Chapter 1201 Test?

Sitting in his room, Li Su breathed out.

Judging from the current situation, the trouble should subside a lot for the time being.

This can be regarded as the only advantage of him resisting not to kill the opponent directly, but choosing a draw.

In this way, those who are stronger than Gui Kui will not end easily.

After all, there are not many people who are above the level of Gui Kui, and they are basically the top geniuses.

For a being of that level to take the initiative to die, that would be a self-degradation, which would not be done under normal circumstances.

Although he and Gui Kui were tied in this battle, and were even suppressed most of the time, anyone who had seen the battle between the two would have discovered how difficult it was to take down Pei Feng.

Of course, you can't relax because of this.

Xue Xue's attraction was much greater than he imagined.

Next, it depends on how the other party will act like a monster. After all, she is different from Zhao Yan. Her status as the legitimate daughter of the Xue family makes her far superior to Zhao Yan, who is also a saint and equally beautiful.

Therefore, the number of people willing to stand up for her is quite large.

Thinking of this, Li Su slightly regretted that glass of wine, which he shouldn't have drank.

Obviously, the situation was much more serious than he imagined. Even the disciples of the Heart Sword were bribed to forcefully break his seclusion. When he went out, the amount of malicious intent outside the mountain gate was somewhat beyond his expectation.

Too much.

Could that glass of wine have any other meaning?

After all, it's obviously impossible to get into this kind of trouble just by having a glass of wine.


Just as Li Su was thinking, a breath appeared in the small courtyard where he was.

Feeling the fluctuations coming from outside, he couldn't help but have a look of astonishment on his face.

The reason for the surprise was not that the person who came was not a disciple of the Heart Sword. The aura was very similar to the maid he had seen at the Tianwu Palace that he had visited before.

But the realm of coming people!

Da Luo?

You must know that Tianwu Palace is not a very powerful sect. There is only one great sect in the whole sect, and that is the master of Tianwu Palace.

What is she doing here?

Although Xue Xue's matter caused a big fuss, to put it bluntly, it was still just a conflict between children. It hadn't reached the point of ending up in Daluo Realm, right?

Besides, he is not a weed, and there is also a big aunt Luo standing behind him.

The Lord of Tianwu Palace went straight to attack him. His aunt would not sit idly by and ignore him. The other party should not be so unwise.

After all, the Taoist magic power of Tianwu Palace is mainly based on charm. Although it is extremely lethal to men, if it were a swordsman like Aunt Pei Feng, it would be like a scholar meeting a soldier, which is not clear.

If a fight really breaks out, Aunt Pei Feng's character will not show any sympathy for her.

The door opened by itself.

An extremely plump figure walked in with enchanting steps.

Li Su looked up in astonishment, and the next moment his eyes couldn't help but fall on the other person's chest. It was really a pair of turbulent waves. It would be suffocating to bury his head in it.

How to describe this woman.

Most likely it can only be described as fire, like walking hormones, the kind that can put men directly into estrus with just one glance.

It was Li Su who was not only slightly stunned for a moment.

He was used to seeing all kinds of beauties, but this was the first time he saw such a special woman.

In terms of allure, there is a high probability that only the witch Ning Wuxia can beat her, and the others are undoubtedly inferior.

It's not that this woman is beautiful, but that she looks like she has been shaped according to male desires. Her eyes, mouth, nose, legs, and fierceness, every part is the kind of thing that you can't wait to play with immediately.

The visitor is naturally the master of Tianwu Palace.

Feeling Li Su's gaze, the master of Tianwu Palace couldn't help but smile proudly. Unlike other female cultivators, the core of Tianwu Palace was charm, which made men fall for it.

Therefore, not only will she not feel any displeasure with the man's burning gaze, she will actually be very proud of it.

After all, this is their way.

As the master of Tianwu Palace, this kind of mentality has naturally been stretched to the limit, otherwise the body would not have grown like this.

After a moment of pride, the Palace Master of Tianwu Palace quickly sorted out his emotions.

Naturally, she did not forget the purpose of coming here and said directly: "Pei Feng, I believe you already know who I am? I won't say anything more. Since you drank the love wine of that girl Xue Xue, you should do the same. Ready and ready.”

"The next step is your first test, your will."

"That is to say, I will dance a song here. Of course, I will suppress my cultivation, and the appeal will be reduced to the level of Taiyi. If you can persist to the end of the song without wavering in your will, you will pass."

Li Su was stunned when he heard this.

Love wine? test?

What's the meaning?

Before he could ask, the master of Tianwu Palace swayed directly.

Her movements were not big, not the kind of folk dance, just a very small swing back and forth.

But with just a few simple strokes, the extremely fatal temptation immediately burst out from her body and poured into Li Su's heart in an instant.

In an instant, Li Su's whole body seemed to be ignited by fire, and unbelievable desire burst out from the bottom of his heart, striking both kidneys.

The whole person immediately fell into the urge to stand up and prepare for the horror day after day.


He couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air, and for a moment, his body almost lost control.

Fortunately, just for a moment, his soul began to glow, forcibly suppressing the cells that were about to move.

His face couldn't help but change again and again. Li Su had no intention of talking at this moment, and went all out to suppress the cells in his body and block all senses.

As the supreme possessor of life, his vitality is so strong that it can no longer be described by words such as strong vitality and blood.

Every cell in the body is comparable to the top living entity, and every cell can be described by the spirit of dragon and horse.

As a top-level creature, his desires are naturally top-level, no, it should be said to be super.

It's the kind that can plow three thousand fertile fields in one go.

He was immediately provoked, and even though the Supreme Soul helped to suppress it, he still couldn't help but feel restless like fire.

Is this woman mentally ill?

Even Li Su couldn't help but feel a little emotional at this moment.

If the other party is mentally confused, that's okay.

But it didn't happen that she didn't launch an attack, but an invitation, the most direct and pure invitation between men and women.

This method is extremely lethal.

Even though the opponent's radiation intensity was not high, and it was obviously suppressed by his realm, which was only at the Taiyi level, it simply and easily penetrated Li Su's defense. After all, it was not an attack, so naturally he would not be able to defend, and successfully aroused his desire.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Li Su can't hold it back.

In fact, he suppressed it in an instant, and the supreme soul directly forced the physical body to wake up. In addition, the heavenly soul occupied the high ground, and the life soul dived into the depths of the origin.

Mere desires, for him, cannot shake his will at all.

The reason for the emotional breakdown was not the seduction, but the effect of the seduction.

He can also release things like hormones.

Moreover, as a top species, his hormones are undoubtedly more domineering and terrifying.

He has true dragon genes in his body, and when it comes to mating, he can definitely be considered the best, and he can see all the small mountains at a glance.


There was a seductive gasp, and the Palace Master of Tianwu Palace, who came to test Li Su, seduce him, and prepare to test his will, was blushing at this moment, and his peach-blossom eyes were almost dripping with water.

Well, she's in heat.

No, it should be said that it is hormonal poisoning!


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