Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 1,157 The Indestructible King Kong

I stayed with my parents and senior sister for almost three days.

During this period, I also met Master Wu who rushed back after hearing the news.

In private, there are naturally many complaints.

After all, Lu Qian is really like his biological daughter to him. She has been with Zhang Da since he was a child. Although he has never said anything over the years, Lu Qian's every move is seen in his heart and he feels distressed. no.

Fortunately, although he complained, Uncle Wu also understood Li Su's situation and recovered quickly.

He didn't stay long, only less than an hour before he left in a hurry.

As for the reason, it is very simple. He was transferred back to the central government and will be fully responsible for the entire Xia Kingdom affairs.

Nowadays, the central government is seriously short of manpower, and the impact of the recent riot did not end quickly. As time goes by, the oscillation continues to expand.

Although more of the impact is only on the middle and high-level, there is no doubt that the entire Xia Kingdom has been greatly impacted.

One of them was the live news broadcast two days ago, which lasted for four hours and was extremely shocking.

The main reason is that the content is a bit bloody, with beheadings being broadcast live.

This news was told to him by Uncle Wu. No matter the mastermind or the accomplice, no one was spared and all were executed.

To be honest, Li Su was really angry at first, but after Yan Hua and the others died, most of the anger had actually dissipated.

Coupled with reading the minds of Yan Hua and others, many of the people involved in this matter are the core of major families, and some are even directly parents and children of several families. Considering the care of the older generation, he I really have no intention of pursuing it further.

Of course, just this once.

Unexpectedly, what came back was such a news. Uncle Wu even told him that several of his parents and children, including Zhu Wu, had been beheaded.

Therefore, when Master Wu told him this matter, Li Su couldn't help but sigh.

To be honest, Li Suzhen didn't expect this.

In the past few days, he had concentrated on spending time with his parents and senior sister. He had calmed down and did not feel anything outside.

After all, there are too many things to do. It is better to spend a few days with your family wholeheartedly, and then think about the troubles outside when this is over.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the live broadcast was not delivered to his community. My mother has been watching TV a lot these days, and there is no problem with the content at all.

I thought this was Uncle Zhu and the others giving him an explanation.

As a result, Uncle Wu suddenly smiled.

"Su'er, you don't think this is giving you an explanation, do you?"

Li Su couldn't help but be stunned, wasn't he?

"Of course not. Rather than giving an explanation to you, Lao Zhu and the others are giving an explanation to themselves, their family, everyone in the Xia Kingdom, and their fathers."

"Xia's national policy is that the mission of the strong is to protect the weak."

"But at the same time, Xia State also has a national policy that the dignity of heroes will never be allowed to be easily trampled on by anyone."

"Don't say it's you, even if it's just a member of an ordinary family, as long as someone in his family died fighting for the country, he is a descendant of meritorious service. Even if he is the top heir, he will never be allowed to destroy it."

"What happened to you is not the first. Counting this, this is already the second time."

"Back then, less than fifty years after the founding of the Xia Kingdom, a group of descendants of powerful people risked their lives, including even Marshal Zhu's third son, Zhu Gao."

"In the end, it was Marshal Zhu who personally killed his third son, recorded it, and played it in front of the whole country to tell everyone, no matter who you are or what you are. Status, as long as you are in Xia Kingdom, you must abide by Xia Kingdom's rules.

Afterwards, more than 10,000 people involved in that case were directly liquidated. You were born relatively late and had not seen the sight of heads rolling in and the ground stained red with blood, which could not be cleaned no matter how hard you washed it. "

"The Xia Kingdom was founded less than two hundred years ago, so why are so many strong men willing to guard the front and protect the weak? It's because when they were still weak, they were sheltered under the wings of the older generation of strong men."

"This is the inheritance of the Xia Kingdom and the spirit of the Xia Kingdom."

Looking at Master Wu leaving, Li Su couldn't help but scratch his head, feeling better for no reason.

It's not that he was happy that the mastermind and accomplice were beheaded. After all, with his strength, it was not easy to kill those people? It was all done with just one thought.

But this country and this national policy made him feel at ease.

"Are you leaving?"

It was Lu Qian's voice that sounded in Li Su's arms.

The person nestled in his arms raised his head, his eyes were very bright, with a little bit of reluctance, but more of them were dazzling.

She hopes that Li Su can stay and continue to accompany her.

Twenty years, a full 730 days and nights, is really too long, too long.

But she understands that the world is far from peaceful. Even if there is peace here, it may be unimaginable outside.

She had met Zhu Zhong before. Although his strength had improved tremendously, his mental fatigue was clearly revealed.

Compared with the time in the mortal world, although they were stronger, not only did they not relax, but the pressure became even greater.

In fact, although the Xia Kingdom is now peaceful, various policies can still be seen.

Although the school no longer forces every student to go to World Fragment, and parents no longer need to experience the pain of losing a child, the requirement for spiritual practice has never stopped for a moment. Each school has its own If you fail to meet the targets, you will be held accountable.

It can be said that Xia State has been in the process of preparation for the past twenty years.

"Yeah!" Li Su sighed softly, feeling a little distressed.

He can feel the other person's feelings for him, and in fact, he can also feel his parents' feelings for him.

Reluctant and uncomfortable.

But they never showed any signs of it on their faces. When they looked at him, they always smiled, very happily, as if to say it's okay, you go do your work, we will wait for you at home.

Lu Qian reached out and touched Li Su's face, with a smile on her face.

She is very satisfied!

The other party is still alive. Not only is she alive, but she even remembers her.

Although it only lasted three days, half of it was with her. It was enough, enough.

With this companionship, the depression and worries accumulated in my heart for twenty years have long since disappeared, and some are just happy, just happy.

With repercussions, you can naturally continue to think about it.

"Go, don't keep Uncle Zhu and the others waiting, I'm afraid things outside are not trivial."

He reached out and gently tapped Lucy's forehead.

"Sister, wait for me to come back!"


"Also, while I'm away, senior sister, you have to work hard and practice this technique before I come back."

"This is?"

Lu Qian was startled, her pupils widened, and there was a lot more content in her mind. After a while, she couldn't help but said: "The art of earth evil transformation?"


Li Su nodded with a smile and said: "This is a spell in the fragments of the world. It comes from a story called Journey to the West. It is the supreme magical power of the protagonist, the Monkey King of the Water Curtain Cave in the Flower and Fruit Mountain, the Monkey King and the Monkey King. ."

"Sounds awesome!" Lucy couldn't help but murmured.

"Of course it's powerful. It's the one who caused trouble in the Heavenly Palace and forced God Haotian to drill into the table." Li Su couldn't help but said proudly, regardless of whether it was acting or not, you just said it was drilled or not?

"That's really amazing!" Lu Qian couldn't help but nodded, and then asked curiously: "Is there anything powerful about this earth evil transformation technique?"

"Of course it's amazing. Once you practice successfully, not only can you live forever, but you can also change at will. You can fly in the sky, run on the ground, or swim in the water."

With a smile on his face, Li Su couldn't help but said happily: "The most important thing is that once you succeed in practice, you will be invulnerable to weapons and bullets, and have the power of invulnerability."

Lu Qian was startled for a moment, then her pretty face turned red the next second, and she couldn't help but spat at Li Su.

This person, when did he become unruly! ! !

However, King Kong is indestructible. Lu Qian couldn't help but look forward to it. After all, her junior brother was really too strong.

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