Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 1,165 Junior, seek death! ! !

People are so unlucky that they can choke to death even if they drink water.

Li Su had heard this many times, but this was his first time meeting him.

The sun archer ran away.

Although the avenue was cut off, as a person in the Daluo realm, his vitality was very tenacious, and it would not kill him. At most, he would be bedridden for thirty to fifty years afterwards.

Faced with this scene, Li Su did not pursue it.

First of all, he is not his true self, but just a clone. Not only is his explosive strength severely reduced, but most importantly, his endurance is not enough. After all, there is no avenue in the clone, which cannot provide him with a steady stream of energy all the time.

Once the energy he brings is used up, his power will quickly shrink.

Therefore, even if the opponent is injured, it is not something that Li Su can catch up with now.

Of course, the other party left in such a hurry, probably because of him. After all, he didn't know Li Su's situation and was afraid that he would attack him while he was hiding in the dark. After all, the two sides had a fighting experience. If he was intact, he could still fight for a while. field.

It was different now. He was severely injured and even the avenue was cut off. If he continued to fight, he would be killed. Especially since most of his luck was burned away, which would lead to bad luck, he would undoubtedly be unable to fight.

Li Su also wanted to silence him, but he was determined to kill the thief and was unable to save his life.

Although the battle ended with a bit of laughter, Li Su's eyes couldn't help but look towards the mountain col.

His attack just now destroyed the scene and destroyed the formation.

But the core of the formation has not been destroyed, and the things accumulated by the opponent through evil magic are still there.

The number of fifty million creatures is indeed not much for the Daluo realm, but it depends on two aspects. One is quality, which is the strength of a top-notch person, and the other is time, which is a matter of length.

According to Uncle Zhu and the others, the disappearance of casual cultivators did not occur in a day or two, but lasted for several years, which meant that this formation had been deployed for quite some time.

Then let’s talk about quality. Although there are indeed many people who have not practiced in it, the creatures in the prehistoric world, even if they eat and sleep every day, their bodies will be very strong, far exceeding the standard of ordinary people by dozens of times. No, Hundreds of times more.

Coupled with the large number of true immortals, heavenly immortals and other levels, although the formation has not been completely completed, it still cannot be underestimated.

After all, although sorcery is not advisable, there is no doubt that sorcery itself is the kind of huge profit that makes people take risks. .

Everyone knows that using sorcery will have serious consequences, but the fact that sorcery has not disappeared after tens of millions of years, but has continued to multiply shows that it has given too much.

Li Su, who was standing on the periphery before, took a quick glance and confirmed that it was a sorcery.

But the specific function and final effect of this formation was not very clear to him. However, since a billion-level Taoist can be guarded here, the value should not be too low.

Li Su wouldn't have cared too much about it before, but now that the managers have run away, he can't help but be a little curious. What does the other party want to do with such a big battle?

Coming out of the deep space, Li Su came directly to the mountain col in one step.

He stretched his head and looked at the core position deep in the center of the mountain col.

Because of the destruction of the surrounding area, the formation has stopped, and the core part has completely calmed down. At this moment, only a slight luster can be seen emanating from it.

Feeling that light, Li Su was a little dazed.

Such a rich breath of life, this quality is not inferior to the vitality born from his supreme life.

Although the purity is not very high, and it is obvious that there is still resentment entwined in it, it is very light, so light that it is almost undetectable.


Facing this result, Li Su was not only a little surprised.

Because, according to this method of refining, the resentment in the upgrade should be very large, but the resentment is very thin, and the internal content is not even one ten thousandth.

In this case, as long as the monks take it regularly, there will be almost no negative effects.

And this vitality gave Li Su a very unusual feeling. It was an extremely strong sense of desire that was conveyed by his cells. Swallowing it seemed to have great benefits.

This is undoubtedly a bit strange.

Can a magic without side effects still be called a magic?

Stepping forward, he directly erased the barrier on the outside of the formation eye and looked at the core.

What came into view was a huge bowl filled with almost half a bowl of red liquid.

The liquid was the light of life he had seen before. It was crystal clear, flawless, and extremely fragrant.

Just standing next to him, he felt like his life span had been extended. Well, it wasn't an illusion, it was real. At least this was how his flesh and blood gave back to him. His cells became younger.


This thing can actually increase your lifespan?

Faced with this result, Li Su couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and his pupils shrank.

Anyone who has read Journey to the West knows why Tang Sanzang was targeted by countless demons and ghosts. Isn't it just because eating him can make him immortal?

Not only that, looking at the entire Journey to the West, there are actually only three things that can increase life span.

Flat peach, ginseng fruit, and then Tang Monk meat.

In addition, even the golden elixir refined by the saint Taishang Laojun cannot increase life span.

Although Li Su is now in the Daluo realm, he feels as if he has a lifespan as long as the sky, and can almost be immortal by accident, but his lifespan still has an end, although it will take a long, long time to reach that day.

But if something can increase your life span, you have to say that it is not precious.

After all, not everyone is Li Su, who can complete a journey that takes others tens of millions, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of years to complete in just a few decades.

Under normal circumstances, if an ordinary person eventually cultivates to become an immortal, there is a high probability that he will be stuck at the end of his life.

And people like this are quite rare and belong to the category of genius.

There may not be even one out of a million people.

Something like Ning Wuxia is even more terrifying, as it is directly a product of the times.

It is not an era of seven billion and one hundred years like Li Su's previous life, but an era of one million years with an average of one hundred billion creatures in the mythical world.

After such a comparison, you will find that in fact, the vast majority of practitioners will stop moving forward due to lack of life span.

People like Li Su, who have clearly reached the Daluo realm and are still in the golden stage of advancement, simply don't exist.

Even Ning Wuxia has now passed the silver stage, and has reached the bronze stage, or even the black iron stage.

Therefore, anything that can increase life span is definitely one of the top treasures in ancient times.

For most practitioners, it is even more important than the most precious treasure.

Moreover, things like flat peach fruit not only have the function of increasing life span, they are extremely magical in themselves, and taking them will have great benefits for one's own path. The same is true for the half bowl of crimson in front of me. Just standing next to it, I feel that my cultivation has accelerated, my body and soul have been nourished, and I can't help but feel refreshed.

This is the feeling of fatigue caused by spiritual practice, which has been forcibly washed away.

Faced with this result, Li Su couldn't help but jump in the corners of his eyes. What a terrible thing it would be if the other party held a large amount of this kind of thing?

Not only can it quickly cultivate practitioners, but it can also speed up the practice of strong people.

If it has been like this for millions of years, it is simply difficult to calculate, not to mention how many practitioners it has trained and how many strong men it has.

Li Su couldn't help but frown, Li Su felt a little strange.

This is not in line with common sense. If mere magic can easily create something that has no side effects and increases lifespan, what do you think if you let the two precious treasures of flat peach and human fruit take thousands or even ten thousand years to ripen in ancient times? ?

Something's wrong!

Why is resentment still declining?

You must know that it was only one ten thousandth just now, and now it has become one tens of thousands. This kind of hard refining results in the resentment of living beings. That thing is the biggest poison in the world, let alone Li Su. Even a saint would have a headache.

After all, this is the key to countless catastrophes. If it can be solved easily, there will be no so-called apotheosis of gods and so-called journey to the west.


Suddenly, Li Su let out a light sigh and his eyes fell on the bowl.

Just now, his attention was attracted by the contents of the bowl, causing him to ignore the bowl itself.

Now when I look at it, I find that this bowl is unusual.

The resentment of the creatures in that bowl was absorbed by it.

Facing this result, Li Su couldn't help but be surprised. He really didn't expect that there was something in this world that could actively carry the resentment of living beings?

In terms of texture, it is not gold, silver, copper, or iron, nor is it stone. If you insist on saying so, it does look a bit like bones.

Unable to resist, Li Su reached out and touched it. He was really curious as to what material this bowl was made of.

However, if you don't touch it, you won't know it. A touch of it will startle you.

This material, this feel!

Hey, don’t tell me, it’s just bones, and this shape should most likely be a skull. I don’t know who it is.

"Junior, you dare to touch your grandfather's skull, you are seeking death!!!"

Just as Li Su was caressing him, suddenly, a voice came in, the tone was full of anger, the roar was like thunder and dragon, it shook Li Su on the spot and his body was shaken up, his orifices were pumping blood like pillars.

After falling to the ground, Li Sucai widened his eyes in disbelief for a while and uttered a dumbfounded voice.

Damn it!

Live? ? ?

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