Chapter 1218 Deep

When he was ready, Li Su didn't hesitate and went straight into the depths.

The deep layer is completely different from the shallow layer.

Not only is it huge, but the dangers involved are not comparable to those outside.

There is a lot of power of the dead Da Luo left here. Even after a long time, it is still extremely strong, almost no different from before it was sealed.

Although the will inside has dissipated, the power is trapped in place and cannot be dissipated, turning into extremely severe radiation.

But as soon as he entered, Li Su felt that his flesh and blood were constantly vibrating, being invaded by the radiation here, and he was preparing to alienate himself and mutate his flesh and blood.

If you don't have enough strength, when you come here, there is a great possibility that you will be directly assimilated by the power in this world.

The situation on the shallow side is completely two different concepts.

Of course, it was Da Luo who died after all, and Li Su himself was also in the fourth realm of the Billion Dao Realm. Although this level of radiation had some impact, he quickly adapted to it.

It's really rich.

As expected of a Wood Element Daluo, I feel that after hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation, the vitality in his power has become even more amazing.

What a pity, what a pity.

Feeling the fluctuations in the air, Li Su sighed slightly. If this person was seriously injured and killed, or was beaten to death by other Daluo realms, and then sealed like this, there might be a chance of surviving.

After all, the wood element is really powerful when it comes to life. In terms of pure vitality, it is far beyond the comparison of flesh and blood creatures.

It's a pity that he died together with the evil spirits.

Now, there is a huge vitality in this depth, and there is also an astonishing evil nature.

Both sides are existences with super vitality and will not die easily. Even here after death, I am afraid they have been fighting for many years until their wills are drained out.

The evil nature is also dead.

The power is still weird, but there is no such twisted and chaotic will.

After feeling it for a while, Li Su took a clear breath and acted quickly without hesitation.

It did not move toward the center, where the corpse was, but circled around to collect the fruits of the avenue.

These fruits are very large.

Although one will grow almost very far away, the volume of one is almost hundreds or even a thousand times that of the outside.

He moves very quickly, and the depth is undoubtedly very large, but for someone who can run hundreds of light years in one second, it is actually just a small wetland park, and it is amazing that he can complete a tour in half an hour.

As for entering the Daluo realm here, Li Su doesn't have to worry at all for the time being, it's all over there in the center.

At this moment, he is probably groping for the other party's bones, looking for the core of the two dead people, intercepting their origins, and exploring the basis of their inheritance.

As for the miscellaneous roads scattered around, I was not in the mood to pay attention to them.

After all, compared to the miscellaneous paths, the main path is undoubtedly more attractive. It not only carries the inheritance, but also the structure of the other path. If you can understand it, even if you are in the Daluo realm, it will be a great opportunity.

After all, compared to ancient times, today's prehistoric times cannot be said to be stretched, but can only be said to be very stretched.

In fact, most people in the Daluo realm have innate Taoist patterns in their bodies, and after hundreds of thousands of years of practice, they only have less than one million. This is still a pretty outstanding kind, and they have to be high-level, or even born in the top Taoism.

Similar to Ning Wuxia, not to mention the mythical world, looking at today's prehistoric world, they are already the monsters among monsters. The enlightened Daluo has close to one million innate dao marks, which is comparable to the creatures of the ancient prehistoric times.

Therefore, people born in such a small family, even the so-called strong people born in a third party, actually have a very poor foundation.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be hiding in the dark, but would have jumped out to cause trouble.

Oh, that's not to say they don't have strong ones.

Of course there are strong men who are comparable to the Grand Priest level, but the question is, do you think a strong man from this kind of organization will pass on his own way?

of course not!

Don't talk about them, they are the great sects of the mythical world.

Except for the three sects and the four sects of Buddhism, which one doesn’t hide his/her secrets?

The Heavenly Court and the Ghost Sect are better, and they also have top-level Taoist traditions, similar to the Demon Court, which is purely a cultivator. As for the Black Mountain Sect, it is a joke.

The sect's Taoist inheritance itself has huge problems, which are very similar to evil nature.

Although it seems powerful, anyone with a discerning eye knows whose power it belongs to.

That is to say, the ancient times were destroyed too suddenly and too quickly, causing the inheritance of the Taoism to be broken. Although the follow-up was patched, it was incomplete. Otherwise, there would not have been any nine major religions from the beginning. What it was like in the ancient times is what it is now. Sample.

The orthodoxy of the Eight Classics is not what these guys can compare with.

The reason for the juxtaposition is that there is a problem with orthodoxy.

Thinking of this, Li Su also felt a little secretly regretful. There was no good solution. Although he was the successor of the Seven Saints, he was the successor of the Taoism, not the inheritor.

What does that mean?

Although he learned the Seven Sage Tradition, his Tradition was only his own and was not suitable for passing on to others.

The real Taoism is not basic mathematics. It is as simple as one plus one. It is extremely complicated. There are even keys, which are similar to genetic codes. Although he has this system, he cannot pass it on to others.

At the beginning, although he gave some guidance to the Blood Sword Master, he did not teach the technique, but showed the Immortal Killing Sword that he understood. If the Blood Sword Master could understand something, it was because he had the Immortal Killing Sword himself. Through comparison, you can detect your own problems and make corrections. In other words, it has nothing to do with passing on Qigong.

Even to Li Su's wife and parents, he only passed down the method of transforming Earthly Evil, rather than directly passing on the supreme power of flesh and blood.

It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I can’t do it.

Let's put it this way, another Li Su who has the same talent bonus as him is standing here, and then Li Su dissects himself. Even if the other party can understand, the final result will only look like a ghost.

That's a bit far.

Back to the topic.

Li Su moved very quickly. He kept collecting from the outside, and soon he collected more than what he could get from outside. The number of Dao Fruits directly exceeded 80 million, and the cultivation level of about one realm was achieved by 8% in one go.

It's so fast!

Non-stop fast.

Under normal circumstances, with so many Dao patterns, even with his speed, it would take him a month or two.

In a foreign land, it was done in less than an hour.

What a pity, why wasn’t it a large foreign land with 1,800 dead? In one fell swoop, he could reach the Great Perfection of the One Billion Dao Realm.

Of course, just thinking about it, it's not that it's not unkind to think like this. If it were really like that, he wouldn't dare to do it.

Mainly, it smells so good.

Can't help but make people think wildly.

Almost discovered!

Although the harvest is great, the movement is also great.

With so many Taoist fruits disappearing, the concentration of extraordinary radiation in foreign lands has undoubtedly dropped rapidly.

With Da Luo realm's perception, he can't hide it for long.

However, at this moment, I guess even if it is discovered, it will not take much effort. After all, the movement inside is no less than outside, and there is already a fight.

Now that Billion Dao Realm has ended, the things in the core are naturally extremely precious, and a fight will basically be a matter of time.


After a slight pause in his steps, Li Su put away another Dao Fruit, raised his head and looked not far away.

There, there were three people running towards his seat quickly.

The realms are all at the level of Yi Dao realm, but they are not normal monks, they are all half-evil!

Sure enough, they were the first ones to come over.

That's right, unlike other monks, the evil monks are all in the semi-evil. They come here not so much to compete for resources, but to recover the evil nature. There is no need to fight for it at all. They can just distribute it after they get out.

A large amount of power has disappeared. Normal monks like the original aunt may not have time to care about it at the moment, but the half-evil side does not.

After all, not only the wood aura, but also the evil power was harvested by Li Su.

Although it cannot improve his cultivation level, it is quite good for sharpening himself. After a while, his evil resistance has been visibly improved a lot.

After all, compared to the evil nature full of mixed will, this pure evil nature will undoubtedly allow Li Su to adapt to the evil energy itself faster.

The three who came all came in together with the half-evil One Billion Dao Realm.

Undoubtedly, quite elite.

Although it is only the Yi Dao realm, it is undoubtedly much stronger than the ordinary Yi Dao realm. There are advantages of the evil nature itself, but their talents cannot be ignored.

As the distance got closer, the three of them soon saw Li Su.

The leader frowned, and his face instantly darkened, "Who are you? A member of that sect? You entered here without permission and collected Dao Fruit at will. You also collected the evil Dao Fruit, right? Damn it, do you want to die? ?”


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