Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 1,212 The Masterless Dao Fruit

Chapter 1215 The Masterless Dao Fruit

Along the way, Li Su, who didn't know what was happening outside, began to take stock of the situation in this foreign land.

Don't mention it, there are so many good things in it.

Not to mention other things, there are a lot of 'fruits' in this foreign land.

To be precise, it is Tao Fruit!

It is not the kind of thing that is naturally cultivated, but after the death of a strong man, the avenue is scattered, but because the concentration is too high, it cannot be completely dissolved and scattered back to the world. Instead, it is concentrated together, forming the pure origin of the avenue.

This is a good thing. When the avenue has an owner, it is naturally not mentioned. Without an owner, it is equivalent to a piece of scattered origin that can be directly swallowed and absorbed.

Moreover, this sip is not comparable to ordinary medicine.

Great medicines actually all have impurities. At least the third layer is pure energy, the third layer nourishes the body and soul, and there is also a layer of special substances that can directly replenish the Dao. In fact, there are less than three layers.

On the contrary, the Tao fruits scattered in this foreign land are actually the pure origin of the Tao, and they are nourishing to at least nine levels in hand.

Even if you don't hold this kind of Dao yourself, you can still use it.

Two aspects.

One is for the understanding of miscellaneous paths. To know the surface level of Taiyi, it is very necessary to accumulate miscellaneous paths.

Not everyone is like Li Su and can suddenly realize the existence of hundreds of miscellaneous paths in this air. In fact, most of them belong to one miscellaneous path, which can take as early as three or five months, or as slowly as one or two years.

This is also the reason why from the perfection of Taiyi to the early stage of Daluo, it takes thousands or even ten thousand years.

It's not that they don't want to advance quickly, it's just that the efficiency and speed of miscellaneous understanding are too low.

Now, this foreign land has undoubtedly solved their difficulties in this regard.

The existence of Luo Luo is undoubtedly a Daluo level, and it is also an ancient Daluo. This condensed miscellaneous path is not only huge, but also very numerous, probably hundreds of thousands.

If they can collect them all, let alone comprehend half of them, they will gain a level. For these Taiyi, it will be an extremely terrible progress.


Of course, the imagination is rich, but the reality is very skinny.

First of all, a foreign land is too big.

Then, to quickly realize a miscellaneous path, a large number of path fruits are required.

Well, there are two reasons.

The first is related to talent, but the impact of this is very small. After all, swallowing the Tao Fruit is essentially equivalent to soaking oneself in the Tao. This cannot be understood, and it can only be said that it is really not suitable for practice.

The other one has a huge impact.

The main thing is that the Zao Tao has accumulated a certain number of monks. You must know that the "Tao" is essentially the use of energy. This is like writing. Although the structure is different, the ink used is the same.

So this creates a problem.

When there are too many Dao in a monk's body, and new Dao enters, the energy will be quickly drained, causing the structure of the monk to collapse.

And once this structure collapses, isn't it sheer nonsense to try to learn something from it?

Therefore, the more powerful the Taiyi monks are, the greater their requirements for Dao Fruit are.

To put it simply, if Taiyi, who has comprehended a thousand miscellaneous ways, wants to truly feel a new way and ensure that it will not be drained out quickly during the process of his own understanding, he needs almost ten to turn the Tao Fruit into a unit. Only one unit of Dao Fruit can guarantee that he can complete a realization.

Of course, this process is not absolute and it still depends on talent.

Once for those with good talents, twice for those with poor talents, and three times for those with even worse talents.

Of course, basically no more than five times. It’s not that there is such a thing as a guarantee, but if you can’t understand it more than five times, it’s impossible for this person to become Taiyi, and he is not suitable for cultivating immortals.

So, here comes the problem.

For Qian Za Dao, you have to consume ten units at a time, and the average is taken twice, which is twenty units.

Two thousand miscellaneous ways, calculated as twenty units, the average is forty.

When it comes to Three Thousand Miscellaneous Roads, the place has changed. The requirements have doubled to sixty units, so the average value has become one hundred and twenty.

If this dead ancient Daluo were in the billions of realms, it would be equivalent to one billion units.

This may sound like a lot.

But this billion has to be divided into different categories. For example, Li Su has more than 12 million miscellaneous people.

Once divided in this way, the number of individual miscellaneous realms in the billions of realms will absolutely drop horribly.

Even this ancient Daluo only has 200,000 miscellaneous people.

Counting it as a single miscellaneous channel, it was only five thousand.

We haven’t talked about the battle damage here. After all, if the Great Luo Realm falls, it will inevitably experience a fierce battle. The fighting between the two sides is beyond imagination. In the end, the remaining avenues are basically ruins. It’s good to have twenty-three tenths left.

Therefore, even if a foreign land is formed and the Dao Fruit is preserved, the maximum number is about two to three million. If divided into a large system, the top sky will only be about two to three million. When it comes to detailed units, it will undoubtedly be even less, with a maximum of a thousand.

So the question is, how many Taiyi entered here?

Thousands of people!

Having said this, I couldn't help but take a breath.

Good guy, when a whale falls, everything comes alive.

However, when we got here, it was simply not enough.

Fortunately, Li Su himself is already in the Daluo realm, and he actually still has quite a lot of insights into the miscellaneous path, which he has not been able to transform into innate path patterns.

Of course, although Li Su does not lack miscellaneous ways, it does not mean that these ways and fruits are not important to him.

No, actually, quite a bit.

To him, these Tao fruits are directly equivalent to cultivation level.

To be able to form a foreign land, even if the opponent is not the ultimate Daluo, it is definitely a billion Dao realm around the eighth or ninth realm. This means that there are at least one to two billion unit Dao fruits scattered in the foreign land.

If he could get them all, it would be almost equivalent to a realm.

Although he has been practicing very quickly now, in just a few decades, he has already reached the four realms, and has quickly completed the tens of millions of years of ordinary Daluo realm.

But in the face of the current situation, the sky may collapse in the next second. The current upgrade speed is undoubtedly too slow, too slow.

Therefore, facing these good things in front of him, Li Su couldn't help but breathe a little heavy for a while.

Maybe someone will ask here.

Since the Dao Fruit of the Da Luo Realm can be absorbed, why doesn't Li Su directly kill other Da Luo and devour their Dao to improve his cultivation?

Please explain, it’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I can’t!

A practitioner's path, while alive, is filled with the other person's will. After all, every stroke and every outline is slowly cultivated by Da Luojing himself, and naturally carries his flavor. .

If you absorb it under such circumstances, you will not only absorb the miscellaneous cultivation, but also the smell of the other party. This is an extremely fatal behavior.

If the other party is less talented than you, it will at most pollute the origin of your great path and block your path forward.

But if the other party is stronger than you, and if the Dao Fruit cultivation level is more terrifying, there is a high probability that the other party will be resurrected using your Dao Fruit.

Therefore, Li Su never thought about killing people and refining medicine.

But the Dao Fruit in the foreign land is different. Even though it has just appeared, the fight seems to have happened decades ago, but in fact it is not like this.

Those are just the aftermath that failed to break out.

Along with the prehistoric seal, it was just covered inside. Now that the prehistoric seal has been lifted, the cover that covered it has also been broken.

The Tao Fruit in this foreign land has actually experienced a long time, and the consciousness in the fruit has dissipated, which means that the taste is gone, so it can be absorbed directly.

To describe it in one sentence, the predecessors planted trees, and the descendants enjoy the shade.

Ever since, Li Su felt a little uncomfortable.

There were so many Dao Fruits placed in front of him, but as Pei Feng, it was obvious that he couldn't handle them all at once. Although they were said to be ownerless treasures, the profit distribution had already been completed.

This is not something belonging to one force, but is being divided up by a group of forces. Those who can enter here have already set their quotas.

Once he makes too much noise, Da Luo in the core will inevitably find a problem.

Da Luo over there knows the situation, and the outside also knows the situation. Although he is not afraid of the Billion Dao Realm, if he faces the ultimate Da Luo, it will be another matter.

Thinking of this, Li Su couldn't help grinding his teeth. Originally, he didn't need to care about this at all. The worst case scenario is to fake death to escape, give up the identity of Pei Feng, and run away directly.

But now it's different. He drank the woman's love wine and was trapped by cause and effect.

Unless the cause and effect caused by marriage is completely resolved, it will be useless even if he pretends to be dead. The Xue family will definitely notice it and find him based on the line of marriage.

In this way, he would not be able to escape.

You can't run away directly. There is such a problem in the foreign land. If you can't find anyone, if nothing happens, Extreme Daluo will definitely check them one by one.

Although his disguise was excellent, he was clearly an undercover agent and could not withstand scrutiny.

Sure enough, a woman or something would only delay the speed of drawing the sword.



Suddenly, Li Su thought of the Da Luo realm that he had killed before.

Although his true spirit and soul were destroyed by him, he still left a lot of residue in his hands, including the life soul and the great road.

Hiss, his eyes couldn't help but roll, it didn't seem like it couldn't be operated.

He has a supreme soul, so it is not difficult to make the opponent into a leather sheath on his body, and since the person is not dead, Li Suda can directly transfer the cause and effect to the opponent.

The more he thought about it, the brighter Li Su's eyes became.

If this is the case, not only the periphery, but also the core cannot be touched.

It is indeed troublesome to ask him to fight the Ultimate Daluo, but to fight the Billion Dao Realm, isn't that similar to beating his son?


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