Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 1,167 Senior, are you calmer?

This time Li Su was so cruel that he didn't untie it for three hours.

Of course, this world is actually not long, especially for the mighty, it is very short.

But his magical power is from the Buddha's kingdom, the highest level of the sage's dharma.

The power is not comparable to that of ordinary chanting. Its quality is equivalent to 10 million people chanting sutras in your ears at the same time. If it is an ordinary person, it will take at most three seconds to recover compared to real immortals and immortals. The earth ascended to heaven, crossed to the other shore, and transformed into the backbone of Buddhism.

Those who are more determined can only hold on for about a minute at most.

Don't underestimate his current ability to chant sutras. As a Daluo realm being, if he really wants to resort to Buddhist methods, even the Taiyi realm can't stand it.

After all, the path of the Second Sage of the West itself has a strong brainwashing effect. When it comes to wielding a hoe, they claim to be second, and absolutely no one dares to say that they are first.

Just look at Fengshen. After a great war, the Jiejiao was destroyed and the Chanjiao was crippled. It only enriched the West.

Especially for Chan Jiao, four of the twelve golden immortals were directly attacked.

That was a generation of disciples, disciples of a saint.

Don't take it as an example that their Taoism was destroyed after becoming gods. The four of them were not the only ones who were destroyed by the Twelve Golden Immortals.

However, they jumped ship.

This kind of behavior is not poaching from the company. The status of master and apprentice is ancient, but it is one level higher than the certification of biological father. It is better to cultivate a proper biological child.

As a result, the four of them changed jobs without hesitation.

Here, if you say that there is no role for Buddhist practices, who will believe it?

Therefore, when Li Su opened it again, the skull seemed very quiet. Although it could not hurt the foundation of the owner of the skull inside, it was a huge mental blow.

A whole six hours.

The scene of being surrounded by millions of bald donkeys really disgusted the being inside.

Of course, disgusting is a bit of a problem. What really makes the big guy inside the skull doubt his life is that the outcome of this junior is a bit unexpected, and the height is astonishing. In the first two hours of the three hours, he tried his best to Couldn't hit the opponent hard.

As an orthodox successor of Xuanmen, possessing the art of saint, even if he is imprisoned and unable to move, he is still extremely powerful.

Even after falling into the hands of a thief for countless years, the other party still has no choice but to do anything to him, which shows too much.

He attacked with his mind. Although he didn't have much energy, he couldn't stand up to the height of his face. He was looking down at the opponent from the saint's face, which was very scary.

With this method, even if he became like this, he killed many thieves with evil intentions.

Of course, it was not that there were no stronger beings taking action against him during this period. For example, there were a few guys who claimed to be saints, looking down at him with arrogance and wanting him to surrender.

As a result, it goes without saying that one of them probably has not recovered yet.


Ha, trash like you are worthy of being called saints?

The height of the realm is not even comparable to the two great emperors of Demon Court in the prehistoric period. The foundation is in a mess, so crude that it is impossible to see at all. With a little use of means, it is almost on the verge of collapse.

If it weren't for the invasion of external evil that year, which caused him to be seriously injured and dying, and he was no longer in his previous state, he would have beaten as many people as they came.

Because of this confidence and confidence, the big boss in the skull naturally disdained to talk to thieves, especially after being fooled several times and being ripped off a lot, he became completely autistic.

He will show no mercy to anyone who dares to touch him and will kill him immediately.

I thought this was another test by the other party. After all, the last time the guy came to touch me was tens of thousands of years ago.

Unexpectedly, this time things were a little unexpected.

When he first saw that the killing failed, he didn't think much about it. After all, he had been alone for tens of thousands of years, and he was still somewhat lonely. Maybe he showed mercy subconsciously.

It was different the second time, it was really cruel.

Although he is an old monster who has lived for who knows how many years, he is a cultivator. To put it bluntly, he is not much different from an otaku. His emotions are quite closed and he rarely socializes. Basically, he only has a few senior brothers. Therefore, his heart can be said to be sincere. .

The last time such a person met him, it was not just as simple as being extremely insulting, but actually extremely harmful. He couldn't forget it for tens of thousands of years, and he couldn't help but think about it. A burst of fire.

As a result, the other party actually resisted.

Not only did he withstand the attack, but he also chanted sutras on him and imprisoned him for four hours.

To be honest, facing this result, the big man inside the skull was a little doubtful about life.

After all, he was a disciple of the ancient Taoist sect and the orthodox successor of the saint. The methods he used could no longer simply be described as powerful, but had to be described as abnormal.

This does not mean that this method of future generations is completely impossible or undesirable.

It can only be said that the path is too scattered, without the guidance of a real famous teacher, coupled with the pursuit of realm, the most critical rough stone polishing has been ignored. Although it has barely become a saint, in his eyes, it is still full of loopholes.

It's a pity that the light of his soul can't radiate out. Otherwise, we have to take a closer look, what's going on with the other party?

This move will undoubtedly be tried and tested by future generations, although it is a trick in a sense. It was passed down to them by their masters and used to polish each other's own foundation. It is not a real killing move.

The main reason why people died was that the other party had too many loopholes and he was messed up.

Thinking of this, the big boss in the skull couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Although it was said that sooner or later, future generations would catch up with them, but they didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

Are we really a thing of the past?

He couldn't help but laugh at himself. After all, he was actually at the end of his rope now. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been deceived so easily back then. Now the only means is useless. Once the thieves outside realize this, I'm afraid it will be very difficult. Soon things will change.

However, thinking of this, the big boss in the skull smiled coldly.

Xuanmen disciples will never compromise with anyone, and will never accept threats.

Now that he has reached the end, he is not completely helpless. Although doing so means that he will really perish completely, but instead of becoming a prisoner and being exploited, it is better to let go completely and perish from then on.

Of course, he has to leave, so before leaving, he has to take some people with him on the road, so that he can live up to his status and have face when he gets down there to meet all the brothers and teachers.

Looking at the motionless skull, although Li Su released his magical power, he did not touch it immediately.

Instead, he planned to let the other party slow down.

Through the other party's reaction to the Buddhist Kingdom, he has basically determined that the big boss in the skull in front of him is a Taoist disciple who has not escaped, and there is a high probability that he is not a disciple of the Human Cult, but from the Jie Jiao and Chan Jiao families. The resentment The huge kind.

Even though he was released, I'm afraid my heart is already pounding with turmoil, waiting for him to be stabbed in the back.

Thinking of this, Li Su couldn't help but rub his eyebrows, feeling somewhat regretful.

Knowing that the other party has great grievances, he still uses Buddhist methods. This behavior is somewhat like sprinkling pepper on the wound.

But I really can't blame him. The main reason was that the opponent made two sneak attacks and didn't listen to him at all. He just acted like a crazy attack. That's Li Su. If it had been anyone else, he would have dug a hole long ago and buried the opponent directly underground. It cannot see the light of day.

And, although the behavior is a bit excessive.

But Buddhist skills are indeed very effective for the other party. For a person like this, Li Su doesn't think that just saying "If the heart is as clear as ice and the sky is falling, you won't be shocked" can calm the other party down.

On the contrary, by constantly stimulating the opponent's nerves and making them furious, the effect is better.

Although it may add fuel to the fire, it is easier to calm down when you are too angry, right?

Isn’t this the saying that a negative makes a positive?

At this moment, the other party was quiet and didn't yell immediately after coming out. Isn't it a sign of calmness? Although there is a huge volcano underneath, one bad move will cause it to explode.

After organizing his words, Li Su touched his hand again: "Are you calmer, senior?"

The big boss inside the skull smiled sinisterly, and his kind face twisted into a ball. He naturally calmed down, all the rage in his heart was suppressed, and his methods were ready, just waiting for the target to come over.

Not to mention anything else, this little evil obstacle is the first one that cannot be let go.

Because he was a god, he hated the West. But because he couldn't move, he had to hold down the Buddhist scriptures for eight hours. It was really a new and old grudge that he couldn't express.

Yes, he has calmed down, very, very calmly, and is using his ultimate move to kill each other.

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Li Su couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He must have been angry, but he could finally listen to him quietly.

As long as you can have a conversation, that's a good thing.

"Senior, I am also a disciple of Taoism. I have learned the Pangu Banner and the Qingping Sword. I have also learned the Way of Life from Empress Nuwa and the Way of Reincarnation from Empress Houtu. I have studied the classics of Taiqing Saints and understood the two qi of yin and yang. ."

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