Mythical world, local!

The situation is worse than expected!

First, there is no doubt that the concentration of evil has increased.

Although there have always been evil spirits in the world, there are still many people who have problems with their own souls due to absorbing these evil spirits.

But that is basically the result of years and years, which is equivalent to chronic poisoning. After all, the lifespan of a monk is too long. The higher the cultivation level, the longer it will be. Obviously, realms below the Daluo realm cannot handle the intensity of energy of the evil nature, so eventually the soul will be contaminated and problems will arise.

Therefore, although evil nature exists, the concentration is actually not high. On average, the number of units in a cubic range is less than 100.

It's different now. The concentration has increased several times. From less than a hundred per cubic meter at first, it suddenly became three to four hundred.

This is no joke. At such a concentration, the impact on the human body will be very great.

You must know that evil nature itself is a product of negative energy, which contains the greatest malice of living beings.

It will not only distort the absorbed creatures, but also affect their souls and lead people into the abyss of emotions.

In fact, in such a short period of time, Emperor Zun took Li Su away and came back quickly.

In the third world, millions of bloodshed incidents have occurred. Because the concentration of evil has increased, people who have been suppressed or have malicious intentions in their hearts can no longer bear it and completely explode.

Of course, the bloodshed is actually a trivial matter.

What is really terrible is the number of people who died because of the epidemic. That is the most terrible thing.

According to statistics, in the short time it took Emperor Zun to bring him back, more than 50 million mortals in the Third World had died directly due to the epidemic in less than a day.

You know, even though the mythical world has a huge population, exceeding one trillion, it cannot withstand this kind of death.

Emperor Zun frowned and immediately looked at Shen Zun and said, "What's going on? What did the Human Sect say? Have you found the reason?"

Although the system of the Mythical World is backward, it does not have a scientific and developed medical system.

But when it comes to the level of medical skills, it is not low, especially for the people's education. It is basically not difficult to regenerate bones and flesh, and regenerate flowers from dead trees.

The deity nodded first, then shook his head solemnly.

"The disciples of the Human Sect dealt with it as soon as possible, but the epidemic came too suddenly, urgently and quickly. From the appearance of symptoms to complete death, it actually took less than half a day."

"Moreover, the incidence of the disease is also very strange, and each column is almost different."

"Even if they are treated in time, they will get sick again soon, and this time it will be completely different from before. And the most important thing is that the number is too large. In terms of the current number of disciples of the Human Sect, it is simply impossible to take care of them."

This is a trillion-level population. The total number of disciples of the People's Sect is only a few thousand, less than 10,000. Faced with such a huge number of sick people, even if medical skills can turn decay into magic, there is not enough time. If there are not enough manpower, it will be useless.

The god took a breath: "Not only that, but the concentration of evil has also increased. Not only the mortals, but also the monks have a huge impact. The disciples of the great sect are fine, but the disciples of the ordinary sect are relatively bad. From time to time, someone will suppress them. As inner demons continue to break out, more than thousands of chaos have occurred in the second world. Now, 90% of the disciples from Heaven, Buddhism, and Ghost Sect have been sent there to suppress the riots. "

Listening to the words of the God, Emperor Zun and others couldn't help but frown.

Hitting the snake seven inches, I have to say that this time the evil spirit's action, in a sense, hit the weak spot of the mythical world, directly targeting the problem of insufficient manpower.

The world of cultivation is no better than the world of mortals. The minds of monks are extremely terrifying and their abilities are astonishing. It is almost equivalent to one person being able to use ten, no, a hundred people.

Therefore, the administrative system is usually relatively simple and does not have huge related institutions like the mortal world.

Originally, this was nothing, I could manage it anyway.

But things are different now. Once an emergency occurs, the problems will undoubtedly multiply exponentially. Especially when there are so many incidents that must be handled in person, no matter how strong the monk is, it will be impossible for him to handle them. In a word, it means that there is no way to do anything at all.

Perhaps, some people here will say that basically monks can use the clone technique.

But is it really that simple? Not really!

First of all, ordinary avatars cannot handle overly complicated matters. In the face of this situation, it must be a high-level avatar with its own thinking consciousness.

And there will be another problem with this kind of clones, that is, the limit on quantity.

Not only that, the current situation is obviously the first time that the mythical world has encountered it. Although it has encountered crises before, it is obviously not comparable to the current one, regardless of the scale or the degree of trouble.

And, judging from past experience, the results are actually not very good.

Therefore, with the current capabilities of the mythological world, there is simply no way to deal with it.

If all the high-level officials hadn't been here this time, even if the Seven Emperors took Li Su away for a moment, there would still be more than a dozen Ultimate Daluo left in the country.

Otherwise, the current situation will probably only get worse.

Don’t forget, when a disaster strikes, it’s not just the disaster that’s terrible, but also the people affected by the disaster themselves.

When faced with threats to their lives, it is not surprising that people affected by the disaster will do anything. Especially in a society like the Mythical World where laws and moral awareness are not perfect, it is undoubtedly more likely to be chaotic.

After thinking for a moment, Emperor Zun said directly: "Lei Yu, you go to the third world first. If you find a place with a large-scale epidemic outbreak, freeze everyone in that space first, including their souls."

"Leave the matter of the epidemic to the human religion. All in all, we cannot let mortals continue to die in large numbers like this."


Leiyu Tianzun nodded when he heard the words, and the Void Lord and others disappeared without hesitation.

"Holy Lord! The concentration of evil has suddenly increased. Is this the case throughout the entire country, or is it a sudden outbreak somewhere?"

"When I discovered it, the whole thing was already soaring. No, rather than saying that the evil nature suddenly soared, it was more like it was out of control."

"out of control?"

"Brother, you know that the energy of evil nature itself has the nature of attracting and gathering each other. Therefore, the evil nature of the mythical world is not not strong, but because of its nature of gathering, it will show some places It is very strong and very rare in some places, and the evil nature in rare places will actively flow to relatively strong places.”

"The place we chose is inherently a place with less evil nature."

"But suddenly, the evil spirits no longer appeared like this. They began to spread evenly. In fact, the increase in the concentration of evil spirits in the mainland was caused by flows from all directions, rather than a sudden increase in concentration."

Emperor Zun's eyes moved slightly, no longer gathering?

Regarding evil spirits, major religions still have some understanding. Evil spirits are actually aggregates of evil nature. When they reach a certain concentration, they will form something similar to life and become independent individuals.

Therefore, the true purpose of the gathering of evil natures is to give birth to evil spirits.

Now, no longer gathering, what does that mean?

Not to mention the size of prehistoric times, even the size of heaven, if all spread out, even if the concentration is enough to increase several times, or even dozens of times, the amount will not be too high when spread out evenly.

From an intuitive point of view, this is like a drop of ink with the concentration of evil to form an evil spirit, but it is dropped into a pond, and it is basically impossible to produce new evil spirits.

Why did you make such a sudden move?

Is it because of that?

I couldn't help but think of the huge gray cover I saw outside Sanqingtian not long ago, and the nine huge evil pillars that connected and maintained the existence of the cover.

Is it because all the attention is focused there? So there is no time to manage the evil nature?

No, that's not right!

The gathering of evil spirits is not so much controlled as it is a behavior similar to instinct. Even if the evil spirits concentrate on dealing with the ancient saints, there is no need to do more and just let the evil spirits go.

But in fact, the other party chose to change the evil spirit's situation.

Of course, it is indeed a big headache for the mythological world to become like this, but the evil spirits also have to face a problem, that is, the recruitment of soldiers.

Once the evil nature completely spreads and covers the entire prehistoric era, it will be very difficult to gather them together.

After all, the lower the concentration of the evil nature itself, the lower its activity capacity.

Similar to places with low concentration in the mythical world, the evil here is actually almost in a static state.

This is also why monks only develop problems after many years, because the constant increase crosses the zero point and makes it active.

Now, if the other party voluntarily gives up the means of quickly replenishing its troops, there are only two conceivable possibilities.

Either the number of soldiers has been accumulated enough, so there is no need to continue.

Either it is for some greater purpose, even if the soldiers are regenerated, it doesn't matter.

Undoubtedly, regardless of the above situation, it is not good news for the mythological world.

Moreover, considering that the other party has accumulated so many years of experience, the two clans have just decided to call a truce. In fact, it has not been completely finalized. Judging from this, the evil spirits immediately took action.

It is very possible that both of the above possibilities are possible, which is even greater.

Thinking of this, Emperor Zun's expression was a little solemn, which was not good news. It meant that the evil spirits were actually ready to face the mythical world and the alien counterattack at the same time.

This means that their speculations during this period are correct, and the opponent's strength has grown to an astonishing level.

However, no matter what, the first thing to do at this moment is to find a way to block the influx of evil spirits and preserve the basic foundation of the mythical world.

Thinking of this, Emperor Zun looked at Li Su.

Regarding evil nature, to be honest, the great religions have never been able to do anything about this kind of scattered negative energy.

Although after reaching the Great Luo Realm, targeted expulsions can be carried out, but that method is too inefficient, and most importantly, it cannot be applied on a wide range.

And as a type of energy, formations are difficult to isolate.

This was true in the past, but it is different now. Li Su brought back a treasure, and it was also an innate treasure.

When I used the Nine-Bend Yellow River Formation before, I felt that the treasure could isolate, expel, and even strangle evil spirits.

"Su'er, I'm afraid I have to ask you for help next time."

"Senior Emperor, please tell me!" Li Su did not hesitate. Regarding the current situation, he was naturally very anxious. If nothing else, the people of the Xia Kingdom were all here now.

Although the vast majority are still staying in the Immortal Prison, there are still millions of people staying outside.

Their current situation can be said to be no different from other people in the mythical world.

After all, although they have their own cells, they are more for camouflage and changing the breath of the soul. Although they also have a certain effect of good and evil, that is not the original purpose and there are not many functions. It's hard to say how long it can last at this current concentration, which is several times the previous level.

Not only that, even if the evil nature barely blocks it, there is still the disease.

Although I couldn't see what happened with my own eyes, it was obviously not just evil. Otherwise, it would have been impossible not to mention it in the topic of the epidemic that the God just mentioned.

Regardless of the problem of evil nature or the problem of epidemics, it is obvious that it is only the beginning. Will it get worse? No one can be sure.

It won't be okay, what if it happens?

Therefore, Li Su was also anxious.

"I'll lend you the treasure!" Emperor Zun was very direct.

"Okay, which treasure do you want to use, senior?" Li Su nodded without any hesitation.

Emperor Zun said: "It's the Tai Chi diagram you brought out before. When you set up the Nine-Meander Yellow River Formation, as the eye of the formation, it actually gave the formation the power to isolate evil nature."

Li Su's eyes lit up. By the way, the treasure's resistance to evil is not comparable to that of monks.

"Let me ask first!"

Without any hesitation, he contacted Tai Chi Tu directly.

"Uncle Tai Chi Master, the evil nature in the mythical world is constantly increasing, and ordinary formations cannot isolate it. I want to use you as the eye of the formation to isolate the evil nature flowing in from the outside world. Is it possible?"


There was a hint of joy on Li Su's face, and then she couldn't help but said: "Uncle Tai Chi Master, will this consume a lot of money on you? Will it delay your recovery of your true nature?"

"It's okay, as long as someone is in charge of the formation and provides energy, I will only be responsible for the transformation, and it will not consume power, nor will it delay the restoration of the original origin."

"I understand, then I'll trouble you, Uncle Master!"

Taking a breath, Li Su opened his eyes and planned to restore the emperor's status and lend him the Tai Chi diagram.

However, at this moment, Tai Chi Tu continued to speak: "Little guy, don't worry, although I'm sure it's okay. But, I don't recommend you do this."


Li Su was stunned, his eyes couldn't help but shrink slightly, and he asked in confusion: "Uncle Master, what does this mean?"

"Little guy, I know your worries, and I also know that the current situation in the mythological world is urgent. But if you want to solve a problem, you must first solve not the problem, but the cause of the problem."

"Evil spirits, no matter how smart they are, are very, very accustomed to carrying out destruction and creating chaos."

"Even the Heavenly Court couldn't withstand it!"

Wait, heaven?

Which heaven?

Ancient heaven?

hiss? ? ?

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