"I did not give an order to my maid to come to you. Do you believe it or not?"

Zhao Yan is here.

It came quickly, and almost immediately after Li Su accepted it, he appeared directly in his yard.

Well, even though I have seen the other person's appearance through the memory of the original person, when the real person appears, I still can't help but sigh.

This girl is considered favored by God.

She looks really good, especially her temperament, coupled with her appearance, her score needs to be improved, it is above the first-tier level.

Among the women I have seen so far, the only one who can steadily dominate her opponent is Ning Wuxia, a woman full of demonic nature, right?

She is just a little prettier than her senior sister, of course, mainly because of her realm. Once she reaches her realm, her senior sister will not be less generous.

With this appearance, before the time travel, the licking dogs would have formed a group.

I can't help but have a look of appreciation in my eyes, beautiful things are always pleasing to the eye.

"I guess so." Li Su nodded without any doubt.

The other party's soul is very pure, oh, this does not mean that she is a good person, with a kind heart. Purity of soul has nothing to do with kindness, but this kind of people usually disdain to engage in such methods and will only stare at them wholeheartedly. Go forward on your own path.

"My maid has been controlled by someone. Do you have any clues?" Zhao Yan took a deep look at Pei Feng. She was undoubtedly the same person, but it was undoubtedly completely different from the impression in her memory.

The eyes are more dead than cold, and the temperament seems cold, but in fact it is filled with chills.

If the person she met before was like this, she probably wouldn't be so disgusted.

Li Su was a little stunned. To be honest, he really didn't expect this. He thought that the woman was just a guy who forgot about everything.


Zhao Yan nodded, "Well, when I asked, her soul spontaneously ignited, and the brain that holds the memory also melted."

These are really scary words to say.

A restriction on the soul?

Since we are talking about control, it means that it is not an oath, but a type of restriction, with certain words or certain things as nodes. When I took action, I felt something in the other party's soul, and I thought it was from the Taoist side, but it turned out that it wasn't the case?

Li Su pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I have no clue. After all, she came to find me."

"Is that so?" Zhao Yan didn't seem surprised. That's right. She also discovered later that although Pei Feng's strength was not bad, it was only just okay. After thinking about it, she spoke again: "Then Do you have any idea about your own situation?"

Li Su raised his eyebrows. The content of this conversation was a bit beyond his expectation.

About your situation?

When he said this, it was as if he was also controlled before.


It seems that there is no way to completely deny it. After all, the overly enthusiastic feelings are just pure unrequited love. For it to explode to that point, the original person must have some perverted personality in it.

But judging from his memory, he cannot be said to be an ordinary person, but also a person who grew up in a relative environment.

Although there are some problems with his character, he is not a pervert.

Thinking of this, Li Su shook his head, "Well, I didn't have the impression of being controlled. If there is a problem, it's because my emotions at that time were not normal."

"Emotions? I understand." Zhao Yan nodded, and then said: "Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

Looking at Zhao Yan leaving, Li Su withdrew her gaze.

Because the original person's memory was fine, he felt that the other party was in love, but the brief words of the woman in front of him made him think deeply.

The original body's emotions may have been manipulated. Because he is the right path, even if he has the supreme soul, he basically doesn't use it very much, so he doesn't think much about it.

However, it is undoubtedly more reasonable for such desperate and passionate love to be controlled by others.

There is nothing wrong with memory.

As for the soul, because only the life soul was left when he came into contact, the heavenly soul, the earth soul and the seven souls were all dispersed before he came, and the whole picture could not be seen, so there is no guarantee.

At most, we can only say that there is no problem with the life soul.

And if you really want to control it, I'm afraid even if you have three souls and seven souls, it will be difficult to detect the problem.

After all, as a true successor of the Heart Sword and a nephew of the Great Luo Realm, I am afraid that the method that is too obvious will be noticed immediately.

Li Su couldn't help but frown, feeling a little annoyed.

If he had known earlier, he shouldn't have taken advantage of this damn guy's identity.

Although having a love brain is troublesome, it is undoubtedly more troublesome to be controlled by someone to become a love brain.

This means a series of troubles.

Although the original person is very good and can be regarded as a genius, to put it bluntly, it is just that. If anyone really wants to use him for something, it is actually not that difficult.

After all, the evil way and the right way can be said to be completely different in targeting people.

This method of controlling people's hearts is actually not difficult for evil people.

Judging from the information Li Su knows so far, the other party probably used some kind of method to influence emotions. This method is not advanced, it can be easily done by the Evil Heart Sword, and without actual control, it is difficult to detect abnormalities.

As a result, the range of possible criminals is too wide.

It could be his fellow disciples or people from other sects.

It is even possible that the target is not him, but is just using him as a springboard to target other people.

For example, the original aunt, or Zhao Yan, are possible.

After all, Zhao Yan's maid was also affected, which means that this game not only worked on herself, but also on the other party.

It is estimated that this is the reason why the other party made a special trip.

After all, as a lesson learned from the past, after the original person disappeared, the original person's aunt went to the Taoist side. Although Zhao Yan herself was not affected, everyone related to his disappearance was killed.

Not only that, the original aunt was also punished. Although the specifics are unclear, it is obvious that many people were affected.

It's extremely troublesome to figure out what's going on here.

Although it is not difficult for him to really check, he just needs to use Soul Supreme.

The problem is that the fluctuations caused by Soul Supreme are too wide and cannot be detected by low-level people, but it is difficult to hide them from high-level people.

As an undercover agent, isn't this simply a difficult thing to do?

As for the small-scale investigation, when the hell do we need to find out?

You know, around this foreign land, there are tens of millions of prehistoric creatures gathered. They are investigating one by one. When did they go there?

After thinking for a moment, Li Su gave up without even thinking about it.

After all, he is not the original person or the victim. He can sneak in. To be honest, he has to thank the mastermind behind the scenes.

What we need to do now is to wait quietly until the foreign land stabilizes, find out the third-party undercover agent, mark them, and then see if there is any way to intercept them before they reclaim the old gods.

As for other things, they had nothing to do with him and he didn't intend to care about them.

So be it.

As long as the other party doesn't come to trouble him again, this matter will be considered a thing of the past for him.

I think the other party should be able to settle down a lot in a short time.

After all, his performance clearly broke the control, and the death of Zhao Yan's maid revealed that there was someone else secretly. No matter what he thought, since the other party chose to act in secret, it meant that he could not afford the risk of being exposed. .

Well, that's it.

Anyway, he doesn't have a clue now, and it's worse than ever. As long as he squats in the house and doesn't go out, he doesn't believe it, and the other party can come to him and cause trouble for him.



On the other side, looking at Zhao Yan coming out, the maid immediately stepped forward.

Zhao Yan smiled faintly. Although she didn't know who it was and what the purpose was, it didn't matter.

If you dare to plot against yourself, then be prepared.

Next, the other party will most likely be unable to sit still. After all, Pei Feng almost died because of this. After listening to his words, even if he acted calmly, his heart would not be calm, and he would definitely take action next.

As long as he moves, the other person will be anxious.

After all, behind Pei Feng, there is a Daluo realm who can help him enter the Taoist realm!

"Let's go, the goal has been achieved!"

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