Chapter 1139 Terror Comes

The war ended quickly.

After it was over, Jiutian Emperor ran very fast.

Almost as soon as he killed more than a dozen evil spirits, he led Li Su and the two of them to tear the void apart without hesitation.

The most precious treasure in the world, the fire flag, seemed like the sharpest shovel in his hand at this moment, and the space turned into dirt, digging holes like crazy.

Even though he moves a lot, he moves very quickly.

In fact, the damage to the space itself was very small, and he was digging and filling it at the same time. Although he was incredibly fast, the road behind him returned to its original state almost instantly.

With this level, this skill, this behavior definitely cannot be the first time, but just like his terrifying skills, it has reached its peak.

The speed is simply amazing.

Not long after, the world wall of the world was dug through with almost no damage.

After appearing directly in another world, Jiutian Emperor did not stop, but changed the direction and continued digging.

Regarding Jiutian Emperor's behavior, Xinhuo Ban unexpectedly did not resist and had no intention of returning. Instead, he actively cooperated and lit the Xinhuo Flag at the tip of his gun, making the other party's excavation more convenient.

One world, two worlds, three worlds.

I don't know how long I dug, but I could feel that the Nine Heavens Emperor couldn't help but breathe heavily, sweating like rain all over his body, and his hands even couldn't help but tremble before he stopped.

The next second, the Nine Heavens Emperor appeared in the inner world, and before Li Su could speak, he directly attacked Master Wu Xin.

Xinhuoqi pierced the opponent's chest with one shot and ran straight towards the avenue. Faced with this scene, Master Wuxin seemed not to have seen it. One Eye was not shocked at all.

Before Li Sudu could be shocked, an astonishing amount of evil erupted from it. Several evils with completely different colors floated out from the wound, making a sizzling sound, being ignited, and burning.

After a while, the Jiutian Emperor exhaled with a pale face, let go of the Xinhuo flag, and then sat down on the ground.

Master Wu Xin's eyes flashed with terrifying light, and his astonishing momentum exploded instantly. His extremely injured body began to repair at an extremely alarming speed. A large number of supreme scriptures also appeared on the damaged soul, but when he saw little bits of eternal fire shining, It healed quickly like woven cloth, repairing the shocking scars on it one by one.

However, after two or three breaths, Wuxin, who was seriously injured and almost dying, recovered.

He took out the fire flag that was still stuck in his chest, and then disappeared from the inner world of Jiutian Emperor without saying a word.

Almost a full minute later, Master Wuxin came back with a tired look on his face. He was very tired, very tired, and his power had been used too much. The fire flag was glowing red, as if he had experienced a super war and was used repeatedly by power. And caused incredibly high temperatures.

Reaching out and planting the fire flag on the ground, Master Wuxin almost fell to the ground softly.

"Old man, this is my inner world!"

Facing Master Wu Xin's actions, Jiutian Emperor, who had recovered from meditation, couldn't help but scream.

"I'm tired and don't have time."

Master Wuxin looked calm, lying on the ground, not wanting to speak at all.

Upon hearing this, the Jiutian Emperor glanced at the other party hatefully, and then glanced at the place where the Xinhuo flag was torn apart with great distress. After grinning, he turned his head away resignedly.

Forget it, don’t argue with this old thing.

Facing the two people's operations, Li Su was undoubtedly completely confused and couldn't help but have a question mark on his face.

What are you doing?

He took a breath and couldn't help but want to speak.

Almost at the same time, the two of them opened their eyes at the same time, their faces became extremely solemn, and they said at the same time: "Shh. (Don't talk.)"

Li Su was stunned, and his open mouth couldn't help but freeze. Is this?

Before he could ask the question, a mysterious voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

The sound was very small, light and very low.

But in an instant, Li Su couldn't help but feel horrified. His face and expression changed drastically. In the next second, he sat down on the ground like the two of them without hesitation. The Seven Saints Supreme shined in his own river in an instant. Standing up, the grand chapter directly covered the entire long river, completely locking itself up.

Seeing Li Su's reaction, the two people who were ready to take action couldn't help but look at each other.

The smile in Master Wuxin's eyes made Jiutian Emperor a little surprised.

However, neither of them said much. Although they did not completely seal themselves off like Li Su, they still sat there with heavy faces.

Weird sounds kept ringing.

After more than ten minutes, the sound gradually disappeared and stopped ringing.

After waiting for a while and making sure that the sound disappeared completely, the two of them couldn't help but let out a long breath and relaxed completely.

"Okay, kid, he's gone."

Li Su, who had completely blocked himself, couldn't help but be shocked when he heard the words of the Jiutian Emperor and opened his eyes.

Without speaking or asking, Li Su stiffened his neck and slowly lowered his head.

His hands were shaking.

No, his whole body was shaking. Even though the voice had left, he still could not regain his composure. It was as if he had experienced some terrible horror and was completely unable to stabilize.

His pupils couldn't help but shrink and twitch. You must know that his flesh and blood are formed from the supreme life. They are no longer ordinary flesh and blood. There are six billion wills in them, a terrifying will.

As a result, he was completely shaken just now. If he hadn't been strong enough, his flesh and blood would have collapsed the moment he heard that weird sound.


The moment he heard the sound, everything around him changed. Everything grew a mouth and kept chanting. That scene was not only the surroundings, but even Li Su's own flesh, blood, and soul couldn't help but grow. The mouth opened and opened, making a mysterious sound that was the same as that sound.

Faced with this situation, for the first time, Li Su found that he was completely unable to fight against it. His unparalleled foundation could not give him any sense of security at this moment, and he could only passively endure everything.

If we hadn't sealed everything in time and used the Seven Saints Supreme Chapter to cut off external connections, I really don't know what would have happened.


After a long, long time, Li Su couldn't help but speak, his eyes a little unbelievable.

"No! But, it's almost the same." Master Wu Xin shook his head.

Li Su couldn't help but be startled, his throat was extremely dry for a moment, his heart couldn't help but shake, and his wide-open eyes were full of disbelief.

Are these not saints?

Seeing Li Su's reaction, Jiutian Emperor suddenly became a little amused and said: "Boy, have you really faced a saint? I'm not talking about your saint, but a saint who is truly hostile and angry with you?"

Li Su was startled, then quickly shook his head.

"If you haven't seen it, don't use your poor thinking to describe the power of the Holy Realm. That is beyond your imagination."

"A true saint, if he gets angry, like you and me, Elder Wuxin, can't survive more than three seconds."

"It only takes one strike to wipe us out."

Listening to Jiutian Emperor's words, Li Su couldn't help clenching his fists. You can imagine the shock in his heart. If he hasn't seen the power of Jiutian Emperor with his own eyes, it doesn't matter. He has seen the other party's power with his own eyes. If he didn't have the treasure, he would be so powerful that he couldn't even finish three moves.

Facing the saint, he couldn't even survive for three seconds or take a single move?

What is this concept? How powerful is this?

"Okay, don't scare my child." Master Wuxin glanced at Jiutian Emperor angrily, turned to Li Su and smiled: "My child, your current level is still low, you are still only one billion way???"

The crisis seemed to be completely over, and the injuries had recovered. Master Wuxin was smiling and about to say something, but in the next second his whole body froze.

The kind face began to change visibly, and his eyes could hardly help opening wider and wider. Looking at Li Su, his face was full of disbelief, and he couldn't believe it.

"Are you in the Billion Dao realm??"

Losing his composure, Wu Xin's voice became a little sharp at this moment.

On the side, Jiutian Emperor couldn't help but frown. The other party's sudden abnormality made him think that something had happened, but it turned out to be a shock to his disciple's realm.

A billion Dao realms, what’s so strange?

In the foreign race, pulling a lot of them is not considered the core combat strength. Only when they reach the ultimate Da Luo realm can they reach the top of the mountain where they are. Of course, this is just the foot of the mountain. There are still 100,000 meters above. high.

Not even close!

However, his performance is good, and he can be regarded as a top-notch favored child among foreign races. Well, looking at it this way, he is worthy of his own daughter, although not much.

Ugh, damn it.

Jiutian Emperor's expression immediately changed. His little cotton-padded jacket would never be given to others.

So, with three parts laziness, three parts disdain, three parts disdain and one part displeasure, he said: "Say, old guy, I know your children are good, so I won't act like this!"

It's a pity that Master Wuxin ignored Jiutian Emperor at all for this second. Instead, he walked directly in front of Li Su, looking up and down while raising and lowering his hands.

While touching and looking at it, he couldn't help but say.

"Weird, weird, weird, how could this happen? This foundation, this power, how could it be, how could it be possible?"

Seeing Wu Xin's behavior, Jiutian Emperor twitched his lips. He must admit that this little guy is indeed good. His foundation is beyond imagination. Looking at the history of foreign races, there are only a few.

But this is too much, too much.

It’s just a genius, the road ahead is long and difficult, it’s too late.

"I'm talking about you, old guy!"

"You know nothing." Master Wu Xin roared excitedly, and then looked at Li Su again, which made Li Su feel a little embarrassed, and then said: "The last time I saw this kid, he was still Taiyi. Xuanxian!"

"What happened to Taiyi Xuanxian?"

Jiutian Emperor was still lazy and looked at Li Su with a calm expression. If there was anything wrong with the boy in front of him, it was probably that he was too young. He was too young, and he seemed younger than his daughter.

By the way, how old is your daughter?

It’s almost 10,000 years old. Of course, this age is not old for a monk. Taiyi Xuanxian who is tens of thousands of years old is everywhere.

His daughter's talent is extremely good, and the breakthrough will not actually take ten thousand years. However, for the sake of the other party's future, he used some means to make it impossible for him to break through and keep accumulating. In this way, once he becomes the Great Luo Realm, he can quickly break through tens of millions of realms. territory.

It is estimated that in about 20,000 years, he should be able to become a billion Dao realm in one fell swoop. After another 70,000 years to complete the transformation, he should be able to directly become the ultimate Daluo when he is 100,000 years old, instead of wasting nearly 18 years like himself. It took ten thousand years to reach the limit, and he suffered too much.

Alas, being a parent is not easy. It will take a hundred thousand years for me to worry about this.



A billion Dao realms, but the breath of time is smaller than that of his own daughter?

Is this guy still in the Chitose range?

Jiutian Emperor's expression gradually changed. He couldn't help but widen his eyes and looked at Master Wu Xin, "Old guy, when was the last time you saw this kid???"

Yes, how long was it last time?

The corners of Wu Xin's mouth couldn't help but twitch crazily. Well, probably, it must have been several decades, right?

It's really a long time, so long that if ordinary people say goodbye once, and meet again, the other person might be buried in the grave.


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