Chapter 1204 Growing up

Love wine is the iconic product of a special family.

It was brewed by the women of that tribe. Drinking it meant that both parties were contracted to marry and destined for life.

Under normal circumstances, love wine can only be obtained by asking for it.

Taking the initiative to send someone like this is undoubtedly a rare event that has never happened before in the history of that clan.

As for that tribe of people!

On the way down the mountain, Li Su's eyes were dull and his expression was complicated.

To be honest, although he had doubts, the wine he drank had extraordinary meaning.

But after hearing the original aunt spend almost a stick of incense explaining to him, it turned out that 10,000 grass-mud horses galloped past his head.

That woman is a crazy person, right?

After listening to the original aunt's words, Li Su could only draw this conclusion.

After listening to the introduction, without talking about the function of love wine itself, just talking about its meaning, he could feel a pressure heavier than a mountain.

If you are asked for a drink, that's fine.

Delivering wine?

What did she think? No, I should say how dare she?

After all, according to the original aunt, the clan that Xue Xue's mother belonged to was very terrifying. Although they did not belong to a third party, their power was still greater than that of the Xue family.

Thinking of this, Li Su almost couldn't help but rush to the clouds, pinched the woman Xue Xue's neck and asked her what she meant.

That's right, Mrs. Xue didn't leave.

Not only did she not leave, her daughter was also there, as well as Zhao Yan, the Taoist saint.

Judging from the situation, he must have been caught and his cultivation level was banned.

Obviously until the end of the third level, the opponent will not leave and will keep watching him.

Drink once to seal your love, drink again to seal your marriage.

In other words, even if Li Su wanted to run away now, he would have no chance.

From the first sip of wine, the opponent was able to lock his position through secret methods. Even Li Su couldn't do it, and even using the treasure couldn't completely eliminate it.

As for the reason, this wine was brewed with Xue Xue's marriage thread.

Faced with this result, Li Su didn't know how to complain for a while.

Looking at the saint Zhao Yan who was also implicated, he was even more confused at this moment. He probably knew why Xue Xue was looking for him. It should be related to this woman.

Its purpose should be related to the dead maid.

As a top genius, it is impossible to treat someone like this as nothing happened.

It was also for this purpose that I took the initiative to find him. I wanted to use Pei Feng to cause trouble and find out the mastermind behind the scenes.

It's a pity that Li Su is not Pei Feng, so he doesn't follow her rules at all.

This time I feel at ease. After all, are you thinking that you are in a trap?


"Marriage line! Marriage line!"

While Li Su was complaining crazily on the ground, Xue Xue was also stunned among the clouds in the sky. The saintly girl's aura had completely dissipated, and she was completely dumbfounded.

She knew a little about love wine, but not much, mainly because she didn't take the initiative to learn about it. After all, she was born and raised in the Xue family, and she didn't have much contact with the family behind her mother.

As the saying goes, a married daughter is like a splash of water.

Once a woman of that clan marries outside, she is nothing more than herself, and the children she gives birth to have basically nothing to do with the mother clan.

But Mrs. Xue's status was different. She was the legitimate daughter of that clan. She was loved by her adoptive grandmother, so she was given special privileges. When she was young, she brought her back to her clan and used a secret method to create a marriage thread and make love wine.

Originally, as Xue Xue grew up, Mrs. Xue would tell the other party at some point.

However, the black-hearted Mian, who was so ugly, actually carried her into the Tianwu Palace, which almost made Mrs. Xue angry to death.

Faced with such evil obstacles, she couldn't help but get angry even at a glance. Mrs. Xue chose to retreat to calm herself down.

Unexpectedly, she had just come out of seclusion and heard the news about the person her daughter gave the love wine to, which triggered the previous scene.

After coming over, although Xue's mother explained to Zhao Yan, as for Xue Xue, she didn't even bother to look at the other person from the beginning to the end. She was mainly afraid that if she took one more look, she couldn't help but chop him up.

Fortunately, she had given her man a good beating at that time, which had dissipated a lot of her anger. Otherwise, she would have pressed him on her legs to taste the power of her mother's palms.

Therefore, it was not until now that Xue Xue realized the importance of love wine and the seriousness of her sending it.

She couldn't help but look at her biological mother with her pretty face turning pale, her eyes widened as if she could speak, and she asked directly.

Feeling the black-hearted cotton's almost piercing gaze, Mrs. Xue looked at him squarely for the first time. There was no anger, no disappointment, just calmness.

Facing his own mother's gaze, even if the other party didn't say a word, Xue Xue still couldn't help it. Her mind was pounding and her whole body was numb.

She knows her own mother too well.

If there is still room for change, the other party will be furious.

Being so calm, it can only be said that the matter has reached an extremely serious stage, and there is almost no room for her to jump.

"Mom, you are my mother!"

For a long time, Xue Xue couldn't help but scream.

She was just angry, but she was not big-minded. She just wanted to cause trouble for the guy named Pei Feng, but she actually regarded a little fairy like her as nothing but trouble.

This is just a joke, just her revenge, not really about marrying the other person.

You are my mother, you can't do this to me!

Mrs. Xue took a gentle breath and nodded, "Yes, if you were not my daughter, but a piece of flesh that fell from my body, I would have hacked you to death the day we met!"

Xue Xue couldn't help but shudder, and truly felt her mother's anger and murderous intention. After a brief period of fear, she immediately mustered up her courage. After all, the matter was very important and related to her future life. Even if she knew that her mother was I was extremely angry for a moment, but I still didn’t want to give up and wanted to fight for it.

Mother and son were connected, and Mrs. Xue naturally saw what Xue Xue was thinking. Before she could speak, she directly blocked the other party's thoughts and said: "Xue Xue, if you mess around with other things, that's it. You've made trouble with this matter. "

"Giving wine is already a joke. If giving wine itself becomes a joke, it will really become a big joke."

"So, not only you, but also Zhao Yan, she also has to get married. Only two daughters marrying one husband can fulfill the act of giving wine to each other, and prevent love wine from turning into a joke."

Xue Xue was stunned, wasn't it just her? Yanyan wants to get married too?

what is this?

What is this called?

Love wine cannot be a joke, so will she, Xue Xue, become the one being laughed at?

Thinking of this, she almost couldn't help but roar. After all, in order to avoid being disciplined by her own mother, she took the action of joining Tianwu Palace, which can be said to be rebellious, but when she saw her own mother's coldness After looking at her, she couldn't help but shiver again, and she didn't dare to continue to be presumptuous. After all, it was different from the beginning. At that time, her biological father was by her side and protected, but now.


Xue Xue thought of something, as if grasping a life-saving straw, she couldn't help but said: "Dad, he won't agree!"

"Your father?" Upon hearing this, Mrs. Xue's originally calm eyes immediately became furious. She did slap the other person when she set off, but it was not just to express her anger. In fact, with the black-hearted cotton growing like this, that bastard wanted to Pay 99% responsibility.

If he hadn't been too pampering, how could Xue Xue dare to escape like this?

"Haha, I did hurt your father with that palm. However, do you think that with your father's strength, he only knocked out a few intestines? After so many days, he still can't recover? If he recovers, why doesn't he come? ?”

Xue Xue's pupils couldn't help but shrink. In the past few days, she had been waiting for her biological father to come over. No doubt in his opinion, as long as his biological father came, things should be settled.

Now that Xue's mother mentioned it, she realized that it was obviously not as simple as being injured because she hadn't been here for so long. Instead, she had left the matter to her mother and given her full authority to handle it. Otherwise, given her father's love for her, it would be impossible. There was no movement.

Mrs. Xue took a deep breath, "So, you only have two choices."

"Marry or die."

"Because I am your biological mother, I am here to give you a chance of life. Although getting married will make you a joke, becoming a joke is better than death."

"There must be an explanation for the matter of love wine. It must not become a joke."

"This time you made too big a fuss. I can't protect you, your father can't protect you, and it's even less likely that the Xue family will protect you."

"So, Xue'er, either die or get married, you choose one!"

Closing her eyes, Mother Xue was silent for a moment, then said softly: "This time, Mom, I won't force you!"

Xue Xue couldn't help but tremble, and all the words were blocked in her throat. At this moment, she clearly realized that her mother was not joking with her.

It was her, it was too much.

In fact, after listening to Pei Feng's aunt's speech, she had realized that it might not work this time.

For a long, long time, Xue Xue lowered her head with a pale face, unable to utter a single word.

Marry? Or die?

Although she has lived for a long time and has experienced a lot, in fact she is just a little rebellious girl. Her heart has not grown bigger with the years, she just lives her life as she pleases.

Who is to blame?

Zhao Yan? They were just asking for help, but she was off topic.

Pei Feng? People regarded her as trouble from the beginning to the end. It was she who brought out the love wine and forced them to drink it.

So, no one is to blame but yourself.

Although rebellious and escapist, one person does things and one person is responsible.

Biting her lips, Xue Xue finally raised her head, glanced at Zhao Yan guiltily and said, "Mom, this matter has nothing to do with Yanyan. Everything is my fault. Please let Yanyan go."

Listening to Xue Xue's words, Zhao Yan was slightly shocked. Although she said that the incident happened because of her, she still had some complaints in her heart. Xue Xue really didn't think about this operation.

Now that I hear that the other party plans to bear all the burden, although it is impossible, it still feels much better.

The two of them will become friends, and there is no doubt that they have some similarities deep down in their personalities.

Looking at Xue Xue, Zhao Yan had a bitter but non-complaining smile on her face. When things developed like this, it was useless to blame anyone.

Just getting married is nothing, it is just an episode in spiritual practice.

Looking at her daughter, Mrs. Xue looked complicated at this moment. She knew that taking responsibility instead of continuing to act nonsense would undoubtedly mean growing up.

Unfortunately, this growth came too late, too late.

The price paid is too high!

Now, I can only hope that everything will go well, get married smoothly, and resolve this matter smoothly.


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