don't talk about it, let's call him Li Su.

He cultivates to the highest level of saint, so if his power is transformed into this Jedi, the power of the avenue formed will be 18 million avenues.

Then supplemented by his 12.5 million innate Dao patterns formed by billions of layers.

In other words, there are at least one billion eighteen million avenues among his.

With so many Dao rhymes superimposed and overlapping, let alone 200% understanding, even 500%, it is impossible to imagine that they can be deciphered and understood in a short time.

The size is so big that even eight super CPUs will be exhausted.

Therefore, although Li Su's quick version of Tao Pian did fail, he was not dissatisfied.

The purpose itself is to save time, and the point is not to complete the simulation, but to deceive.

There's no doubt that the Jedi's powers are terrifying.

But their owners were dead and had gone cold countless years ago, and now the corpses left behind were almost rotting.

Therefore, this power is more of an instinctive reaction to the outside world and does not have real consciousness, at least not for the time being.

The quick version of Tao Pian undoubtedly helped him determine this issue very well.

As soon as the thought fell, another Taoist article took shape.

This time, the speed is very fast. After all, it is no longer starting from scratch. Coupled with the continuous split, the difficulty has been further reduced, and the shaping is naturally fast and good.

Needless to say, it is more subtle than before, and the structure is tighter.

After being thrown out, it lasted longer this time. It took a full quarter of an hour to be destroyed, which was three times longer.

Looking at the Tao Pian that was destroyed again, Li Su couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

After realizing that there might be Jedi in the depths that would implicate him due to the actions of others, the sense of crisis suddenly rose. After all, he was planning to go to the deepest point. Although there was a treasure to protect him, it should, perhaps, not be a big problem.

But if he was really unlucky and something went wrong, he couldn't just hope that the Xinhuo Flag could completely block it, right?

What if the radiation in the depths is too scary? Why can't the Xinhuo Flag be completely blocked?

Therefore, reducing risks is undoubtedly necessary.

Obviously, using similar power to target the Jedi is undoubtedly the best way. Moreover, he had personally experienced this not long ago, and the effect was amazing.

Today's attempt is a simplification of that experience.

The result was even better than he imagined. Without the energy of subjective consciousness, it was impossible to actively distinguish between true and false. The main reason for the collapse of Daopian was that it was corroded due to the difference in the foot.

In this way, as long as Li Su can produce enough and quickly enough, when facing the Jedi, even if he is really affected by the last resort, the result of being attacked by a group can be greatly reduced.

The scariest thing about Jedi is its staggering amount. Li Su can't handle it. If there are too many, it will be too much for the current Xinhuo Banner.

But once the quantitative advantage is lost, the treasure here will undoubtedly be invincible.

As soon as his body moved, Li Su left the Jedi immediately. As a foreign object, if there was no other way, he would really not want to stay in there for too long.

There is no doubt that these Jedi masters are all dead.

But are they really dead?

Hard to say!

At least, Li Su asked himself, considering the flesh and blood he had mastered, even if he was seriously injured and even his consciousness was submerged, as long as there was still flesh and blood left, it would be impossible to say that he was completely dead.

Back then, when I secretly learned this technique, wasn't the guy who came back to life completely dead?

But in the end, she recovered, although it was not certain that she was still the same person who survived.

Therefore, this kind of repeated stimulation, like dancing on the grave, is definitely not a good behavior.

As soon as the person came out, his pupils shrank violently and his expression changed instantly.

Damn it!

He cursed suddenly in his heart, and the light of the flame flag instantly covered him. In an instant, it turned into a stream of light and plunged into the depths without looking back.

Almost at the moment Li Su rushed into the depths, five figures fell down.

The Lord of Nirvana, Qi Ran is also among them.

This is not like leaving and coming again.

But these guys never really left from the beginning to the end. They were always nearby, observing this place.

It was the five Ultimate Luo who had withdrawn. At this moment, his eyes were deep and strange colors flashed in his eyes. Without any hesitation, he chased Li Su directly in the direction of his escape.

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