Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 1,129 A Small Thousand Worlds

Chapter 1132 Small Thousand Worlds

Prehistoric, prehistoric.

The center of the world, the gathering place of the extraordinary.

As soon as he entered, he felt an astonishing amount of extraordinary power. The concentration was simply beyond imagination. His entire avenue couldn't help but let out a soft cry and became extremely active.

More than 12 million innate Dao patterns couldn't help but shine at this moment, and they were full of light.

Although it is not impossible to stay in the outside world, compared to the prehistoric era, which has carried countless extraordinary things, the gap is really indescribable.

As the realm improves, it feels a lot faster.

The extraordinary power is too full. For a monk's Taoist practice, it is not only easier and simpler to absorb, but the nature of the energy is also more peaceful and nourishing.

This gap is really like a person drinking water, knowing whether it is warm or cold.

The Tao has become clearer, and the sense of instrument and inspiration have been greatly improved.

Is this the prehistoric era?

The frigate was also released. The first time it came here, the shock was no less than that of Li Su, but much greater.

The entire fuselage could not help but make a clanging sound, as the extraordinary metal body was being baptized and promoted.

The state that had fallen for a long time and had not yet been completely restored was also pushed forward at this moment, and was being repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

I'm afraid it requires too much experience. It will take up to half a month and at least a week before it can return to the ranks of starships.

Feeling his own situation, the frigate couldn't help but secretly sigh, no wonder the creatures from the outside world want to enter here.

However, there is one thing to say.

This prehistoric world is nice to return to, but it is indeed terrifying. No wonder the creatures who have returned from the prehistoric world have no nostalgia for the prehistoric world at all.

The scenery here is even scarier than the dark and deep universe, with terrifying Jedi everywhere.

Although most of these terrible places are not large, ranging from dozens of kilometers to hundreds of kilometers to large ones ranging from thousands to hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

But in too many.

You don’t need to use super visual distance to capture them. If you look at them from a slightly higher place, you can see them everywhere.

It feels like staying in a place like this for even one second will put your life in danger.

Look to the left. There is a big river there. The river is very wide, dozens of kilometers long, like a sea.

What's left inside isn't water, it's blood!

The heads rolled and wailed.

The sky-high resentment is really visible to the naked eye.

How many people died inside? I don’t know. Looking around, there are so many souls. I don’t know if there are billions or tens of billions.

Occasionally, strange-looking fish will appear in the river, half human and half fish, ugly, deformed and twisted, as if the hybrid life has been contaminated by nuclear pollution.

Not far away, there is a large expanse of white land. If you look closely, you will see that it is filled with bones. There are so many of them, so densely packed that you can’t even count them in a book.

These bones were moving strangely and making sounds.

Occasionally, a creature would pass by in a panic. After a while, its bones were detached from its body and fell into the bone field.

That creature, faced with this scene, was completely unaware.

It wasn't until it flew outside the bone land that it suddenly reacted. Then it turned into a puddle of mud, fell to the ground, and fell to its death.

And over there, there are many giants as tall as mountains, with very slender hands and feet, long bent backs, and the hunchbacks are bulging high, like a huge mountain peak.

The peaks are covered with sharp barbs, red and black.

There were constant wailings inside, filled with all kinds of creatures.

From time to time, the giant leaned down and stretched out his hand, grabbing at the ground. After a while, he waved his slender hand, and countless living lives were abandoned by it and thrown into the spike-covered hump behind it.

Scene after scene, scene after scene.

This place is like a harvest field. Life in this place is so humble that it is suffocating.

"Master, is this the prehistoric era?"

After a long time, the ship couldn't help but say, although it is beautiful, it is also really deadly. To be honest, if you don't have a big heart and live in a place like this, you may scare yourself to death.

Standing there, Li Su felt a little confused when he heard the words.

Is the place where he is standing in front of him a prehistoric place?

he does not know!

I really don’t know!

The extraordinary power is true, and the concentration is also very high. Although it is not as good as the heaven, it is much higher than the mythical world covered by the heaven.

But it was obvious that he had never seen this scene before.

Because the evil nature here is too strong.

How rich is it? It's almost equal to the extraordinary power.

Whether it is the deformed creature in the distant river, the strange white bones, or the terrifying giant over there, there is no doubt that they are all completely evil beings.

It is not the kind of half-baked creature that has been fused with evil nature that we have seen before, but it is a creature that is actually born from evil nature.

Their flesh and blood, souls, and even the Tao in their core are different from what is known.

It's as if the branches and leaves growing on another big tree are completely independent of the ancient system.

Taking a breath, Li Su put the frigate away. The evil nature here was too strong. It might not be a big deal in a short time. But over time, it would have a huge impact, just like the radiation in the Jedi around Nantianmen. , will be completely distorted.

Compared with the frigate, its own resistance capability is undoubtedly very high.

This is not just a matter of realm, but that he already has a high level of resistance to evil and has used this power to hone himself. Therefore, although the concentration is very high, it is easier than fighting against the Jedi's radiation. .

Without hesitation, his consciousness opened and he directly explored the world.

This is definitely the first time I have seen such a complete evil ecological environment. You must know that in the mythical world back then, even in the red area, there was no such scene.

This place is like a breeding farm, specially designed to harvest pain.

If you don’t scan, you don’t know. If you scan, you will be shocked.

The whole world can't feel the breath of monks at all. Although there are countless creatures in it, some strong and weak, the inheritance of monks is completely cut off. Directly reading some memories of life, I found that the contents inside were very pale, without culture or language, and all they contained was the constant anxiety.

It felt like a world that had completely fallen, and everything that belonged to it had completely collapsed.

Unable to bear it, Li Su attacked Xie Xing again.

Unfortunately, this time, it failed.

A complete evil life is completely different from a normal life.

Although they have the ability to behave, they do not have the ability to think. They appear to be full of vitality and vitality, but in fact they are tissues made of accumulated corpses, completely controlled by evil.

I got several evil beings one after another, but in the end I got no news at all.

Not only that, because of the excessive movement, it also attracted attention. Li Su had almost just hidden his eyes when he cast his eyes here.

Powerful, terrifying, and twisted.

Like something indescribable, the moment the sight appeared, the evil nature in that area became completely active. Countless creatures were degraded, transformed, and irreversibly deformed in an instant.

Even Li Su himself, even if he was hiding in the deep space mezzanine, couldn't help but gasp.

The evil nature actually penetrated the space, distorted dozens of world walls, and almost found his location.

After a long time, his eyes finally receded.

After coming out, Li Su couldn't help but frowned and his face became serious.

Although he received very little information, after all, he was in the Daluo realm, and he still controlled the Seven Saints' supreme billions of realms. There were many channels for collecting intelligence.

It is certain that the place where he is at the moment is the prehistoric era.

However, this primitive land is definitely not the mythical world he once stayed in! ! !

This world seems to be completely occupied by evil, and it is the territory of evil.

Also, the world is not big.

The diameter is only a few hundred thousand kilometers at most, which is similar to the earth in the previous life. Not to mention the size of the heaven, it is too small compared to the remaining mythical world after it was shattered.

This should be just a small world!

You must know that the prehistoric world itself is not an independent and complete world. In addition to the three realms in the center, it also has three thousand attached worlds. Among these three thousand great worlds, there are three thousand middle worlds, and there are three thousand middle worlds. small world.

That is, a total of 27 billion worlds.

Although logically speaking, Nantianmen should be connected to the Heavenly Court in the Three Realms, but he seemed to have been transported to some small world.

As for the evidence, it is the space that was hidden just now.

The walls of this world are very thin and there are not many slits. You can feel the existence of the walls when you go deep into a certain distance.

Basically, he only needs a little force to break out.

Not only that, the extraordinary power of this world seems to be strong, but in fact that is because there are almost no monks in this world, at most there are only some beings with relatively strong force.

Just to carry life, the extraordinary power will naturally not be used much. No, it should be said that it doesn't matter even if it is not available.

And a large amount of extraordinary power is not used by anyone. After a certain period of accumulation, it will naturally feel a lot.

But once a cultivation system appears, in terms of the strength of this world, it can only accommodate monks at the Golden Core level at most, and it is only in the early or middle stages. The only option is to ascend, break through the Small Thousand World, and enter the Middle Thousand World. OK.

Thinking of this, Li Su let out a breath and was ready to leave directly without much hesitation about the small world in front of him.

As for the creatures in the small world, unfortunately, they are hopeless.

They have been harvested by evil for too long, and their most fundamental genes have been destroyed. Their brain capacity is far lower than normal, and they have lost the foundation of advanced wisdom. Not only that, there is also something wrong with their souls. They are already riddled with holes. They are just mechanical. Just living sexually.

Compared to salvation, destruction is a relief for them.

After thinking for a moment, Li Su's eyes moved slightly, but he saw a drop of blood dripping down. Soon it melted and dissipated directly into the wind.

After finishing, he silently opened a hole in this small world and left.

And a few days after Li Suta left, all the creatures in the small world suddenly froze inexplicably and froze there.

After a moment, their pupils became bloodshot, their expressions became extremely ferocious, they roared suddenly, and rushed towards the other creatures beside them irrationally.

Hold, bite.

After a while, the bitten and bloody creature froze, and its eyes quickly turned blood red. After a while, it quickly got up, and the one biting it also stopped.

The two creatures directly attacked other creatures.

This situation happened almost simultaneously in tens of thousands of different places in the entire small world. In just a few hours, the entire world was completely destroyed.

Soon, this infection also reached evil beings. Although they were fundamentally different, they had flesh and blood carriers. They were quickly contaminated by this terrifying virus, and their simple bodies quickly lost their original functions.

In less than ten days, the entire small world fell completely.

Feeling the movement, the gaze that had stared at Li Su appeared again. When he saw the situation in the small world, his gaze couldn't help but condense, and then he couldn't help but let out an extremely huge roar.

The voice was full of anger.


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