Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 1,176 Picking up a strange thing

Chapter 1179 Picked up a strange thing

Although he overheard a big melon, he did not miss the point of the matter.

That is the owner of the giant tree vision, who is related to heaven, and is most likely the god of heaven.

Moreover, if he can be remembered by Master Taiyi, his status is probably not low, he can be on the stage, at least he can participate in the Peach Banquet.

After all, Taiyi Zhenren is the representative of teachers, so you may not be able to see him in lower-level activities.

However, what is certain with a high probability is that the opponent should be the righteous god after the Conferment of Gods, not the period of Conferment of Gods. After all, the guys on the list during that period were either Jiejiao people or mortals from the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. Mostly impressed.

Undoubtedly, this made Li Su somewhat disappointed.

It's not the period of Conferring Gods, that is to say, it's the period from Conferring Gods to Journey to the West.

Even if you become a god during this period, even if your strength is good, it will probably be far inferior to that of the period of becoming a god. After all, the environment is different. People born in great catastrophes and people in peaceful times can be said to be completely different concepts.

But after all, he has become a righteous god. Even in peaceful times, he is still a son of the times. Compared with the disciples of the great sect, Li Su has no expectations. But as the righteous god of heaven, his strength should not be bad.

After all, just the formation of that foreign land, at least the current Li Su, is difficult to form such a huge scene.

As the saying goes, calves are not legs.

So, with some expectation, Li Su quickly moved towards that side.


After walking for almost two hundred light years, he was not far from the foreign land. He paused for a moment and couldn't help but lower his head and looked down not far away.

There, the mountains are undulating and the terrain is dangerous.

The mountain is very high, but not big.

Moreover, the mountains themselves are not high and are in a huge depression.

The water vapor there is very heavy, and it is shrouded in heavy fog all year round. The visibility in some places is even less than ten meters.

In addition, the canyon between the mountains is extremely deep. If a mortal walks here and a hundred people go in, there will probably be no more than three or five people who can come out.

Undoubtedly, in terms of Feng Shui, this is a vicious place that eats people without spitting out their bones.

The reason why this place was visited by Li Su was not because of how strange and weird this dangerous place was.

But there is someone inside.

A dying person.

He was seriously injured, his spirit had dispersed, and he was basically just one breath away.

There were many injuries on his body. The most serious part was his chest, which was penetrated by a sharp object. His heart and lungs were shattered.

This blow is extremely fatal not only to the physical body, but also to the soul and Tao Fruit.

Judging from the injury, the blow was not from the front, but a sneak attack from behind. One move almost killed most of his life.

The other attacks were formed from behind and looked terrible.


Looking at the person who was about to die, Li Su couldn't help blinking.

It's hard to say how strong this man was, but his tenacity was extraordinary. Under normal circumstances, considering his level, it wouldn't be surprising at all to die on the spot with such an injury, but he didn't die immediately.

Not only was it not lost, but it also ran here and hid.

However, the injury was too serious. From the very beginning, the opponent's attack completely blocked his way of survival. Although he barely escaped, he was still going to die in the end.

Li Su stopped, flashed, and appeared directly where the man was.

Unfortunately, it was discovered too late.

If it had been earlier, it could have been saved. Now among the three souls and six souls, the heavenly soul and the earth soul have dispersed, and the six souls are only left with residues. The only thing that has remained intact to a certain extent, and still remains in the heart, is only a trace. The unwilling soul.

Obviously, there is no way to save him.

Of course, Li Su didn't actually intend to save him. The reason why he was attracted was mainly because of the resentment in the other party's heart. It was very strong and filled with astonishing hatred. He was obviously unwilling to die.

Of course, most normal creatures would not be willing to die even if they died, and they would definitely have resentments.

But there were many scenes in this guy's resentment that he captured.

Undoubtedly, for Li Su, who lacked deep intelligence, this was very important and he was immediately attracted to the other party.

Reaching out to grab it, Li Su immediately took out the life soul full of resentment. His eyes moved slightly, and the memory of the opponent's life soul flashed through his eyes like a tide.

In just a few seconds, Li Su watched this guy's life.

Well, how should we evaluate it?

All I can say is, it’s quite a shame!

To be honest, although I had heard a lot about it in my previous life and read a lot about it in books, this was definitely my first time seeing it with my own eyes.

Love brain~!

This guy is actually the legendary super licking dog. He is so passionate that he will never look back until he hits the wall.

It's because of this that I fell into this ending.

In order to lick the goddess in his heart, he did not hesitate to tell a big secret that must never be revealed, but it turned out to be a disaster. He was attacked by someone. Fortunately, his elders gave him life-saving tools and sent him out at the moment of death.

Unfortunately, it's still too late.

He can only die in this place where birds do not lay eggs, full of lingering hatred.

The overwhelming hatred in his chest was all caused by this.

Facing the memory in the other person's heart, what else can Li Su express?

After all, if this love-minded guy was hung up by someone, he could still call that girl green tea and a scheming bitch, but the problem is that the goddess he married didn't look at him in the eyes from the beginning to the end, and she treated him indifferently from the beginning to the end. So boring.

Moreover, this guy's lingering hatred is not for the goddess in his heart, but for the goddess's maid.

As for the reason, it was that the maid led someone to block him, thinking that the secret he told was very important, and wanted to keep it to herself.

I've seen funny things before, but I've never seen anything so funny.

Just like that, this guy is still Taiyi. Your uncle, please apologize to Taiyi.

Looking at the other party again, Li Su felt disgusted for a moment.

This kind of person, to be honest, he really doesn't want to change at all. Although he doesn't care, the way the fellow disciples looked at him in his memory, Li Su asked himself, most likely he couldn't stand it.

However, one problem is that although this guy's experience is bad, his status is really good.

He is still a little genius, at the level of Taiyi, he is not bad, and his foundation is very solid. Although he is thousands of miles behind Li Su, but among the general public, he is still the best among short people.

In addition, his master is still his aunt, who is very close and takes good care of him.

Of course, the most important thing is that the sect he belongs to is related to that organization.

That's right, it's the third party that doesn't belong to the mythical world, the organization involved in the location of Sun Shooting Daluo, and it's still a mystery to this day.

He was from the Mind and Body Sword branch, and his immediate boss was an organization called Wenjian.

The origin of this third-party organization is not small. There are as many as five groups in it, and Wenjian is one of them, with the ultimate Da Luo.

The remaining four are Tao Seed, Ancient Witch, Bliss, and Half Evil.

These undoubtedly have their own Da Luo, and those related to Sun Shooting Da Luo are the people of the ancient witch.

And according to this person's memory, this organization is not only in the Daluo realm, but also in the Holy realm.

At the center of the incident, there are many people from this alliance group, including people from the five branches.

The events that happened in the center were called by them, ‘Old Gods and Old Scenes’.

The reason why they came here and didn't leave for eighteen years was to recover the 'Ancient Old God', which was similar to that in Fengdu.

As of now, what the guy in front of me knows is that this organization has recycled many old gods.

Just for Wenjian, there are more than three of them, and one of them, Li Su, he even knows, is one of the Jiuyao Star Lords who appeared in Journey to the West.

Undoubtedly, the amount of information is very large.

Thinking of this, Li Su felt very uncomfortable, mainly because of this strange thing in his hand.

To be honest, this status is really good.

Although Xinjian is only a branch of Wenjian, its strength is quite good. Although this guy is said to be a love brain, his identity is not bad. He can be regarded as the genius of the sect. Although he is currently in a situation where his dear aunt hates iron but cannot become steel, and the sect Not popular, otherwise okay.

Not only that, but the most important thing is that he is not cold yet and his life soul is still there, which means that Li Su can easily inherit it.

He was almost killed, but in the end he escaped.

And in that way, the other party will most likely not make it public, and the other party's aunt is not dead yet.

Therefore, with this identity, Li Su can seamlessly join in without suspicion and directly become a part of this third-party force. With a little operation in the bureau, he can quickly obtain a large amount of information.

Taking a deep breath, although I was very reluctant in my heart, I couldn't help it. This third party's information was very important.

They have been hiding for too long, taking root too deeply, and they have been penetrated by each other like a sieve. No matter what, they must have a deeper understanding.

Therefore, whether for the sake of the mythical world, the great religion, or himself, he must go to the end.

In ancient times, there was Gou Jian who lied on his back and tasted his courage, but today there is Li Su who disguised himself as a dog licker for intelligence.

This is a necessary sacrifice!


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