Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 1,261 The call after 990,000 years

Chapter 1264 The call after 990,000 years

So, what is the problem?

In the dark, Li Su's eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at the formed Dao Xing.

So far, although he has seen problems with the ruins, he obviously cannot see where the problems lie.

To be honest, the person who arranged it was very clever.

Especially in terms of formations, there is no doubt that it is at the top level. Even if Li Suneng could see it, he could only see part of it, and it was only a very small part.

The opponent's attainments in formations are not only powerful, but he is also extremely good at chain formations, commonly known as 'matryoshka dolls'.

In other words, there are formations within formations, and formations within formations.

These formations not only complement each other, but also cover each other.

It’s not that it’s impossible to see through, it’s just that it takes too much time to analyze through the exposed clues.

In addition, Li Su himself is at the top of the spiritual field. Regarding formations, elixirs, etc., he can only be said to be capable if he is serious. In fact, he is just a dabbler. One is not very interested, and the other is really not very talented.

The reason why it is so powerful is that the understanding is too buggy and can only be analyzed from the perspective of enlightenment.

This was also the reason why he did not hesitate to perform a show of killing his father-in-law, but also forced the near-sage to come forcibly.

Only in this way can he find a way to leave through the loopholes forced by the other party.

Although the other party thought he had controlled the exit, it was not surprising that he had such confidence as a near saint.

But facing Li Su, who has mastered the supreme Yuqing, it is a bit unsatisfactory. At least in terms of space, there is still some gap between the two sides. Realm is more of a height of strength and does not represent the level of understanding of Tao.

Especially when faced with Li Su's understanding, which can be called a bug, let alone that.

Therefore, it seemed to be safe in his eyes. In fact, in Li Su's eyes, there were not only three or five loopholes, but also loopholes.

When the other party went to the top of the mountain to get the Taoist's Taoist line, Li Su had already completed the perception of the loopholes.

Judging from the current situation, the ruins themselves seem to be indulgent.

I can feel the fluctuations of the formation. Although it is very secretive, there is no doubt that it is deliberately suppressed and not repaired. Otherwise, this so-called channel may be closed immediately the moment the near saint comes in.

In fact, if all the formations in the ruins were activated to resist, the Near Saint would not be able to enter at all.

The defense level of this ruins, in Li Su's opinion, is definitely abnormal level.

Even in the holy city of Jiejiao and Daluoshan of Renjiao, the kind of dojo with the presence of saints is slightly inferior.

The formation height of this ruins should probably be on par with the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. As a cave, it is not as good as the Heavenly Saints' dojo, and it is definitely the next best thing.

Taking a deep breath, Li Su secretly prepared.

Although I don’t know what the ruins plan to do, I can be sure that there must be something wrong with that Taoxing.

Not only the Daoxing, but also the big cauldron was also weird.

The Taoist was indeed dead, with no trace of consciousness left, but the tripod gave him a different feeling. Li Su had a hunch that the thing was not completely dead yet.

Faced with this idea, he couldn't help but secretly take a breath of air.

The Taoist is completely dead, but the immortal weapon is not.

If it is really what he suspected, then who is the owner of this ruins now?

Or is it that when the Taoist was about to die, he transferred his last will to the immortal weapon?

No matter what, the next situation will be extremely bad, and what happens next will definitely be enough to subvert the three views.

Just be ready and leave as soon as the ruins activate.

No matter what happens, what happens next is definitely not something he can participate in now, even if he has the treasure.

It's a pity that in the end we couldn't determine who the owner of this ruins was.

Although the Prehistoric Creatures guessed that it was Master Yuding, one of the Twelve Golden Immortals, the skull of Master Taiyi that he owned did not open his mouth from beginning to end, which meant that it was probably not the case.

Of course, whether it is or not, he will not participate anymore.

After all, the other party's previous behavior has made it impossible for him to trust the other party anymore. Even if he still thinks that he is one of his own, then he really doesn't know how he died.

The only troublesome part is whether to take the people here out together.

It’s a bit troublesome!

It doesn't matter if other people are here, Xue Xue and Li Su can't let them stay here.

After all, Qingjiu hasn’t been dealt with yet.

It would be okay if he died just like that. I'm afraid he didn't die completely. Once the other party's soul falls into the hands of the owner of the ruins, it will be a terrible outcome for Li Su.

Moreover, if he goes out alone, there will be no small problem.

Too conspicuous.

There are obviously a lot of people outside at this moment, and there are quite a few Extreme Luo. Although breaking out is not a big problem, they will definitely be entangled for a long time.

Once you attract the attention of the other party's higher-ups, you will be in big trouble.

Therefore, the best way is to take people out with you, at least take away the people sealed in the small cave.

In this way, the deity returns directly, which is safe and hassle-free.

As for whether it will be inspected, there is a high probability that it will be, but there is no doubt that more eyes will be focused on the ruins. At most, they will just ask, not investigate in depth.

Fortunately, that group of people was relatively concentrated, and they all stayed in a small space. With his strength, although it was a bit troublesome, it wouldn't be too much of a problem to take them away.

At that time, even if the ruins really had extra thoughts, he was not afraid. Facing a near-sage, Li Su didn't believe that he dared to face an existence holding a treasure at the same time.

I hope everything goes well and nothing happens.

When I go out this time, I will completely settle down and quietly improve.

The seventh level of the One Billion Dao Realm is still too low, too low, and still pale and powerless in the face of top-level specifications.

No matter what, let’s talk about the ten levels of perfection and the birth of the real one-pole world.

Only in this way can he have the confidence to face everything.


While Li Su was thinking about it and Kui She and others had different thoughts, the most powerful dual path finally took shape.

An alternately parallel, incredibly beautiful circle appeared.

Amazing fluctuations are constantly erupting from it, and orderly rules are flowing inside.

Is this feeling a matter of severity?

The intertwined rings, one dark and extremely heavy, and the other hollow, floating and disorderly, are clearly opposites, but they perfectly form a whole.

For a time, even Li Su, who was used to seeing dual paths running in parallel and had seven dual paths, couldn't help but be touched.

As for Kui She and others, they were stunned.

Compared to the one-way street, the two-way street is so beautiful, so beautiful.

Especially the colors intertwined inside showed a variety they had never seen before. In an instant, they seemed to see the end of the rules and the far point of the road.

This is a way that can touch the realm of a saint! ! !

In an instant, everyone came to this conclusion directly in their minds.

If you can get this avenue, you won't need anything else. You just need to become stronger step by step. Once there is a vacancy in the holy position, you can immediately fill it and become a new saint.

The moment this conclusion appeared, not to mention the breathing of Kui She and others became heavy, even Jinsheng himself couldn't help showing excitement at this moment.

I thought God would take care of me and I got a big deal.

Now when I look at it, I can see that there is care, and it is simply a blessing to the sky.

It would not be an exaggeration to directly use such a great path as his own main path. In fact, compared to the main path he has practiced, the gap between it and the one in front of him is really not the slightest bit.

What a good thing!

Now, it's mine!

He stretched out his palm and grabbed Dao Xing in his palm without hesitation.

Although he was extremely excited, the near saint did not swallow it immediately, but felt a slight reaction.

After confirming that there was no consciousness inside and that this Tao Xing was an ownerless thing, he couldn't help but laugh and then merged directly into his body.

In an instant, his own Dao began to vibrate, and he directly absorbed the entire Dao Xing, and directly meditated on the spot to refine it.

This kind of Taoism, unless every root and corner has its own imprint, pours its own consciousness, showers its own breath, and finally completely integrates with its own Tao, otherwise, it will not be completely regarded as one's own.

Although he has a lofty status as a near saint, it is obvious that there is no way other people will not be attracted to a treasure like this.

Well, it’s decided!

After they are completely integrated, they will kill everyone in the ruins without leaving any trace behind.

This thing is too precious and must not be known to others.

Although he doesn't care about being a near-sage, the problem is that within the organization, there are people who can become saints in a single way.

Once he knows about it, even if he has fused, there is no guarantee that the other party will not care.

After all, having two paths running in parallel is too precious.

Not to mention their side, there are very few in the mythological world and foreign races, no, it should be said that there are almost none.

It was when the near saint continued to merge, and the Taoist practices were absorbed by him little by little, gradually intertwined with the huge river in his body, and they became indistinguishable from each other.


With a sudden soft sound, Li Su noticed something unusual, and the cauldron beside the Taoist suddenly reacted extremely.

It emitted an astonishing long roar from within.

The originally broken body returned to normal in an instant.

Not only did his body not have any wounds, his aura instantly broke through the realm of near-sage, approaching the level of supreme.

The most magnificent power falls, and the supreme chapter shines.

There are broken immortal weapons here and there, but they are completely intact!

For a time, not to mention Li Su and the others, even the powerful near saints were suppressed and unable to move.

As it awakens, the entire ruins begin to glow.

Formations, countless formations, one ring after another, one set at a time, are presented directly.

Not only that, the extremely terrifying spiritual energy spewed out from every corner of the world at this moment. The amount was unbelievable, like a starry sky and a sea with almost no end.

Not only those killed by everyone who came in, but also those accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years.

That number is simply unbelievable and unimaginable.

At this moment, with the cauldron as the center, the formation as the support, and the endless spiritual energy as the energy source, a furnace of heaven and earth was directly formed.


Facing this sudden scene, the first person whose face changed drastically was none other than the powerful Near Saint.

His pupils suddenly shrank, and there was a look of disbelief on his face.

It's not that he discovered the weirdness of the big cauldron, but that along with this movement, the Taoist practices that he had integrated into his own path reacted. With the vibration of the cauldron, they had long been dead and silent, and they reacted.

Something was wrong. Even if he said he didn't know what was going on, he realized something was wrong at this moment.

Without hesitation, he directly shook his own avenue. Even the two parallel paths that were extremely precious to him a second ago turned into extremely disgusting garbage in an instant. He directly squeezed it forcefully to force it out of the avenue. , excreted from the body.

What a pity, what a pity.

He reacted quickly, but it was obviously too late.

The avenues have merged with each other. This is not water and oil, but both are water, but with different ingredients.

How is it possible to want to separate in such a situation?

Just when the near saint realized something was wrong, his expression changed drastically, and the others were also startled, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

A light voice sounded like a child's.


"It's been 990,000 years since you left!"

"Too long, too long."

"Yu'er is in so much pain, every day of my life is so painful. I also want to forget you as you said. But I can't do it, I really can't. Without you, everything is meaningless. "

"Now, Yu'er is going to wake you up."

"Master, please don't be angry or sad. Just as you died to save Yu'er back then, now Yu'er just made the same choice as you."

"So, respond to Yu'er's expectations and wake up again from the depths of those long-ago years."

Along with the weeping words, the cauldron continued to vibrate, making a louder and louder sound each time.

The sound of the cauldron was extremely astonishing. It not only penetrated the void, but also penetrated through the years, emitting an astonishing roar.

Every time, the big cauldron's body would tremble, material would collapse, and the complete body would collapse little by little with a huge sound.

Faced with this scene, even if they didn't know what the other party was doing, everyone immediately realized the price of its behavior.


If you continue like this, the other person will die! ! !

Of course, compared to other people, the near-sage's mood was completely different at this moment. He was going crazy, really going crazy.

Compared to the aloof look he had when he came in, his face was extremely ugly and distorted at this moment.

He wanted to scream, to struggle.

However, from the moment the cauldron started to move, he lost control of himself. The long river of the great road was immediately infected, penetrated by the sound of the cauldron, and in turn stabilized by the powerful Taoism.

Not only that, as the sound of the cauldron continued to sound, his body and soul gradually began to change.

This is the influence from the great road, the distortion transmitted from the depths of the roots.

Facing this result, the near-sage powerhouse almost went crazy, and for the first time his widened pupils revealed emotions such as fear and terror.

No, no, no!

It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this!

Soon, as the cauldron made huge sounds again and again, the near saint was distorted little by little, and even unable to resist, the whole person from the soul to the physical body directly transformed into a shrunken innumerable Times, but it is a jade tripod that is no different from a big tripod.

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

Sound, once, once, once.

Getting longer, getting farther, and getting shallower.

Finally, with the hundredth ringing, the sound seemed to penetrate into an incredible place and reach an unimaginable depth.


Along with an almost inaudible sigh, something from the depths responded.

"Yu'er, why are you doing this?"

Facing this sound, the cauldron, which was already thin to the limit and would disappear in the next moment, suddenly burst into laughter. Then, a giggle sounded, as if the child had found its parents, and directly gave out the purest, happiest and happiest laugh. Voice.

"Master, Yu'er finally found you!"

The almost inaudible child's voice sounded softly, the cauldron trembled, and in an instant, billions of lights soared into the sky, boundless formations, and endless spiritual energy integrated into it.

The world begins to collapse.

The original ruins disappeared immediately, and before Li Su could take the initiative to escape, everyone was thrown out and returned to the wilderness.

Immediately, an incomparably huge ancient cauldron directly cut through the sky, instantly penetrated countless gaps in the world, and disappeared into the depths of the wilderness before time.

When everyone reacted, there was nothing else but the starlight left behind by its forward movement.

At this sudden scene, not to mention Li Su and the others, the primitive creatures guarding outside were also shocked at this moment, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Especially the first time he reacted immediately and chased for a long distance, the extreme heroes, including the ancestors of the Xue family, couldn't help but stop and watched in stunned silence as they disappeared bit by bit in front of their eyes. Mark of.

Really, this way of leaving is too beyond the limit!

It is no longer simply about controlling time, but directly above time.

Since it transcends time, it means that no matter whether it is the present, the past, or the future, there is no way to trace the traces of the other party.

What's going on with Te Meow? ? ?

Full of questions, a group of extreme heroes came back and directly approached Kui She and others to ask.

However, if you don’t ask, you won’t know. If you ask, you will be shocked.

This ruins is actually a fucking trap? And the most terrifying thing is that it actually tricked a near saint? Faced with this result, Maxim Da Luo couldn't help but shudder for a moment, broke out in a cold sweat on the spot, and couldn't help but feel that he was lucky.

Judging from the results, it can be seen that the purpose of the ruins from the beginning was probably to get closer to the saint.

Obviously, in the face of the ruins' calculations, the near saints who were many times stronger than them almost turned into bait without any resistance and became the nutrients for others' rebirth. If it were them, even if they were together, they would probably be just one result.

However, after a brief period of fear and rejoicing, the expressions on the faces of a group of extreme heroes inevitably became ugly.

Damn it!

The near saint is gone?

How do you explain this special girl?

You need to know the reason why the other party came, but also the reason why they reported it.

However, soon, the ancestor of the Xue family suddenly frowned and did not notice his grandson, the head of the Xue family.

Upon hearing the inquiry, the faces of Kui She and others suddenly became ugly, but the near saint was obviously gone, so there was really no need to be too scrupulous about what he said, and he immediately explained everything that had happened.

After hearing what Kui She and others said, the ancestor of the Xue family naturally had a gloomy expression, and his whole body fell into great anger.

Especially when they saw Xue He and Xue Bugui coming out of the small cave with red pupils, and Xue Xue, the great-great-granddaughter who was almost bursting into tears, even though she had the temperament of tens of thousands of years, she still couldn't help but curse. A bastard cry.

Facing this scene, not only the ancestors of the Xue family, but also the rest of the Extreme Daluo looked unhappy. They had a bad sense of the near-sage in the first place. When they came, they felt that the other party was domineering and condescending.

Unexpectedly, they were like this in the ruins, not treating their people as human beings at all.

With a deep sigh, the ancestor of the Xue family came to Xue Xue and Xue Bugui, stretched out his hand and patted their heads gently.

At this moment, there was anger in his eyes. Compared to the person who killed his son, he was undoubtedly more angry towards the Near Saint.

Although the other party died and could not retaliate directly, his descendants still existed.

Thinking about it, these people must be very domineering. I never thought that my master would die in such a small place. And with that near-sage's way of dealing with things, it didn't matter when he was alive. After he died, every one of his descendants would definitely be punished. People liquidate.

"Don't worry, Beikong's death will not be in vain. There must be an explanation for this matter."

The ancestor of the Xue family glanced directly at the other extreme big Luo, and there was no doubt that the big Luo present responded immediately.

After all, although my child is fine, I can't let this matter go, not to mention that the Holy Tradition is also coveted.

Immediately, the ancestor of the Xue family looked at the two children and said directly: "Ancestor knows that Beikong will not die in vain. There must be an explanation for this matter."

Listening to the ancestor's promise, Xue Bugui couldn't help it at this moment, and his tears fell quickly. As for Xue Xue, she had already burst into tears.

"Uh, um, actually, I guess, maybe he's not dead."

Just when the atmosphere on the field was once heavy and tragic, a dry voice suddenly came out.

Everyone was startled and couldn't help but turn their heads.

But in the distance, he saw the head of the Xue family, Xue Beikong, who was supposed to be killed and cut into two parts, flying over with a somewhat embarrassed look on his face.

? ? ?

Ha~? ? ?

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