Chapter 1292 Ask, trap

In the end, the saints still didn't want Li Su's treasure.

However, they left their avatars in the Sage's Seat. At one time, the gang leader Li Su carried the six holy treasures. After all, for him now, six intact treasures were nothing, and at the same time he carried six pieces whose origins were damaged. Treasure, the problem is very big.

In fact, the Seven Sages were even more surprised that Li Su could withstand so many treasures themselves.

The ancient supreme being is no joke. While the power is great, the burden is also great.

A treasure is almost equivalent to a complete avenue. This is not a personal avenue, but a heaven and earth avenue, in which the concepts are completely different.

You know, although the Seven Saints are very powerful now, in fact they are still in this world and are carried by this world.

In fact, their own strength is almost equivalent to a complete avenue in this world.

In other words, the quality of a treasure itself is not lower than that of saints like them.

Therefore, when holding six treasures, Li Su's behavior can basically have no problems. Except for the heavy breath and the clear feeling that something is wrong, there are almost no other problems.

Even if the treasure recognizes the other party, it is quite incredible, which shows that the strength of its foundation is beyond imagination!

Li Su was undoubtedly relieved when he heard that the saint left his clone to help him bear the treasure.

After all, his current situation is quite problematic.

Mainly in terms of action, it is very troublesome. The Six Holy Treasures are too heavy and completely different from the unrestored Xinhuo Banner.

Of course, it is true that having them around can greatly enhance Li Su's strength, but it also makes him, who is capable of both offense and defense, become something like a fixed fort in a sense.

Movement is quite inconvenient.

As the Six Saints Treasures were taken out one by one by him and carried by the Seven Saints Avenue, Li Su felt much more relaxed after being warmed up.

Especially the avenue, which was so crowded that it felt like it might explode at any time, immediately relaxed.

The Seven Saints couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Even though they had the same origin, the pressure was really great, just like walking up a mountain.

After the problem of the treasure was solved, Li Su did not leave immediately.

Even if Pangu Banner said that today's saints are only half saints, they are not even true saints, let alone the saints of heaven.

But for him, there is no doubt that he is still at the thigh level.

Moreover, the seven saints in front of him have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, or even close to a million years. In terms of practice, they undoubtedly eat more salt than the rice he has ever eaten.

Given such a good opportunity, Li Su naturally would not let it go and asked for advice directly.

About, cause and effect.

About fate.

As saints, even if they don't specialize in this aspect, they should probably be involved in it.

Facing Li Su's question, the Seven Saints seemed a little surprised. Apparently, they did not expect that what this little guy asked was not the core of the Taoism he inherited, but the question of cause and effect and destiny.

Although Li Su's question was a bit strange, the Seven Sages didn't say anything because of it.

At the stage of the Billion Dao Realm, others can no longer point out the way to go. The most they can give is their own experience when walking. How to walk basically depends on their personal understanding.

After all, this is no longer just about advancement, but about becoming a saint.

The holy realm is different from the previous levels. It is a height that is difficult to describe in words.

Rather than saying it is a level, it is better to say it is a realm or a field.

Similar to how a mortal enters an extraordinary realm after practicing the same thing thousands of times, the same is true for the holy realm.

"Destiny is unpredictable!"

Facing Li Su's inquiry, the Renjiao Saint spoke softly after thinking for a moment.

"Destiny has its own rules!" Dongchanjiao Saint said calmly.

"Destiny comes from choices!" Xi Chan taught the sage.

"Destiny can be broken!" Saint Jiejiao thought for a while.

"Destiny is fate, cause and effect have already been determined." This is a Buddhist saint.

"Destiny is like a fog, and cause and effect is like fire. The fog is long, and there are countless fires. When you are in it, you are both infinite and limited." Ghost Sect Saint.

"Destiny is a cycle, a natural law, and reincarnation. It is always changing, but it remains unchanged." Heavenly Saint.

The Seven Saints looked at Li Su and directly expressed their understanding of fate.

Of course, it doesn't really matter what you say.

The important thing is that the Seven Saints not only said it, but also directly demonstrated it to Li Su, taking him into their path and letting him experience it through their perspective.

There is no doubt that hearing is not as good as seeing, and seeing is not as good as real feeling.

Should I say he is worthy of being a saint? No matter who he is, Wuyi is stronger than Li Su.

Even if they don't major in the way of destiny, they use their own way to reverse infiltration, capture destiny, and control cause and effect.

Before and after, almost half an hour.

Li Su walked out of the core of the Sage's Seat alone, lost in thought as he walked.

I have to say that consulting a saint is indeed a very correct approach. Just such a moment of enlightenment made him have flashes of inspiration and various thoughts.

The path of destiny, which had been silent due to the exhaustion of luck, has grown a lot, no, it should be said that it has grown a lot.

After all, Li Su's power of destiny starts with the marriage line.

What the Seven Saints showed him directly was an understanding based on his own great path and countless years of accumulation.

The two can be said to be completely different, and the quality of the latter is far from comparable to the former.

Even though Li Su spent a lot of time to understand it and spent a lot of luck to nourish it, compared with what he felt at this moment, it still pales into insignificance.

The power of destiny in the body has jumped directly from the level of true immortal to the level of Taiyi perfection, which is only one step away from Daluo.

Moreover, there is only one step left here, and it is not that I am stuck, but that I have not accumulated enough.

Give a certain amount of time to allow the power of destiny in the body to stabilize, and it is basically a certainty to enter the Da Luo level.

Da Luo.

You know, before this, Li Su thought that he needed to hunt down a dozen extreme Daluo-level evil spirits before he could collect enough luck for his growth. Unexpectedly, it was just the Seven Saints who took him to have a little enlightenment. Did it immediately.

This is really an unexpected surprise.

After all, he had actually been prepared when he asked for advice. This kind of existence with a life span of millions of years should be very powerful in this area and very helpful to him, but he never expected that the help would be so great.

very good!

In this way, it undoubtedly helped him save a lot of time.

Now, he only needs to wait for the power of destiny to accumulate and break through Daluo. During this period, he can concentrate on finding evil spirits to hunt and harvest luck.

When the growth is completed, you can open the world fragments again and go to the age of gods.

After the final confirmation through the saints of Heavenly Dao, he can use Dao as the core, completely transcend the level of billions of Dao realms, interpret his own universe, and enter the limit.

Once he reaches the limit, Li Su can basically immediately reproduce the new world through the Seven Saints, thereby increasing his own weight and quickly pushing his realm to the late stage of the Ultimate Da Luo.

At that time, given his situation, with good luck and a layer of the original power of the evil spirit universe obtained by killing the evil spirit true saint, he might be able to transcend directly and become a saint.

Once he becomes a saint, he will completely stand at the top of this world and become one of the highest combat powers.

At least, until the evil spirits from outside the territory come in, life and death are in your own hands.

Thinking of this, even though Li Su couldn't help but exhale frequently, his tense heartstrings relaxed for a rare moment in this second.

After all, it was only at this moment that he saw a clear glimmer of light for the first time, and for the first time his outstretched hand felt like he was grasping the future.

This is not the case before, knowing that disaster is likely to strike at any time, but having no ability or means.

Therefore, for Li Su, the only thing he has to do in the mythical world is to find Teacher Yiren and the others.

However, it has been several days and no sign has been found.

Is it possible that they are not here in the mythical world?

"Yiren, are you okay?"

At the same time, the mythical world is located in its western corner, the most fringe area, the junction of the mythical world's homeland and heaven.

The Yiren and the others that Li Su has been looking for these days are now here.

Only Zhang Shengying was not there.

They looked a little embarrassed.

Especially Yiren, there was extremely obvious blood stain on her abdomen. The blood stain was very fresh and with a striking red color. It was obvious that she was injured, and the injury was not serious, and blood was still oozing out.

"It's okay, I can't die!"

After coughing twice, Yiren shook her head.

Her face was a little pale, and her aura was quite confused. Not only that, but the most eye-catching thing was that there were large purple marks on her body. The shapes of these marks were strange and full of ominousness.

This should be some kind of curse, and you can even feel the smell of evil in it.

Injured and cursed.

There is no doubt that Yiren's condition is quite bad, but her eyes are still bright, and she does not show any signs of weakness or exhaustion because of her own problems.

The person who asked her was Zhu Chihu.

Although his expression was very calm, Zhu Chihu couldn't help but show a worried look on his face.

The curse is getting more and more powerful.

It has affected the other party's path, seriously disrupting Yi Ren's strength, so that the injuries that could have been recovered in half a day before are now not only unable to heal, but are getting worse.

"Yiren, we can't go down anymore. Your situation is getting worse and worse. We must leave and find a place to find a way to deal with the curse on you."

Zhu Chihu took a deep breath. This curse was so weird that it could actually make the monk as troublesome as a mortal suffering from leukemia. This curse is very weird. It has no lethality in itself. It just makes it difficult for the person affected by the curse to heal once he is physically injured.

Even though the only place where Yiren's body was stained with blood was her abdomen, in fact, she was injured in far more places than that. His arm bones were broken, his spine was hit with a heavy weapon, and there were many hidden injuries on his body.

Thinking of this, Zhu Chihu couldn't help but grit his teeth.

Damn it, how did the other party do it? To be able to curse directly out of thin air, you must know that Yi Ren is not only the strongest among them all, but she is also at the Da Luo realm.

It can be said that it is completely impossible to understand how the other party infected him with the curse.

"Don't go after Yi Ren. I'll rescue her. The other party's target is obviously you!"

Gritting his teeth, Zhu Chihu spoke directly. The injuries on Yiren were not caused once, but were accumulated bit by bit through dozens of fights with others.

The person who did it obviously did it on purpose.

He planned to use this method to continuously aggravate Yiren's injuries and force her into a desperate situation little by little.

In fact, the other side was very successful.

Not long ago, due to too many accumulated injuries, her internal organs were also affected. Recently, not only did she cough frequently, but she also vomited blood from time to time.

If this continues, Yiren's body will be unable to bear it sooner or later.

Facing Zhu Chihu's words, Yiren shook her head, not going? is it possible? impossible!

It's not that she is stupid and insists on fighting with the other party, but that their people fell into the hands of the other party.

The other party is very smart and never shows up on its own initiative. It just keeps sending the hostages to certain damn places again and again.

To be precise, it is the arena.

Although the situation in the mythical world is terrible, a war between the two races was about to break out at one point. There is no doubt that it is related to the life and death of everyone.

It stands to reason that in such a situation, everything except survival should stop.

But human nature is like this. As long as something doesn't happen right in front of you, you can treat it as if it didn't happen.

Not only that, the situation in this arena is different from ordinary industries.

You must know that in today's mythological world, with the improvement of the level of mortal life, a large number of practitioners have appeared, building foundations, and golden elixirs have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

With the emergence of such a large number of monks, apart from other things, it is naturally impossible to keep up, at least in terms of education.

A teacher directly has to teach hundreds of students.

In such a situation, not to mention the cultivation aspect, the combat training aspect is obviously not taken into consideration.

Therefore, the existence of the gladiatorial arena is necessary.

Even if you are a novice, you can become an expert if you fight every day for three to five months or one to two or three years.

Fight against humans and monsters.

Single player battle, team battle.

All this has undoubtedly solved the problem of insufficient manpower in training.

Of course, if it is just cultivated in this way, there is actually no problem, and it will be very beneficial to the mythological world.

But reality is often not so pretty. No matter how good a policy is, loopholes in it will still be discovered.

After all, this is a battle, so it is impossible to guarantee absolute safety. Injuries are inevitable, and death is certainly not uncommon.

What's more, for monks, there is great terror and great opportunity between life and death.

Therefore, in addition to ordinary sparring matches and challenge matches, the gladiatorial arena also has life and death battles that are not allowed on the surface, etc.

Undoubtedly, compared to novices pecking each other, or challenge matches with few highlights, life and death battles that are not allowed on the surface are undoubtedly the most eye-catching and profitable.

Therefore, various life and death battles have emerged.

Yiren participated in one of these situations. The other party would directly send the hostages caught in their hands to this kind of life and death battle, thereby forcing Yiren to sign up and go to rescue people.

This is how the injuries on her body came from.

Here, someone may ask, Yiren is obviously already in the Daluo realm. Shouldn't he be able to rescue people easily from such a battlefield? How could he be injured instead?

It can't all be a big battle, right?

of course not!

In fact, most of the battles inside were fought by immortals, and even the highest level of the Jindan battle was only at the Taiyi level.

Although Yiren is in the Daluo realm, once she ends up, her realm will be suppressed and she will turn into a golden elixir, a fairy, or Taiyi.

And because she belongs to realm suppression, her strength is usually stronger than others. Therefore, not only will she be taken care of in terms of cultivation suppression, but she will also be jointly targeted once she appears.

Not only that, some of the battles in it will even involve survival battles where you directly face powerful monsters and require them to maintain their inventory for a long enough time.

Originally, it was just like this, Yiren could handle it.

However, this strange curse appeared inexplicably on her body, which prevented her from recovering from her injuries quickly. The other party obviously did not intend to give her time to rest, causing her injuries to become more and more serious.

Even so, she still couldn't stop.

Because it’s fast, it’s fast.

She has rescued most of the hostages who were captured, and there are only a few left. Therefore, if the other party wants to continue to fish for her, they can basically only hand over the most important target.


The other party is not only her student, but also Su'er's wife!

Because of the traitor's betrayal, Zhang Shengying chose to stay in order to buy time, and was eventually captured.

This is undoubtedly an unacceptable result for Yiren.

If she cannot bring people back safely, how should she face her students?

Seeing Yi Ren's reaction, Zhu Chihu couldn't help biting her lips. Naturally, she understood Yi Ren's thoughts. In fact, she also wanted to save him.

But obviously, the bastard behind the scenes also knew this.

Once the person is taken out, it is basically equivalent to the final battle. The opponent has delayed this for so long and spent so much effort. Obviously, he will never give Yi Ren or them any chance.

what to do? what to do? ? ?

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