Chapter 1271 Huge Cocoon

"Damn it, why are there so many evil creatures?"

Although they had some doubts about the two aliens brought by Jiutian Emperor into the Central Territory, in the end they didn't say anything and chose to join.

The next step was simple. Li Su loaded them up with Yuqing Supreme and placed them in his own avenue, and he took them into the middle domain.

Although in this way, once something happens, Li Su can only resist it alone, and there may be restrictions inside that prevent him from releasing the person.

However, there are still benefits.

At the very least, if they need it, they can provide Li Su with mana. Although it will be very troublesome, he needs to convert the power of the avenue into pure mana crystals. Ways to play.

But this is a total of ten extreme heroes, and even the weakest among them is above the eighth generation. If they are as strong as Master Wuxin and Jiutian Emperor, they are directly at the level of near-sages.

With their mana provided, Li Su's combat effectiveness would be greatly improved, but the mana power was absolutely unimaginable.

Moreover, you must know that Li Su possesses a treasure. Unlike Li Su, who can only absorb pure mana crystals and cannot directly absorb the power of the avenue, the treasure has no taboos in terms of mana. As long as it belongs to energy, it can be used. Transformed into the power of fire.

Faced with this situation, Li Su undoubtedly felt a lot more at ease immediately.

After all, according to Master Panguban's words, even if he has reached the One Billion Dao Realm, it is still very dangerous to enter it.

Pangu Ban obviously knows his background. In terms of his strength, even if he is only at the billion level, he is enough to fight against the ultimate Da Luo of the second and third generations. He will not even be able to face the Da Luo of the fifth and sixth generations. Immediately defeated.

With such combat power, it is still not safe. He comes alone, and he is more or less lacking in confidence.

Now, ten hundred-thousand-year-old Da Luo provide him with mana. At this level, even if the saint comes, he should be able to resist it for a while.

With sufficient confidence, Li Su naturally did not hesitate and entered the middle realm that had changed because of him.

Having entered, Li Su was attacked before he could recover from the surrounding situation.

It was an evil creature. The evil creatures all over the sky and the ground rushed towards him.

In an instant, Li Su took out the Qingping Sword and directly used the Saint Supreme and Immortal Killing Sword Formation to form an infinite sword energy, frantically strangling things that were coming from all directions.

No doubt he killed quickly.

But there are too many things.

It was like a tidal wave, constantly roaring towards him. Faced with this impact, the Saint Supreme couldn't help but roar and felt a little tired.

Has this entered the lair of evil spirits?

After killing for a few minutes, Li Su began to break out when faced with something that was still endless, slender, red and shiny, like an iron worm in a person's stomach.

He rushed out directly.

For more than ten minutes, I felt like I had traveled almost ten thousand miles. Finally, there was a light in front of me and I broke out of the tight encirclement.

However, at the next moment, Li Su couldn't help but his face changed slightly, and he sucked in a breath of cold air. His scalp was numb from the shock of the scene in front of him. Even if he didn't have obsessive-compulsive disorder, he still couldn't help but feel horrified at this second.

What kind of world is this?

No, can this be said to be a world?

In the sky and on the ground, countless pieces of blood-red flesh were slowly squirming, just like the internal organs of a certain life. Mountains of flesh, rivers of blood, and blue-black nerves were everywhere like vines covering the wall.

Of course, just like that, it wouldn't make his scalp numb.

What really made his scalp tingle was that the surroundings of these flesh and blood were covered with the kind of evil spirit creatures that had besieged him just now. Things like iron worms were everywhere.

They are like weeds, growing and changing the whole world, and every moment one piece breaks off and another piece breaks off to become an independent individual.

Soon, these individuals quickly gathered together, directly forming a wave like the one that covered Li Su just now, constantly surging in this world.

At first, it was just the size of a stream, but soon it became a river, a river, and finally an ocean.

One piece, one piece!

Li Su's vast perception, which could directly perceive thousands of light-years, emerged as a blood-colored ocean that could submerge thousands, no, tens of thousands, no, hundreds of thousands of planets.

Rao was already mentally prepared before coming in.

But when he saw this scene, he still couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat and his face turned green.

What kind of lair is this over there? This is basically the base camp, right?


Faced with this scene, not to mention Li Su, even Wu Xin Zhenren were all shocked. After all, this scene was too spectacular.

Although they have seen evil spirit creatures, there are both powerful and weak ones.

But with such a huge number, the scenes in the previous three thousand worlds are not worth mentioning at all. It can be said that they are dwarfed by the big ones.

After a pause of half a second, Li Su immediately started to move.

Just kidding, with such a huge number of evil spirits, even if he didn't feel an alarming threat, he wouldn't dare to stay too long.

Not only behind him, but also in the area that submerged him just now, in fact, as he broke through, huge red tides as large as the oceans in several nearby areas had already discovered him and began to flow towards him.

"The Supreme Chapter, Pangu Transformation Realm!"

Without any hesitation, Li Su directly used Yuqing Supreme, and the shadow of Pangu Banner instantly appeared on his palm.

The palm shook, and the avenue sounded.

Immediately, countless supreme scriptures appeared. As the words emitted loud noises throughout the day, the space where they were located was immediately turned upside down, folded, bent, and transformed.

Up, down, left, right, in all directions.

In an instant, he was completely distorted by Li Su.

Not only that, cracks appeared directly in countless places, directly cutting off everything.

Although in terms of the most powerful damage, it is undoubtedly the Qingping Sword.

But when it comes to geographical advantages, Yuqing Supreme is absolutely unparalleled in the world. After all, no matter how powerful the geographical advantage is, it cannot be compared to the control of the space itself.

As soon as the move was executed, the world was in chaos. The red tide surging towards him was also thrown into chaos. It lost its direction due to the change in space.

Facing this scene, Li Su did not show a happy look on his face, but his face darkened.

These bugs, one or two have such a high weight!

You must know that he is no longer what he was before. As a billion-level Daoist, using the Supreme Saint is enough to crush everything within nearly a thousand light years.

However, now, it has only pushed less than a million miles, and there is no way to continue.

What does this mean?

This shows that these bugs, even though they are thin and long and are no bigger than a human brain when rolled into a lump, are of terrifyingly high quality and are filled with astonishing energy inside.

The size of an ocean is comparable to the mass of tens of thousands of stars stacked together.

Even for Li Su, with the supreme power of Yuqing, it becomes very difficult to move the space.

If this was the case, it would not be the case for Li Su, but as time went by, he found that the number of powerful individuals in the red tide was increasing.

At the beginning, the insects that besieged him were probably composed of angels, and it was extremely easy to eliminate them.

By now, there have begun to appear those that are comparable to Taiyi's peak strength, and as time goes by, the number is increasing.

Logically speaking, it's just Taiyi, so it shouldn't cause him any trouble at all.

But, there are too many.

Not to mention Taiyi, they were all immortals, and he felt extremely headache.

After all, the number of oceans is not as simple as hundreds of millions or billions, but goes straight to trillions or even the capital.

Although the Taiyi level has not increased much, even a 1% increase is enough to make people's hair stand on end.

This level is actually quite difficult to kill.

The main thing is this thing, its strength is concentrated on this point, its vitality is amazing, let alone cutting it, even if it is chopped into pieces, it can be quickly restored. The single-round physical recovery ability may not be comparable to Da Luo.

Faced with this situation, if Li Su wants to kill someone who is too close to him, he will inevitably need to use more and greater energy.

Even if the billions of Tao realms are extremely powerful and the great avenues are incredibly long, they cannot withstand such consumption.

The supreme status of a saint is itself a very high consumption.

Although he has the Ten Saints as his trump card, his mana can be almost unlimited, and with the addition of the treasure, this situation can be solved for him.

But without understanding the specific situation in Zhongyu, he naturally couldn't reveal all his cards rashly.

"Go to your left!"

Just when Li Su was about to break through first and find a way to get rid of the red tide completely, a voice suddenly came from his mind.

It's Wu Xin Zhenren.

Li Su took a breath and ran away without asking.

The speed was very fast, and he used all the three supreme powers. Qingping Sword, Pangu Flag, and Tai Chi Diagram intertwined the three supreme powers with astonishing brilliance, directly forming a bloody path, leaving countless residual limbs and pieces of flesh like raindrops. Generally fall.

Worthy of being a descendant of the Three Purities!

Facing this scene, Tianting Fengyu couldn't help but sigh in Li Su's body.

Although the situation outside is not bad for them, Li Su's performance is really amazing.

Faced with this kind of quantity, let alone one billion Dao realms, even if there are three or five billion Dao realms, they will probably be in great embarrassment. After all, facing such a huge quantity, the quality advantage is really not big. .

This is like the sun. It is indeed hot enough, but what will happen if an ice cube the size of the Andromeda galaxy is stuffed into it?

And, these bugs are very different.

Although they seem to be individuals, in fact, when they are connected together, the intensity increases. Although it is only the effect of one plus one equals two, this is the most terrifying part.

In fact, the red tide situation would not be such a threat if it were a human being.

Because it is difficult for people to achieve the point where one plus one really equals two, and the more this number is, the superposition will only become smaller, not larger.

Well, the current situation Li Su is facing can no longer be said to be purely numerical suppression, but rather facing a formation attack.

Therefore, the power displayed by Li Su at this moment, let alone the billion-level Dao realm, cannot be compared with even the veteran Ultraman who is tens of thousands of years old. I am afraid that it would take an Ultraman who is more than 100,000 years old to be like this.

The ultimate Daluo that has been around for tens of thousands of years.

It's unbelievable!

"What kind of monster is this little thing?"

Jiutian Emperor couldn't help but complain. After all, judging from the current situation, it can only be said to be troublesome at best, and it is far from dangerous.

After returning to Heaven, he naturally met with his daughter immediately to make her feel at ease.

For Li Su, Jiutian Emperor undoubtedly admires him. His strength, talent, and character are all the best choices. No, it should be said that looking at the world, this kid is almost unique.

I don't know about the mythical world, but there is no one from the alien race who can compete with him.

After all, Jiutian Emperor himself is a genius, and he is one of the top three beings in the history of foreign races. Compared with this kid like Li Su, I have to say that he still pales in comparison.

Therefore, naturally, Li Su was inevitably mentioned in the conversation between father and daughter.

It was obvious that her daughter had a good impression of Li Su. When she mentioned Li Su, her eyes lit up and she talked for more than ten minutes.

Unlike me from a certain family in the prehistoric times, the Nine Heavens Emperor had no objection to this. In fact, if the timing hadn't been wrong, he would have taken the initiative to match him up.

After all, this kid has the qualifications to become a saint, and he attaches great importance to emotions, especially the second point, which is very important.

Originally, when I heard from my daughter that Li Su met her when she was still in the late Taiyi stage, Jiutian Emperor was shocked. After all, how long had it passed? That kid not only achieved the Daluo realm, but also reached the billion level. territory.

His daughter also had a broken mirror, but she was still in the Qian Dao realm at this moment.

What about now?

Even the Jiutian Emperor couldn't bear it. Not only was his improvement speed astonishingly fast, but what was even more frightening was that the other party's background was also terrifyingly deep.

At least when it was Jiutian Emperor who was still in the billion-level Dao realm, he would never be able to be as relaxed and happy as the other party.

Faced with such a huge attack by evil spirits, he left as soon as he could, fighting bloody battles all the way, and encountered almost no obstacles.

In fact, not only the Jiutian Emperor, but also the two alien extreme giants next to him, it is hard to imagine that there are such terrifying monsters in the mythical world.

The one who came from Heaven and was called the Little God of Justice was shocking enough. Not only did he break through to the Yi Dao realm, but he was also able to fight five with one.

As a result, the one in front of his grandmother was even scarier.

From the perspective of a billion-level Dao realm, there may be no problem in defeating the Third World Daluo.

No, this is already in the realm of Da Luo, and it’s even beyond the realm. Isn’t it too much? How much knowledge has the opponent accumulated when he fell to the ground, so that he can still be so strong in this realm?

Compared with the shock on the alien side, the people on the mythical side were relatively calm.

Not that they were used to it and weren't shocked anymore.

Just kidding, what I might not have been able to do in tens of thousands of years, the other party has done in a mere hundred years, and he can do it better than me. Who else can accept it calmly?

Sure enough, this little monster is probably the descendant of a saint and has not escaped.

And they are not the descendants of the current saint, but the descendants of the ancient saint.

The situation is probably similar to that of the little Justice God, who was sealed away by the real Justice God Yang Jian when something happened.

It's just that unlike the little Justice God, this little guy was sealed by the saint. When he woke up, there was no one else around, so he couldn't figure out his situation.

In this way, it not only explains why he obtained the Three Purities Dao Lineage, but also explains his current almost unreasonable power.

Yes, that’s it, it must be, that must be the case!

Otherwise, who can bear it? ? ?

Not knowing what the extreme heroes in his family were thinking, outside, Li Su ran very fast, following the direction pointed by Master Wu Xin.

The speed has dropped a lot.

The main reason is that there are more and more powerful individuals in the Red Tide, and people with Daluo strength that surpass the Taiyi surface have begun to appear.

Although the number of these bugs was small, they almost burst in front of him several times.

For this reason, Li Su had to spend more effort to deal with them.

Finally, after running for almost half an hour, Li Su suddenly stopped, and then his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

Not to mention Li Su, even the Ultimate Daluo Realm who was watching in the river frowned at this moment, with a solemn expression on his face.

not far away!

There is a huge cocoon, so big, so big that even though it is hundreds of thousands of miles away, it is still clearly visible.

It was made up of countless iron worms intertwined, and it felt like it was about the size of a planet. At this moment, the cocoon had been broken, and something had opened it from the inside.

Not only that, the iron worms intertwined into cocoons were all dead and lost their lives.

Obviously, this is incubation. These evil beings are giving birth to something.

Of course, just like that, it didn't make Li Su and the others like this. Instead, they started with that cocoon and looked back, one cocoon after another.

There are dozens of them.

And the worst thing is that even though the contents of the cocoon have disappeared, a lot of the aura still remains in place.

They are all extremely powerful.

Moreover, he is also a near-sage-level Ultimate Daluo whose power is almost comparable to that of Wu Xin Zhenren and Jiutian Emperor.

Suddenly, everyone couldn't help but gasped, and their expressions became heavier and more uncertain than ever before.

"Is this the breath of the avenue?"

Emperor Zun said in disbelief.

Master Wuxin couldn't help but take a breath at this moment, "Yes, the breath of the avenue!"

Feng Yu said in disbelief: "Isn't this an evil spirit? How could there be a monk in the ancient world?" You know, evil spirits and monks have completely different paths. Evil spirits cultivate evil nature and do not follow the great path.

"I suddenly had a bad premonition!!!"

Nian Zun rubbed his eyebrows and looked at everyone.

Following his words, everyone's expressions suddenly darkened, even the Jiutian Emperor, whose expressions were very ugly at this moment. Obviously, everyone had a bad premonition.

"Only when the old saint dies will a new saint appear. Who are you talking about?"

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