"The lady's love wine was drunk by a certain man."

What happened in the pavilion of Jinling Fairy Lotus Pond spread quickly.

The first place to receive the news was naturally the main hall of Tianwu Palace.

After hearing the news from his disciple, the Master of Tianwu Palace froze.

This is a beautiful woman with an unparalleled temperament. She is the kind of person who is in her prime of life. She has lost her immaturity and developed her maturity to the limit. She is like a ripe fruit. You can’t help but look at it. A series of reveries.

This is a being that can be controlled, charming, coquettish, and gorgeous, and is almost at the top of the female biological chain.

Her appearance is difficult to describe.

They are all so perfect. From a species perspective, they are like a female animal in estrus. What blooms all over her body is not youthfulness or beauty, but naked hormones. If I have to describe it, this is a game that can make men over thirty stand on the throne of a tiger and a dragon, and make young people under thirty and twelve years old immortal in a hundred battles.

She was such a woman, and at this moment, the peach-like smile on her face froze.

"What happened to this little ancestor?"

The beautiful woman was so frightened that she dropped the wine glass in her hand. She didn't even notice that the hem of her colorful skirt was stained red, and she spoke with a trembling voice.

If she had known earlier, she shouldn't have let this little goblin join Tianwu Palace. After entering the palace for hundreds of years, she has never had a day to worry about. Remember the last time was more than ten years ago, and now she hasn't even cleaned up her tail yet, here she comes again. ?

And, this time, what's wrong, you actually gave someone love wine? And the most outrageous thing was given to a man.

Does this little ancestor know what love wine means?


No, it's impossible!

That girl thought she was extremely beautiful and charming, but in fact, she was just a scourge.

Why do you say that?

Very simple!

The core of the dance in her Tianwu Palace is lust, and the main focus is teasing.

As the saying goes, the spring scenery in the garden cannot be contained, and a branch of red apricot comes out of the wall. This can be said to be the core key of Tianwu Palace.

Therefore, the superficial level of their martial art is body color, using the body as the bone, and the deeper level is eroticism, using the heart as the bone.

But what about the little goblin?

Her Tianwu is beautiful and strong, but not sexy at all.

However, in terms of power, the disciples of the same realm in Tianwu Palace are still incomparable.

Are you angry?

What is even more irritating is that among the mainstream of ancient witches, there is a sacrificial dance, which is the glorious righteous way and can truly captivate the city with one dance.

This girl's mother is the officiant over there.

In fact, a solid foundation has been laid since childhood.

But in the end, instead of going to her mother's Jiwu, she secretly signed up and joined Tianwu.

You don't know, her mother's expression and eyes when she came to the door made her want to eat her alive. Although she didn't say a word from beginning to end, she still remembers the knife in her eyes.

As for why the other party did this?

Quite simply, she was annoyed by her mother's control.

On the side, the second disciple of Tianwu Palace, the former eldest disciple, the most outstanding genius in Tianwu Palace for thousands of years, said with a worried face: "Palace Master, don't be stunned, what should I do specifically?"

The Guwu Xue family is really not kidding.

Everyone in this family must be very timid, and they take things very seriously.

After Xue Xue entered the house, her brother Xue Bugui came to visit the next day. Although he was full of politeness from beginning to end, he was still young and ignorant, so I bothered to look at him more.

But the reality is that although my little sister has joined Tianwu, you can’t really make her a disciple of Tianwu for me.

In other words, you can learn colors, but not real colors.

Thinking of this, the former disciple of Tianwu Palace couldn't help but tremble.

Isn’t this pure and embarrassing?

What is the situation in Tianwu Palace? Can the Xue family not know? The practice of the Heavenly Dance itself requires the help of male monks.

Fortunately, the Heavenly Dance Palace, which originally had a male to female ratio of 9 to 1, has now become an all-female sect. If the sisters want to learn the essence of the erotic dance, they have to go down the mountain and go outside.

what to do?

what can I do?

This little ancestor cannot be beaten, scolded, touched, or touched.

Looking back at the time when I didn't discover the other party's identity, but discovered that the other party was the body of Taiyin, I was so excited that I drew the sign on the spot, and drew the person closer to the sect without completing the process. I really regretted my mistake, and I regretted it.

I don’t even think about it, how could such a genius get her turn in Tianwu Palace?

"In this way, you first pass the news back and see how the Xue family reacts and who the man is. I will go there myself."

Based on what she knew about Xue Xue, this goblin was most likely playing tricks.

Despite her beauty and high status, she is not a kind-hearted master. She is very stingy, just like a girl of fourteen or fifteen years old, with a small mind.

Once you are angry, just ignore it.

However, Xue Xue, who is a young hero who can produce love wine, must have suffered an unimaginable loss and was extremely uncomfortable, otherwise he would not have made such a move.

She had to go and see the situation for herself, and at best, take the person down herself.

Love wine is not a thing of the Xue family, but is passed down from Xue Xue's mother's family.

That clan is naturally beautiful, and there are countless people seeking marriage.

Xue Xue's father was one of them. He came to ask for wine, then passed three levels, killed five generals, and finally captured Xue's mother.

Among these three levels and five generals, one level is the love level.

If he captures the person and makes him fall in love with her, the incident will most likely end there.

Otherwise, things will really become extremely troublesome.

This love wine is an ironclad rule of the clan. It can be taken as a joke, but once it is done, it will no longer be a joke.

The little girl didn't know how high the sky was, and she was used to being ambitious, so she didn't take it seriously.

But she had to take it seriously. As the saying goes, a thousand-mile embankment is destroyed by an ant nest.

"Master will go in person?"

On the side, the former disciple was a little shocked.

It's not that she was surprised that her master decided to take advantage of the old grass and the young cow. The main reason was that this behavior was too much and seemed to bully the younger ones.

Not only that, even though Pei Feng is only the true successor of Taiyi, he still has an aunt named Daluo, right?

If one of his true fans comes out, his aunt is afraid that she will come to the door immediately and demand an explanation.

Although her master level is very high, you have to know that Tianwu Palace is not very good at fighting due to its nature, and although the technique itself is effective on men, it has very poor effect on the same sex, especially her own master, Xiao Sanjin Being too heavy will undoubtedly add fuel to the fire for female monks.

The master of Tianwu Palace also looked helpless at this moment. To be honest, she really didn't want to.

She uses her skills to seduce people, not a psychopath.

With Taiyi's cultivation, she is no longer a sibling, but a teacher and student, an aunt and nephew, ah bah.

But there was no other way. In order to ensure an immediate end, she had to end it personally. This was undoubtedly the best way to be sure.

"Tell me, who is it?"

"It's Pei Feng!"


When the Lord of Tianwu Palace heard this, he took a deep breath. There was a rare expression of confusion on his beautiful face. How could it be him? As a very lively news recently, she naturally heard about it, but she didn't know that Xue Xue actually invited him to Tianwu Palace.

This is really a headache.

It's not that it's difficult to seduce Pei Feng, it's just that the other party's aunt is difficult to deal with.

Pei Feng is nothing, but his aunt is the genius of Wenjian, the seed of swordsmanship.

Previously, because of Pei Feng, he went to Daozhong's side and ended up being whipped ten times and put in solitary confinement as punishment.

In the eyes of outsiders, this may be due to the other party's lack of background.

But in the case of Tianwu Palace Master, this is not the case. After all, you have to figure out what the other party is doing with the Taoist species.

What's more, you don't have to care about Xue Xue's words, but the problem is that she is not Xue Xue, she is the master of Tianwu Palace, a delicate and frail beauty who has no backer and lives in the cracks.


Coupled with the other party's temper, Palace Master Tianwu's teeth hurt now. If Pei Feng is really confused, it is not possible that that woman will actually go up the mountain and block her inside the palace gate and hammer her.

"You first send the news to the Xue family and see what they are going to do. I will go over here to check on the situation first."

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